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Played Character Zelvienne Fellea V. Drennore

This character is actively played.
Jul 2, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Zelvienne Fellea V. Drennore

  • Heritage / Culture: Half Kathar

  • Age: 300

  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her

  • Religion: Malefica Pagan Cults

  • Occult: Arkenborn

  • Character Occupation: Writer

Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Dark Red

  • Skin Color: Vanilla

  • Hair: Black Layered Wavy Hair

  • Height: 165 cm

  • Body Type: Hourglass

  • Additional Features:
  1. Decolored arms and legs with the ability for things to decay when touched.

  2. Horns and Tail become a black fiery flame when angered
  • Clothing: A long dark dress made of her own shadow magic

  • Accessories: A hair jewelry that's made of flowers from their home world and given by her older sister on her birthday
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents:
  1. Writing dark/normal fantasy stories

  2. Napping on the grass every spring

  3. Magical Talent
  • Mechanics:
Kathar 3: Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.

Kathar 5: Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.

  • Languages: Common and d'Ithanie


"Zelvienne Fellea V. Drennore, the female twin of Zaelnil Farenvile V. Drennore. The twins were very close ever since they were born but one day Zel's twin went missing during the war between two kingdoms. After the war, Zel searched for Zaenil but never found him so she just gave up and hoped that her twin would come back home someday. 5 years have past and Zel has forgotten about the incident, the sisters gathered at the throne room where their parents are seated and they have to decide on who to train with, Alcrel, the oldest of the sisters and Mei, the youngest, picked to train with their father and Lilith, the second oldest chose to train with their mother. Zel told both of them that she would train shadow magic all on her own and the father was shocked because shadow magic is the hardest type of magic to learn but believed in Zel that she can master it and agreed with her decision and so the sisters started their training. Day after day, Zel tried to master it but to no avail, she then heard a voice in her head..."Your method is wrong you know?". Zel was surprised and asked "What do you mean? Who are you?", the voice replied "Who I am is not important but, i can help you master and become one with the shadow, that is if you want me to". Zel thinks for awhile and asks the voice, "Is there anything you need in return?" to which the voice replied "no, nothing in particular", Zel agrees with the voice and it suddenly comes out of hiding revealing its shadow appearance which looks like Zel but as a shadow, the two of them trained for months until she mastered it.

One day, the shadow told Zel "Now that I have taught you everything about shadow magic, why don't we have a duel? If you win, I will bid farewell and let you do your own thing but...if I win, I will live inside that body and control you forever~". Zel, confident of her strength accepted the duel and the shadow smiled sinisterly. On the day of the duel which took place in a forest where spirits lived Zel and the shadow stared at each other silently waiting for the other to attack, Zel summoned a scythe and charged towards the shadow but it disappeared avoiding the attack. It then reappeared behind her about to land a finish attack but Zel noticed and dodged it, the duel lasted for an hour and Zel was running out of mana because shadow magic requires a lot of it. The shadow asked Zel "Oh? What's wrong? Are you getting low on mana? Well, that's too bad I suppose I will just..TAKE OVER YOUR BODY!" The shadow rushed inside Zel's body before she could even react. Zel felt immense pain in her entire body and passed out. When Zel woke up she was in her room and her sisters were sitting next to her asking if she's okay. Zel reassured her sisters and told them that she needed to be alone for awhile, when her sisters left the room she stood up and walked towards the mirror and asked the shadow to show herself. A black figure appeared on the side of her body and asked "Well? What do you think of your new self? Pretty cool don't you think?"

Zel yelled at the shadow to leave her body and the shadow just laughed mockingly saying "It was part of the duel, Zel. I already knew you would lose so I just did what the winner would do". She once again yelled at the shadow saying it's a monster, the shadow laughed again and told Zel that "she" is the monster because of what she looks like right now. Zel looks at herself through the mirror before breaking it to pieces not wanting to see the shadow that now lives inside her. She has no choice but to accept it and use its abilities in battle."

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength (3)

Defense Stat: Faith (7)

[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 3
    • [Building Scale]

    • [Force Toss]

    • [Weapon Throw]
  • Constitution: 1
    • [Bulwark]
  • Intelligence: 0

  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 1
    • [Dirty Fighter]
  • Faith: 7
    • [Hex Doom]

    • [Hex Plot]

    • [Hex Madness]

    • [Hex Bloodlet]

    • [Hex Parasite]

    • [Hex Guide]

    • [Hex Apocalypse]
  • Magic: 1
    • [MindControl Pack]

    • [Monster Invocation]
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