Preserved Sheet Zavoc Rashnu, The Halfbreed Thief

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss

"Turn the cheek, ye' blind yer eye. Bend the knee, ye' give away yer life."

Basic Information (Required)

Name: Zavoc Rashnu Al-Majra

: 24 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Mansurya Qadir / Altalar

Main Ambition: Simple, to gain money, riches, and power, either by working for it, stealing it, or selling him self as a sword for hire.

Special Permission: NULL
Skill Information
  • School: Ellon Magic - Archery - Turall

  • Level: Caster - Warrior - Fighter

  • Source: Private Tutor - Private Tutor - Private Tutor

Visual Information

Eye Color:
Emerald Green

Hair Color: Midnight Black

Hair Style: Short and Wavy, the tips of two small horns can be seen protruding from it.

Skin Color: Tanned

Clothing: Clasped leather armor with cloth covered chainmail arm guards

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 157 lbs.

Body Build: Athletic

Weapon of Choice: Ellon Caster: Silver Fox, Rivet Bow, two Maylar

Zavoc has a very angular face with large deep emerald green eyes, both of which stemming from his Altalar mother. He generally keeps his facial hair shaven, preferring a clean cut to the stubble that quickly forms. Zavoc's hair is lazily swept to the side, giving the wavy strands an interesting appearance. If one were to look closely they may see the very tips of two small horns growing from his head, these along with his canine teeth being elongated are some of the few signs of his Pleasure Possession.

Zavoc's body is lithe and agile, but the muscle he dose have in quite toned and fit. Overall his body is comparable to a martial artist's, as in he is light weight but able to fight if he must. On his right arm and shoulder he has Lichtenberg figures he acquired from a torture session with a Songaskia lightning mage, and on his left arm and shoulder, he has 3rd degree burns from a fire mage. Both where as punishments. Along his belt line on the left side is a brand depicting a snake coiling around the sun, his slave brand, he also has several whip scars running all across his back from his time as a slave. Along his right leg he has a large well drawn tattoo of a sea serpet her got while serving on a pirate ship.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

Wrathful: Zavoc is a hot head, plain and simple. It isn't hard to tick the sly rogue off, granted he is abe to keep his cool for a little while if the situation demands it, but as soon as it doesn't he will be at the antagonist's throat ready for blood. This causes him to seem brash and controlled by his emotions and, truthfully, he can become this way.

Untrusting: Developed from growing up in chains and on the streets, Zavoc has serious trust issues, always suspicious of everyone's actions. Zavoc has a hard time believing that not everyone is in it for themselves and that not everyone has a secondary motive for their actions. He can't quite grasp the concept of selflessness or charity. This causes him to act cold and unfriendly towards people, even those he has grown to care about sometimes.

Underhanded: Zavoc is very underhanded, frequently doing things that may seem immoral or dishonorable but nothing will stop him in his pursuit of his desires. He will use any trick he can think of, no matter how low down and dirty, this has gotten him in a lot of trouble though, one time the failure left him with a blast of fire magic to the back.

Determined: Zaovc is a very determined individual, going to any length to achieve his goals. Zavoc is willing to, just like to protect those he cares for, sacrifice life and limb to get something he wants, whether it be theft or a relationship, he will strive to obtain it. This can be both a boon as much as a problem, leading him to be both courageous and stupid.

Protective: Overprotective is a word commonly used to describe Zavoc, as he will do everything he can to protect the few things he still cares about in. He has sacrificed life and limb to claw his way out of chains and try to find a life of his own, this has caused him to become very defensive over the few things he has.

Intelligent: Zavoc is quite intelligent for an enslaved orphan, though he developed this when he grew up on the streets. Zavoc is able to figure out puzzles quickly and has little problem grasping complex ideas, though this can cause problems as he is willing to do alot to gain more knowledge. He uses this to his advantage in many occasions, using clever word play and charm to get things he needs.

Charismatic: Zavoc has a way with people, its likely what made him such a good thief and con artist. He seems to have a personality that one hates to love but somehow manages to do so, whether it be his seemingly charming demeanor or his sly silver tongues, Zavoc manages to get out of situations with more than he should, though the "more" isn't always good.

Quick footed:
Zavoc is very agile, due to his lithe build from his lineage. He uses this to his advantage in an case possible, taking pride in his speed and flexibility. His agility has saved him from lethal blows many times and likely will many more.Combined with his agility and lithe build, its no surprise that Zavoc is quite stealthy. He is able to move rather quietly and has a knack for finding odd but suitable places to hide, whether it be a large shadow or a well place barrel.

Silver Tounged: As stated in his Personality traits, Zavoc has a sliver tongue. He can talk his way in and out of many situations, usually getting him out of trouble or closer to his goal. This is likely one of the things that made him a god thief and kept him alive on the streets and chains for so long.

Adaptable: Zavoc is able to adapt quickly and rather well in a short time frame. He is able to change situations, plans, and even his life to overcome or dodge a problem that may occur. This can be a great boon for him as he is able to modify his plans as necessary and adapt to overcome it.


Out look on life: Zavoc has a very grim out look on life, believing that everyone has a selfish ulterior motive for their actions and that the only one people truly care about are them selves, he has believes that the only way to get anything out of life is by bending it to your will and forcing to to do as you want. Due to this outlook, he frequently scoffs and become enraged when he sees something that proves him wrong, whether it be an act of charity or kindness, often times screaming at the person, trying to get them to tell why they are truly doing what they are.

Damaged Ribs:
Along with a multitude of physical harm, Zavoc has broken ribs that never healed properly and cause him immense pain when struck. The damaged ribs are the bottom three on the right side. Along with these he has 3rd degree burns along his left upper arm and shoulder blade and Lichtenberg figures on his right arm, a gift from an angry lightning mage.

Hot Headed: As stated in his Personality traits, Zavoc is very hot headed. He will lash out at people who make him mad, frequently coming out swinging over some of the most petty reasons. This clearly causes him to get into trouble, though he usually welcomes it although it brings him so much pain.


Money: As a thief it should be given that Zavoc likes money and shiny things, yet none that doesn't stop him from loving it. To him, money is power and once you have enough power no one can control or own you. It could be said that he seeks money to prove to himself that he is indeed free again.

Thrills: Another reason why Zavoc loves money and taking things, he is a thrill seeker. To him there is no greater thrill than pulling of a job and getting an old valuable relic of times long past or narrowly escaping capture by the Violets.


Being enslaved by a race is a good reason to hate it, at least that's Zavoc's view point, He hates Songaskia as they where his captors and the reason his family was so violently tore apart, he will almost always savagely lash out at any of the whited haired Qadir he sees.

The word "Heretic": Another thing that has caused much pain and suffering through out his life was this word that seemed to condemn him at every turn. Zavoc believes that all the worlds religions are different depictions of the same gods, though these gods are all long dead and magic is what's left of their mighty powers. So, due to his belief, Zavoc is labeled a heretic by almost all religions.

Life Story (Required)
Born in to slavery, Zavoc's life was never good, constantly a down hill slide. This slide started as soon as he was bored, as his father was cut down for trying to defend his newborn and his lover from the guards who had come to take Zavoc away. It wasn't long after this that his mother was auctioned off and Zavoc was left alone.

For many years the young half breed worked as an entertainer and house hand for his masters, that was until he found a chance to escape when he was 13 years old. This change came in the form of a slave revolt in a fighting pit, all the guards and anyone capable of helping stop the situation were called to help, and no one saw the small Zavoc slip silently out the doors.

For then next five years Zavoc lived on the streets of a town many miles away from his masters. He eventually was taken in by a brothel and was taught the arts of deception and thievery. During his stay he was taught many tricks and became adept in his abilities to steal an take, he even began to learn to fight with blades and even beginning to teach him the basics of Ellon magic. He thought he finally found bliss, until the slave hunters found him...

They came in the night and struck hard and fast, snatching Zavoc with minimal injuries, an unconscious hunter with a broken arm and ribs, and burning the brothel to the ground. Once they returned Zavoc to his masters he was harshly punished by a fire and lightning mage, these punishments persisted for several weeks until Zavoc was condemned to fight in the pits.

The next five years where a fight for survival and Zavoc managed to prevail with his life and knowledge of Turall swordsman ship from a trainer, and even learned more about himself, pushing him to Caster level in Ellon magic. He also escaped with a body of scars, both mental and physical. Zavoc's escape and freedom came, oddly enough, in the from of another futile slave revolt in which Zavoc managed to bring down a few guards along a quite path out of the complex and into the world. This time instead of fleeing to a new town, he fled Farah'Deen entirely, moving to Regalia's under city of the sewers where he seeks to gain power and money.

It was while Zavoc was searching for passage out of Farah'Deen that he signed on with a pirate crew where he spent the next three years raiding and pillaging with his crew. The only major thing that happened during this time was when the ship came under attack by the Regalian Navy. His ship was sunk and Zavoc managed to elude capture with two others of the crew. Once they reached Regalia proper they fled into the sewers where they reside today.
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~ Peer Review Time ~
Disclaimer; No Salt Intended~

Basic Information;
  • One thing I suggest is perhaps explaining more on his main ambition like how does he plan to get rich, would he get rich by stealing? Working? A successful buisness? Etc.
Personality Traits:
  • It would most likely be best if you try to explain more into some of the traits you have and perhaps get them to maybe four sentences to really get to know the character.
  • I reccomend perhaps combining Agile and Stealthy and make it quick on his feet and then add another strength because I see them as sort of the same thing almost.
Overall Review;
Besides those things that I pointed out I believe you have a rather strong character sheet going and I wish you luck in getting it accepted!
I'll be reviewing this sheet.
  1. The only issue I see now (since you made the edits Nesstro recommended) is the Chaotic weakness. Remove and replace this.
Make this change in BLUE and tag me when you're done.
Nosy is not a weakness, it is a personality trait more than anything. Please remove, replace, and tag when done.
I apologize, I had typed a reply but it seems my internet decided to prevent it from posting. Approved.