Preserved Sheet Zarisstra

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May 5, 2018
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Basic Information (Required)
"I don't have much to say. Sorry."
  • Full Name: Zarisstra
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Drowdar
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Religion: Unionist Convert <- Drowda Faith of Estel
Skill Information (Required)
"Oh, I suppose I know a little? Don't expect too much."

Total Points: 26 + 20 Bonus Points - 10 (School of Esa-Ajo):

  • +20 Khoptar (+10 Racial Bonus, +10 School)
  • +10 Aberration Knowledge (+10 Racial Bonus)
  • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 School)
  • +11 Alchemy (+11 Points)
  • +10 Tracking (+10 School)
  • +5 Medicine (+5 Points)

Total Cultural Points: 26 + 0 Bonus Points:

  • +10 Horticulture (+10 Points)
  • +2 Smithing (+2 Points)
  • +4 Brewing (+4 Points)
  • +4 Bodycare (+4 Points)
  • +3 Cuisine Cooking (+3 Points)
  • +3 Pastry Cooking (+3 Points)
Total Languages: 3

  • Common (10/10)
  • Drowdar Dialect (10/10) (Native Tongue)
  • Modern Elven (9/10)
Visual Information (Required)
"Don't… look at me like that."
  • Eye Color: Sea Blue
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Long and Loose
  • Skin Color: Tyrian Purple
  • Clothing: Respectable and Formal
  • Height: 5'8ft
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Khoptar with Alchemical Assistance

Personality and Abilities (Required)
"Calmness and restraint are next to valor and bravery."

From her time spent amongst her brothers and sisters-in-arms in Drowda, especially 'attempting' to assist those in Last Bastion, Zari has developed a negative persona in the eyes of her kin. Instead of trying her best to excel at cut down and dealing with the countless fauna-based threats that threaten her kin's way of life, she instead prefers to occupy her time with menial tasks such as horticulture and alchemy. Many of her closer kin consider her to be too absent-minded and unfocused when it comes to dealing with immediate problems. Besides that, she's considered a well mannered girl who tries her best to make those around her feel comfortable- even if she could instead be comforting friends and family by dispatching beasts around her.

In her own point of view, Zari feels that she's out of touch with the world around her, especially that of her own kin. Instead of being firm and stoic on the inside, she's constantly faking herself on the outside to atleast try and appease those around her. In reality, she's fearful of the lawless men and beasts that stalk her homeland. The constant looming presence of death hanging over her head, and the thought of those back home suffering causes her great instability and lack of confidence. More often than not, she's forced to appear something that she is not, calm, and constantly questions what she feels and believes in. However, were it not for her anxiety and fearfulness, Zari considers herself to be brave and willing to do what it takes to protect those she loves- if this stands up to experiences she'll receive in Regalia, who knows.

Around those she is truly comfortable with, Zari is accommodating and tries her best to be outgoing- hoping that if she can crack her nervous shell around friends and loved ones, she can perhaps stay cracked, and become confident. While Zari hasn't ever had a lover, and felt true 'carnal' desires towards anyone around her, it could be assumed that she'd treat her 'dearest' with respect and commitment, magnitudes above that of even her best friends. Towards enemies and rivals (though she's never had any, due to trying her best to avoid social scorn), Zari is forgiving and tries to appease anyone she's upset, even if it makes her feel embarrassed and irritated- though sometimes this can extend past embarrassment and irritation into true anger and resentment, at which point she will commonly act somewhat petty towards said person, ignoring them instead of confronting them. Around new people, she is rather soft-spoken and polite, trying to gauge their own comfort zone in terms of dealing with her before she grows comfortable too- strangers intimidate her, but only until a smile or a 'hello' is given.

Zari thinks, and acts, as fluidly as she can with the morality of those around her, preferring to act like a sheep instead of like a leader- typically around her own kin, she's good and just- protecting those who need it. Around those who could perhaps intimidate her, she becomes fluid and easy to manipulate, fearful of the repercussions of angering someone more powerful then herself. She sees those doing evil and cruel acts as wild, savage beasts, much like those back on Drowda, causing her great frustration when she can't do anything about it. She considers petty theft to be only slightly above unexceptionable in terms of moral-view, given her own experience going against what her communal-society. So long as the theft is given reason, and that is somewhat related to self-fulfilment or curiosity, she does her best to be sympathetic.

Life Story
"It's a short one, luckily."

Childhood (0-10);

  • Born on the 18th of September, 280AC, Zarisstra is lucky to have survived her birth, narrowly escaping strangulation in the womb- due to the cord wrapping around her neck. While not born sickly or expected to not be long for the world, she is born small in weight and size, drawing small concerns from those around. No extra supplies are given to help get her through this time, due to the Drow's short supplies.
  • After slowly seeming to be recovering naturally, Zari is considered healthy enough to not need constant attention. At the age of one year, four months, two weeks and six days, Zari is expected to survive to adulthood- unless Drowda itself decides against it.
  • Her ninth birthday brings news of hope- in a years time, she will be expected to start her martial training, along with the other young from the Xaster. There is no option for her besides yes- Zari's agreement expected and demanded, her father still irritated by her lack of blossoming maturity and focus- continuing to play make-believe with herself, as other children consider her removed from the world around her.
Young Adulthood (11 - 16);

  • Her tenth birthday, and the first five months that follow, bring agonising mental strain to Zari. Introduced first-hand to the concept of death through a display of her teacher decapitating a stunted, previously wounded Drowdan Dire Wolf in front of her. This, with the teachings of 'the survival of the many over the few', drill in the idea that the land of Drowda, and it's people, are not expected to survive.
  • At the age of only thirteen, Zari is taken on her first salvage mission- reports of a Drowdar being bitten by a massive bat that then flew away, the rest of the party leaving the man to die. The sight of the blighted, venom-leaking back wound shook Zari's soul, but she did as she was told- having the 'honor' of carrying back the man's Khoptar, only to drop it into the mud on the return home, embarrassed greatly by the look of sheer anger her teacher gave her.
  • One day, Zari travels back and forth between Last Bastion and her Xaster with a group of six others, retrieving medical supplies under the Archon's orders. Figuring that, some of the supplies seem to come with very small amounts of alchemical supplies (the girl understanding that Drowdar typically don't have alchemical requirements from the outside world), she 'borrows' the supplies to fill her curiosity with the world beyond Drowda. Past this point, her future experimentation purely comes from the flora around her homeland- as dangerous as it may be. Looking back on this moment, Zari's break from tradition is hard to rationalise, even for her. Perhaps at her young age, fearing the beasts around her, she was willing to try what she could to have preventive measures against the Void-based spawn. Or perhaps it was just a moment of free-will taking over, encouraging her mind to break free from the set-in-stone communal system she had been living in for so long. Maybe she was just dumb and curious.
Adulthood (17 - Present)

  • Close family members discover Zari's trifling with alchemical pursuits and horticulture a few months after her seventeenth birthday- they break what little hand-made retorts and pestles she has, along with burning most of her private plant collection. For this incident, many consider her unfocused and unruly, not truly one of capable stock. Her teacher berates her, and her father continues to feel she's not 'true Drowdar material'.
  • As the years progress, her teachings in Esa-Ajo gradually translate from teacher-to-student lessons to more practical exercises in the wilds of Drowda. By her nineteenth birthday, and after many foolish attempts to seem selfless and brave- which mostly all cement her lack of confidence, even if some succeeded- she is finally awarded with her own Khoptar. Much like herself, the Khoptar is unstable and odd weapon made of second-hand steel. Regardless of it's quality, Zari finally feels she has a true friend when she wields the weapon, naming the blade Hopeful Tether- in hopes that the blade will bring her both hope and keep her tethered to tradition.
  • A few months prior to her twenty-second birthday, her mother passes away- pregnant with another child, complications leading to both spirits passing. The stress of both the death of his love and child force her fathers to become abusive and restrictive towards Zari- not to the point of scarring her, but causing her to feel uncomfortable around him- constantly catching him belittling her abilities and strengths. Two weeks after that, while out on a standard salvage expedition, her group of four are ambushed by a flying horror- a Vas Pirion. Her partner tells her to run, and draws his Khoptar. In a state of panic and terror, she runs. Hours after returning to the Xastar, shaken and confused by the sudden attack, the same partner returns- missing an eye, his right hand and three fingers on the other. She later learns that he passes from the bat's toxins entering his eye-wound and destroying his brain. Being the true first-hand experiences of terrible loss, in such a short time, break her psyche. When the next boat arrives at Last Bastion, she makes her excuses to her father and leaves the Xastar, khoptar in hand, carrying what little she could afford to. A miracle once again occurs- her lone, confused walk to the port isn't cut short by the beasts of Drowda.
  • Zari manages to stow herself away inside a crate heading for the Regalian Archipelago, her frazzled mind forgetting to poke holes inside the box before she's sealed in and trapped. Just barely able to grind the sharpened edge of her khoptar to make the needed holes from the inside, Zari suffers a four day voyage, barely conscious once she arrives in Calemberg. Found by one of the sailors and spared the punishment for stowing away on the ship, she is given a day's worth of food and told to go. She does, without question.
  • Zari sustains herself for the next few days on the rations given and the wildlife of the Calemberg region, avoiding locals by sleeping in the forests at day and traveling at night. Eventually, she is discovered by a band of oddly dressed men in black and brown on the shore of a beach. Unable to give any identification to them, and being in the scattered state she's in, she's shackled and brought away on a boat towards a dark forested island between Anglia and Calemberg. Once there, she's taken away to be questioned. While her breakdown is considered cowardly by the Darkwaldians, her abilities to counter heretical magics are considered useful. After months of being kept in a cell, being taught the word of Unionism and the rule of Ailor above all (which she happily eats up in her confused and exploitable state), she is allowed to wander the castle under supervision, giving stories of Drowda to those who find the far off place interesting. In return, she's allowed to further her alchemical abilities with the workshops that the Darkwaldians possess.
  • After unofficially becoming a servant to the Darkwaldians (cleaning their halls and libraries, attending to calls for bringing meals and the like), Zari reads what she can afford to on the threats of Regalia- vampires, heretics, Arken- the whole nine yards. Her indoctrination by the order leaves her willing to fight back against the horrors facing Regalia- and on her twenty-sixth year, still young and relatively inexperienced, she gives her goodbyes and thank yous, and heads to the capital- to learn from experts at the heart of the Empire.
  • Met with a guard called Alexander, who was abruptly attacked by a ghostly javelin-wielding psychopath who hit her, him and other other without warning. Left needing medical attention afterwards.
  • Suffered her first attack by a Sanguine, a red-faced looking man who suddenly approached, stuck his sharp nails into her arms and pulled her into an embrace- which he then suddenly bit into her neck and drained her of her blood. Zari was left shaken by the event, only now getting the first taste of what a vampire is prepared to do for it's own amusement.
  • Suffered her second attack only days later by two men dressed up as Inquisitors, whom both approached her and pounced at the opportunity granted to them. Bitten, drained, and then tossed from the side of a low-roof with a sprained knee and bruised back, Zari is left wondering if there is any point to showing the Sanguine empathy, when there are those that will so willingly try to hurt her to silence her from warning guards.

Current Views on the Vampire Crisis and Sanguines

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  • Skill Information:
    • Given your character's age, they are only permitted two other languages other than common. Please remove some of these languages.
  • Personality:
    • Add one more sentence to the third paragraph for a minimum of four.
    • Add one more sentence to the fourth paragraph.
  • Life Story:
    • Why would Drow to save a sickly and runt-ish child? Using hard to come by supplies for such. Drow are constantly at war with the beasts that roam the land and need all the help they can get, supplies included, which is why it seems too odd to save a supposedly worthless child. I would suggest removing her being so sickly as to not be expected to survive the first year from the life story, this still allowing your character to be small and the runt of the litter in a manner of speaking.
    • Can you explain why your character would take from the collective pool of the Xaster for her own gain given Drow are raised in a uniform way? Add this into the comment section here, or adjust accordingly in the life story.

Make the edits in a different colour and tag me once finished!
The third paragraph still only has 3 sentences, and what you have written is good but you could split sentences up as they are quite long. Either that, or please write another sentence.

Everything else is well written so just make that minor edit and we can get this app approved!
Okay, added a four sentence to the third paragraph, made it a dark p0rple. I believe it might hopefully be right nowwww?

Also, once it's approved, may I turn the edits to a black color instead of the purple, to make it easier on the eyes?
Approved. And of course! Feel free to change the font colour back to black as you please!
Did some minor edits to proficiencies to better show that she was a servant for an extended time- added cooking (both types), reduced smithing, added medicine, reduced various. Also added a visual expansion to what her khoptar looks like.

Thanks! @Vegemiite
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