Shelved Character Zezir Vuzon

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
«❅» Full Name | Zezir Vuzon
«❅» Chosen Name | Julien
«❅» Race | Slizzar | Espionage | Sanguinsm
«❅» Age | 666
«❅» Gender | Slizzar
«❅» Sexuality | Heterosexual
«❅» Eye Color | Currently Green but normally Crimson

«❅» Char Concept | Julien is The Magician. Julien is The Aggravator. Julien is the epitome of anger, annoyance, and general hate that dwells within a person. He believes in completely manipulating others, angering them to the absolute point, toying with the lives of many and mimicking them in mockery. While he is a vampire, he is still the person you don't want as a friend. Gods? He will spit upon their dedications all to anger them and their followers just because he can. Leaders? Generals? Commanders? He will laugh in their face as he masks himself with their presence all to cause disorder and chaos. Magical Genius's? Champions? Respected Heroes? All of them are there for his simple joy of toying with, tormenting with and infuriating the lives of others to ensure no one knows whose face is who. A world where your closest friend, family or comrade can turn on and attack you, having not an ounce of trust in each other is what he strives to create. Tricks, magic, mind games and he is a sneaky slizzar for the cherry on top.


«❅» Strength Point Buy (2)
Pinning Throw
Steady Body

«❅» Dexterity Point Buy (5)
Dagger Expert
Dirty Fighter
Escape Artist

«❅» Magic Point Buy (7)

Leap Denial
Illusionised Self
Spirit Rush

«❅» Cursed Point Buy (4)
Building Scale
Swimming Expert
Power Hex
Power Struggle


« Zoram | (Racial Language) »
« Common | (Taught by Parents) »


«❅» Appearance | Zezir at the moment appears like a very young ailor with red hair, green eyes, a top hat and an overall clowny outfit. He stands at 6 foot and has quite the acrobatic build and has a set of fangs.


Life Story

«❅» Birth - Childhood | Most of Zezir's time spent growing up in his early years revolved around mischievous tricks and deeds taught to him by his very uncle. He was an adept at a young age when it came to two things, the first was his acrobatic skill, and the second was his magical influence.

«❅» Childhood - Adolescence | Zezir grew into quite the assassin as time went on. But more notably he became rather aggravating to deal with even for his family. Zezir having the personality and mindset he has didn't appear at all to be affected by how negative people were treating him and decided to use this towards his own advantage at causing chaos. He developed a stronger connection with magic and proceeded to extend his proficiency with the dagger along with his assassination skills.

«❅» Adolescence - Adulthood | As time passed, Zezir found himself being hated by nearly every person that wandered by him. He was extremely rebellious, always went on a whim to simply entertain himself as he messes with the lives of others and angers an absurd amount of people all for seeing them hate and release their anger out towards him. He enjoyed the negativity that was expressed to him, almost enough to call him rather psychotic.

«❅» Adulthood - The Regalian Times | Zezir decided it was time to travel and spread more of this chaotic influence of simply harassing others and being a nuisance down towards Regalia. He took on the name of Julien and his appearance, though it was temporary he found it delightful to mimic others and mess around with the people of Regalia, no matter how much they attacked him or how angry they were.
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Heks Wisdom Pack
Being a Sihai from the Beiyan Kingdom, I find it strange that they would be knowledgable in the Anglian witches, especially with the backstory in context. Maybe they got involved with them when they travelled to the archipelago or something, but as it stands this doesn't feel feasible.

Unsure what you mean by "Heks" here.

«❅» Birth - Childhood | Born in the Beiyan kingdom of the Sheng Empire, Ren were born under a Primal mage couple. He was exposed to the primal energy as the first born being marked by his very parents as the successor to the dragonkin. Heks were placed all around him for he would grow into their society as another primal mage.
I feel like it might work better for the vibe you're going for if the character's parents were Archon in hiding, passing this tradition down to their children.

Consider the above points, tag me and we'll go from there.