Preserved Sheet Ziciele Themelhe

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Character Information
Full Name: Ziciel'emehen sel a temele'hetel
Shortened Name: Ziciele Themelhe (Zih-sseel Thehm-elhee)​

Race: Solvaan Altalar
Affliction: Cardinal Manathar​

Age: 43​

Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual​

Eye Color: Golden with black eye-whites​

Core Concept
Ziciele follows the Cult of Evolution along with the Manathar philosophy. While, before the teachings of the Manathar, she was a heavy Odella worshiper, she simply has a profound respect for Odella now.​

A surprisingly kind natured Cardinal Manathar who specializes in ritualistic magics and alchemy.​

Proficiency Information
50/50 Skill Points | 10/10 Hobby Points

4 Caster Ranged Combat Skill (4 Skill Points)​

6 Alchemy (6 Skill Points)​

12 Sorcery (+12 Skill Points)​

9 Arcanology (+9 Skill Points)​

10 Medical Training (+5 Skill Points +5 Race boost)​

9 Linguistics (+9 Skill Points)​

3 Instrument Art (+3 Hobby Points)​

2 Vocal Art (+2 Skill Points)​

5 Dancing Art (+5 Hobby Points)​

5 Husbandry Art (+2 Hobby Points +3 Skill Points)​

Ability Information
Cardinal Manathar (12 Abilities)​

Caster Ranged Combat (1 Ability)​

Alchemy (2 Abilities)
Common Alchemy
Healing Alchemy​

Sorcery ( 4 Abilities)
Vile Vine 1
Restoration 1
Exorcism 1
Exorcism 2​

Arcanology (3 Abilities)
Volacorum Knowledge
Purging Knowledge
Curing Knowledge​

Medical Training (2 Abilities)
Light Mend 1 (Mundane)
Light Mend 2 (Mundane)​

Common (Free)

Altalar (Parents)

Allorn (Linguistics)

Suvial (Linguistics)

Ancient Altalar (Pack)

Katharic (Linguistics)​

Appearance Information
Ziciele has thin curved horns that arch over her ears, as well as a thin scaled tail due to being a manathar. Further, her eyes are golden with black sclera. In her black hair are two similarly colored snakes that often curl and slither along freely around her. She has applied some mutations to herself, changing the color of her arms to be that of her natural skin tone where being a manathar would cause her to have blackened skin. Her pupils are slitted like a snake and her nails are longer and more claw-like.​

Ziciele is shorter than most Altalar at a meager 5'8 with a curvaceous body shape. Her skin is pale. Her hair is pitch black and wavy. Her hair is styled long and is draped over her shoulders to her front, rather than hanging at her back.​

Life Story
Born in Ravannas to the far west of the Regalian Archipelago. Grew up in a melting pot of Kathar and Altalar within the province.​

Spent much of her early life being taught alchemy and medicine by her mother while her father taught her sorcery. In her free time she learned to play some instruments and to sing.​

As a young adult, Ziciele practiced medicine and tried to expand her knowledge and strength, as per the teachings of The Cult of Evolution. Later in life, she began to hear word of the Manathar, leading to her eventually enacting a ritual to Pride that would turn her into a Cardinal Manathar.​

With continued study of the extremely limited information on the Manathar, Ziciele found herself drawn to Regalia, where Manathar were first seen, to discover more about them and what she was. She traveled to the very forign city of tall buildings and busy streets, all so new to her.​

Progression Information
Support Level 2
Sorcerer Level 1​