Preserved Sheet Zhou Tang

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The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Zhou Tang
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ch'ien-ji
  • Main Ambition: Proving Himself; he has always been weaker and shorter than everyone else around him, thus thought less of. He wants to prove himself as an excellent musician as well as a skilled fighter.
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Currently, this is being expanded through roleplay, Zhou Tang is both the Gleemaster (unofficial lore) and a guard in House D'Ortonnaise's military.
  • Zhou was an only child, sent to Regalia at the age of twelve to go to schooling. His parents rich merchants who made sure he had a home to live in, and coin to use.
Skill Information
· School of Music, Rank Learned in Instrumental Music. Expanded on his talent to make the gleeman "story music." But otherwise be of Learned rank. Rank Student in Vocal Music, baritone

· School of Turall, rank Fighter. Duel wields Regalian Swords or Scimitars often. Occasional daggers if offduty.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Golden
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Almost sports cut, slightly longer in the back however.
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Chi silk robes with intricate /weird/ patterns
  • Height: 5 foot 7
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Regalian Sword (duel wielding)
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Has two large scars on the left side of his face, given to him by a feral vampire, one just an inch under his left eye going down to the left way far side of his chin, and one going from an inch from his left eye all the way across the left side of his head just going under his ear and stopping. Always grinning, unless he is really fricking mad.
  • Not much body description, typical Chi man.
  • Always carried his two Regalian swords (guard so he can) and his silver flute. He carries a Starry Glass Loong Dragon with him. His favorite silk colors would be golden, purple, and green. Occasional lapiz blue and red.
  • Can speak Tatsugo, and Common.
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Zhou is thought to be Cheery, always with a smile. Off duty, he is never not grinning, and always plays his flute. But on duty, people know him to be thoughtful, stubborn and impatient. He only brings the latter of the three up when he is stressed, however. He has gotten in trouble with the chain of command by rushing into things with his impatience.
  • Second Paragraph: Zhou tries to act confident and cheery, but he often doubts himself. He has spent many years trying to perfect his talents, but there is "always a critique." He believes he has the ability for greatness, but every time someone tells him otherwise, he takes the blow to heart. He does not let this stop him, however.
  • Third Paragraph: To lovers, his is a gentleman and a flirter. He definitely does not hide his emotions. To those he trusts closely, he brings everything good out from inside of him. These few people are those that he trusts to talk to about his past, and his rage. Around those he counts as his family, he usually lets go of his emotions, and commonly cries.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Zhou is of morality quite good. He always tries to think things through, and will fight for those he thinks are on the right end of an argument, no matter what his allegiance to the one on the wrong side would be. He has betrayed a friend to the Violet Guard once because of this morality.
  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Shortly, he is very strong in his religion of The Loong Dragons. He is often heard saying "May the stars watch us." He wishes the commoners were treated better, but respects the stations in "the system."
Musician: Scholar Rank in Instrumental music from the School of Music. From personal training for many years afterwards, he has become one of the best Scholar Ranked Musicians, but compared to an Expert, he is outclassed by a mile. He excels on the flute, and is half decent with the drum, guitar, and fairly well on the piano.

Quick: He is faster than the average Chi due to his body balance ending with him having longer legs. This allows him to outrun the average Chi, and some slow Ailor and Vielhiemers. Whenever he was bullied in school, instead of fighting, he would run, honing his "runny away" skill until he became a nuisance to chase.

Turall. Studied in the school of Turall for four years. Became a half decent swordsman, thus giving him an edge over the average drunk in a bout. His weapons of choice would be Regalian swords or scimitars, using purely swords and daggers mostly.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
Trusting: If you become his friend, he will follow you to the ends of the world. He also won't know if you betray him, making that not so good for politics, his main weakness there. Trust is something he might give out to willingly.

Weak; he is weaker than the average person. In an arm wrestling competition, he would lose in the first round. He wouldn't be able to win in a strength contest in any regards.

Loves to play his flute. Its a talent he learned as a child, and he loves to look at others faces light up as they hear his tunes.

Likes to do economic "stuffs." being a Chi, he loves mathematical "stuffs" and thus is a good treasurer, and loves to do it.

Likes to teach his music to others, hoping that the talents of the Gleemen will be widespread like they once were.
Lack of Motion; He wants to always move and be active, standing around guarding during an assembly for three hours, for instance, is not his thing.

Haters; Those whom only try to pull others down, he just absolutely dislikes. Especially when someone be pushing other's cultures and pasts to shame

Abstract Thinking; Being a Chi, things like abstract thinking come hard to him, and thus he has almost shunned the thought of doing it.

Life Story (Required)
3-4 paragraphs, 800-900 words

The first ten years of his life were filled with fun. His parents gave him almost anything he wanted, and he lived happily with them on the Yang-Tzu isles. His family were traders, and occasionally went to Regalia to trade valuable silks with the nobles of Regalia for gold and technology. One day, however, his parents wouldn't let him re-board the junkboat, (referring to Chineese Junkboats). They told him he was to stay here at school. They signed him up for the School of Music, and he spent nine years there learning instrumental music, mastering the flute, doing four years in flute, a year in guitar, three years in piano and a year in drums. After those nine years, he spent another four, due to personal want, at the school of Turall, learning to fight. All of his fellow students at both schools looked down upon him, because he is a Chi, shorter and weaker than all of them. He took the blows and insults, however, and continued on. At the last year of his learning in Turall, however, he was practicing his flute, and his close friend, Eragon Zalzar, told him the music is beautiful, and almost sounds like a story. Zhou decided that day he wanted to turn music into a story, and become a bard. He created a small bard guild known as The Order of Glee.

After leaving the School of Turall, he traveled around Regalia. He decided to make the Order of Glee's main base on this island. He traveled around the Empire with Eragon Zalzar. Soon, they were ambushed by three Ailor ruffians, and Zhou was forced to use his duel-wielding skills, killing his first man at twenty three. He and Eragon were split up in Regalia, but he wasn't alone, he met Nick within a week, and they became close friends, Zhou only being three years older than Nick. Zhou apprenticed Nick into becoming a gleeman, and Nick learned quickly. Sadly, Nick died at the age of twenty, by Eske Ulfmaerr, burned alive with alcohol and a match.

Within a week after losing his apprentice, he was drafted into the care of Audrey and Alexander Ortonnaise, and became both their guard and official gleeman. He spends his time there now, working secretly as their Chart Martel, and openly as their guard and gleeman. After roughly a month in their service, he went into the slums, following a "cultist." target, when he was jumped by a feral vampire (@TheDongler , dont tell anybody!!! xD) and gained two scars on his face, a scar on his left arm, and a bite scar, almost like it was from a dog, on his left shoulder. He gets in trouble constantly with vampires for some stupid reason. Now we are at the present, where he tries to apprentice more gleemen, and protect House D'Ortonnaise with utmost Loyalty.
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Peer Review.
  • With my information over the lore/rules; I do not believe that you are allowed to have your own character to have relationships with your other characters, it's to stop metagaming.
  • Put all expansions in spoilers.
  • Your Personality and Abilities paragraphs are somewhat short, I suggest adding two sentences to each of them.
  • Add one more sentence to each of your talents. Add turall as a talent too.
  • Stubborn: If he thinks something needs to get done, he will do it to the ends of the world needed. He will not stop working until it is finished, which often gets him in trouble, he does more than he needs, going further into a plot than he needs too, ect. (Same as determined but different version)
    Not a weakness at all in the way you have it worded. This is called being determined, not stubborn.
  • Easily Discouraged; if someone or a group of people begin to call him stupid, or worthless, he will believe them. (Expansion of Trusting) He will easily believe that others say of him to be true, and will easily be discouraged from doing what he loves if others critique him for doing it.
    How would this work if he's a musician? A lot of musicians are very passionate about what they make, and him easily being discouraged will not make him be able to become a turall fighter and a musician
  • Short: Being a Chi, he is shorter than the average Ailor or Veilhiemer. This makes him under estimated, and in a fight, it puts him in a huge dis advantage
    I wouldn't exactly consider short a weakness, there are plenty of ups about being short and I don't believe something natural for a chi'en-ji a weakness.
  • Weak; he is weaker than the average person. In an arm wrestling competition, he would lose in the first round. He wouldn't be able to win in a strength contest in any regards.
    Tone him down to average if he is weak.
  • I don't believe you can create your own order without having permission to do so, remove anything with "Glee/Master" as it isn't lore-compliant
  • How did he leave the school? He isn't an ailor so you must say he stopped paying for his private tutor.
Make the following edits and I might drop down another peer review!
Peer Review.
  • I don't believe you can create your own order without having permission to do so, remove anything with "Glee/Master" as it isn't lore-compliant
I was told by staff that I am not allowed to have specific talents due to the bard order, but I am allowed to create it. I am not allowed to give out musical ranks nor gain musical ranks from having a musical order unless it is officiated in the assembly. But I can have one. Everything Else I am editing/ Edited, thanks!
With my information over the lore/rules; I do not believe that you are allowed to have your own character to have relationships with your other characters, it's to stop metagaming.
Avoid this. I've been told you're able to have your character to have relationships with your other characters.
Avoid this. I've been told you're able to have your character to have relationships with your other characters.
Will do. Although one "relationship" was made like 4 years ago and they havent seen each other since, and the other guy is dead soo xD
I'll be claiming this sheet for Staff Review!
Although I will be ultimately rejecting this application and asking you to start again, I will ask you to change a handful of things for the next time you post this.

- Put any optional content in spoilers.
- Remove any mention of 'unofficial' lore. (Gleeman, Gleemaster)
- Re-read the School of Turall wiki page, you should see that it mentions the school if Ailor only so he could have never attended the college, although he could have hired a tutor. It also mentions that students of School of Turall combat only use arming swords and daggers. Finally, regarding the School of Turall, it is very physically intensive so ideally you should be looking at Athletic/Ripped body builds, which are unattainable for Ch'ien-ji.
- I don't know what you mean by 'Starry Glass Loong Dragon', and I'm not particularly sure why somebody would carry that with them.
- Take talents out of spoilers.
- The way you've phrased 'Quick' makes it seem like Zhou can always outrun Ch'i, Ailor and Ailor Velheimer. Remove this.
- Do not make references to the real world, like Chinese junks, in your life story.

I look forward to seeing your updated app in the future.