Preserved Sheet Zie'luium Lu'skai - The Paramour

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Divine of the Sword
Apr 15, 2017
Reaction score
North America


"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."


Theme | Visual

⇢ Full Name| Zie'luium Ninghci Lu'ksai | /zī-loo-em lū-ksī/
⇢ Age | 25
⇢ Height | 5'6 (167.64cm)
⇢ Gender | Female
⇢ Race | Sihai - {War Dynasty}
✃ Sexuality | Prefer not to say

Preferred Weapon | Eastern Blades (Katana)
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Proficiency Points: (5+25 = 30)

➵ 10 Athletic Training (from points)

➵ 10 Eastern Martial Combat Skill (from points)

➵ 4 Soul Dragon Ritualism Skill (from points)

➵ 2 Stealth Rogue Skill (from points)

➵ 4 Elemental Branding - Sorcery Spell (from points)

➵ 3 Culinary Arts (hobby points)

➵ 3 Thread Arts (hobby points)

➵ 4
Literary Arts (hobby points)


"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

Physical Stat: (5+10+5 = 20)

✓ Body Shape | Ripped
✓ Body Fat | Extremely Low
✓ ᕦ[ ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵ ]ᕤ
➵ Wa'an (native language - 10/10)

➵ Sofaal (learned during period of captivity - 6/10)

➵ Common (learned during her schooling - 10/10)

"The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words truth."



Eye Color | Brown

Hair Color | Black

Hair Style | She wears her hair down, or in a high, neat ponytail

Skin Color | Pale, yellow/pink

Clothing | She enjoys wearing traditional Eastern clothing, that which is not particularly revealing but is elegant and containing many different floral patterns and colors.


Alignment | True Neutral

Personality Type | Logician

Religion | Loong Dragon Faith (10/10) ^.=.^

"To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go."


  • Zie'luium, or Ningchi as she was called, was born on December 1st, in 283 AC, to Jae'an and Ksai'te Lu'ksai. Her mother soon-after died, and Jae'an, along with his second wife, Rae-hai, never remarried a third into their polyamorous marriage. Her father, Jae'an Lu'ksai, came from a family of humble origins, one that owned a bar and supported his aging parents, Jae'en and Kai-si Lu'ksai. Jae'an, his parents, and his two sisters remained in Dexai while his younger brother, Ku-Liang (@Surrealizm), left home at age seventeen to journey alongside a traveling sorcerer. Where his brother took up sorcery and medicine, Jae'an followed in his father's footsteps and pursued the sword. In turn, Jae'an made sure that his daughter, Ningchi, was also well-versed in the art of sword-fighting.
  • Growing up, Ningchi was a violent and bold child, one who did not readily respect her elders or adhere to the wisdom of her parents. She liked to play rough with other children, and she neglected her duties to her family. However, she was very close with her grandmother, Rae-hai. The old woman had a calming effect on the bratty girl, and could get her to sit and listen to her stories while she would sew, or cook.
  • When Ningchi turned ten, she began to take on jobs to earn an extra bit of coin so that she could buy colorful threads to fuel her grandmother's sewing hobby. She worked for her family's bar when she could, balancing her school studies with her weapon-training alongside that. She ran messages for the local post, she worked in her community's gardens, and she washed dishes in the homes of wealthy Patrons to her grandparents' bar, which had now been standing for almost 200 years.
  • It was when she was twelve that Ningchi met Te'ifeha. After that day, that fateful encounter in the garden, Ningchi and Te'ifeha became closer than the moon and the sky.
  • When Ningchi turned fifteen, her non-biological mother began to push her into finding a suitable man to marry. She disapproved of Te'ifeha, who was neither noble nor particularly wealthy, but Ningchi refused to court any man her mother suggested. In this time of her life, Ningchi became aware of her feelings for Te'ifeha, but she realized that she would likely never be able to profess nor act upon her love for him... and it was devastating to her. And the stress kept piling up. Her grandmother was growing frail, her father clearly expected her to take over the family's manor and affairs (being the oldest of her cousins and the head patriarch being childless), and her love for Te'ifeha would certainly not bring honor to her family.
  • In the middle of the night she went to Te'ifeha, and she confessed her feelings. Te'ifeha promised her that they would run away together if she'd meet him at the top of a certain nearby mountaintop at dawn. She rushed home, packed her most valuable belongings, and she climbed hand-over-foot to the peak of the northern peak, waiting for her love to arrive. The sun rose. Te'ifeha had not shown. Believing that something terrible must have happened to him, Ningchi began to descend the mountain.
  • Traces of blood. A torn garment. Ningchi followed the trail of broken twigs and footprints along the rocky mountainside, her apprehension and fear growing with every step. She followed the trail farther than she had ever ventured beyond the city walls.
  • Ningchi continued to search for Te'ifeha for the next eight years. She trained in the perilous snow-lands of the frosty North, trekked the jungles to visit the ancient temples of Sendrass, learned Elemental Sorcery aboard a shipping vessel bound to Oldt Era and drank the mysterious wines of Hadaria. She was captured and sold into slavery in the deserts of Farah'deen, and upon escaping she journeyed to the rolling hills of Essalonia, and then on until she met the horse-riding Avanthar in Daen.
  • Currently, she is in Corontium, where her quest has led her to the Regalian Archipelago.
Edward Marks (Lewarmonger) - deceased
⊚⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⦿⦿⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⦿⦿⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Lage Frisavlom (Crineas)
⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ | Platonic Relationship
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Alister Waterlow (Fireright)
⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Fynn Krause (Skjot)
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Deldrax Dri'alatran (FilicalIdeals)
| Sexual Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Karp Kippings (Chapstxcks)
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⦿⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

Arel Erxina (Euonym)
⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Sexual Attraction
⦿⦿⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Romantic Attraction
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⊚ | Platonic Relationship
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Hatred
⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚⊚ | Fear

- Zie'luium works part time at the Gilded Orchid as a waitress. (11/18/19 - current)
- She has fought many a foe, proving she can hold her own
- She has made many friends and allies while in the city!
- She was reunited with Te'ifeha but both found that neither had the same connection as when they were children, so, Te'ifeha departed back to Dexai, leaving Zie behind.
- Defeated Wilfin Elfin, a man who had sought to kill her after Zie killed his daughter in a knife fight. (12/13/19)
- Had a threesome. Is that a notable achievement?
- Is in a committed relationship now (1/15/20 - current)
- Cut a man's arm off while drunk swordfighting.(1/05/20)
-Returned to Dexai (2/27/20)
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I'm glad to see another Sihai, she seems to have a nice aesthetic about her character as a whole. Please make all edits in Dark Blue and we'll have this approved in no time! @Aphellon
  • You've listed her proficiency points as 29, (24+5), however, you've also listed her age as 23, meaning you've got 1 extra point for your age. Please change this!
  • Lifestory: List a reason as to why she would be in Regalia now or mention the series of events that led to her being here at least.
Once you've completed those edits, please tag me!
@Lord_Immportal ,

Thank you for your feedback. I removed the accidental additional point and I took it out of Perception Skill.
I modified the last sentence of her backstory, but I'm hoping to keep it kind of vague, since I hadn't made up my mind what stole away her lover, and what sort of trail she is following. I hope that this is all right.

Ahh, I recognize you are probably busy with all of the proficiency updates and all the sheets to re-approve- but I updated Zie's sheet to fit the new weapon stat calculations, I added hobby points, and I condensed her backstory. I hope everything looks ship shape!
I absolutely love the aesthetic of this character. All of your points calculate correctly and the backstory looks good, it's re-approved! @Aphellon