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Played Character Ziazan (shelved)

This character is actively played.


May 28, 2023
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Ziazan

  • Race / Culture: Kathar (Divine Cult Kathar)

  • Age: (Minimum 17) 125

  • Gender / Pronouns: She/ Her

  • Occult: Void magic. Vampire: Dymola (Greater)
Core Concept

A Insane Kathar Vampire looking to cause as much chaos and fires as she can

Appearance Information

Ziazan has the gray skin of a Kathar as well as black horns adorning her head. Her hands made into claws with red lines on the black. Now she is 5 '5 tall, her hair black with red highlights. A tail follows her along.this tail being long and snake like as it slithers on the ground behind her


  • Strength:

  • Constitution:

  • Wisdom: 4
    • Enchant Bolt
    • Enchant Defense
    • Enchant Oceana
    • Enchant Revenge
  • Magic: 3
    • Sinistral Puppet

    • Sinistral Leap

    • Sinistral Rage
  • Dexterity 6
  • Cutthroat Timer
  • Cutthroat Flank
    • Cutthroat Backstab
    • Cutthroat target
    • Cutthroat Reversal
    • Dirty Fighter
  • Faith:1
    • Hex Choice


Life Story / Plot Hooks
Zizan is a Kathar Vampire. Her main goal is to create chaos as much as she can. Usually at the cost of herself and Allies. With a tendency to jump giddy into fights, laughing as she does so. Usually making half baked insults or threats. She does this with little regard for her safety knowing she will return shortly. She can be described as childish. And will often gain obsessions with individuals. Either focusing her torment on them or following them around to create chaos with them. When she gets bored she will do one of three things.. Start playing with anything on fire near her,sometimes even turning it into a ball and chucking it at the nearest person. going off to start one. Or going to jump into a battle. One way she likes to create chaos is by creating thralled spirits or Demons from her fallen foe, sending them off to create even more chaos. She also has a habit of collecting void demons using them as forms of entertainment. Or just chatting with them in front of others to confuse them and make them think she is insane. (which she is.) She follows Evolism. She doesn't see herself as a worshiper. Since none of the known gods do not represent Chaos. But she does follow (Rasaal ,Gahan ,Onu , and Xor) the only god she worships is Rasaal. As they are the mother of afflicted people. Often performing rituals to gain power.

Gods she worships

  • Xor: Represents Evolution through Transformation, becoming a stronger, smarter, and faster being by becoming something else.

  • Onu: Represents Evolution through Magic, becoming more powerful, and using Magic as a means to an end to project power onto others.

  • Gahan: Represents Evolution through Spirit control, by having a personal army of Spirits to do one's bidding and project power and control.

  • Rasaal: Represents Evolution through Afflictions, a ready-made Evolution package, but to also seek acceptance or toleration from society.
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