Preserved Sheet Zariela Aravyre

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I'm a Believer
Nov 19, 2016
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Smash Mouth
Roleplay Guilds

Zariela Aravyre



Basic Information


Full Name:

Zariela Olas Quliar Aravyre
- Nicknames: Zoey, The Chitaric Bard.

Age: 45 Years Old.
- Appears 25 Years Old.

Gender: Female.

Race: Ceilothar.
- Circle of Joeil.


Preferred Weapon: The Chitarrone.

Proficiency Limits:
Theatre Arts (Max 25)
Musical Arts (Max 25)
Anima Sciences (Max 25)
Medical Sciences (Max 25)


Inventory Information


Across her back is an acoustic guitar, in a simple leather case. It isn't anything special.

Strapped on her side, is a simple deer hide skin foot drum (one you tap using your foot).

In her pockets, a leather pouch containing about ten regals is present.

On her belt, two flasks are there. One of water, one of honey.

Along her side is a leather pouch, inside sheet music and a folded simple music stand.

In her pockets, a simple makeup kit is present, so she can keep fresh.

Strapped across her back, is a single Chitarrone, in a simple leather case to keep it from harm. It is almost her size and then some more- a small Chirarrone, but one nonetheless.


Skill Information


Total Points: 50 Age Points + 10 Hobby Points.

+25 Musical Arts (From Age Points)

+5 Literacy Arts (From Hobby Points)

+5 Dancing Arts ( From Hobby Points)

+10 Theatre Arts (From Age Points)

+5 Bodycare (From Age Points)

+10 Athletics Training (From Age Points)


Body Shape


(10/2) 5 + (5/2) 3 + (10/2) 5 + (5/2) 3 = 16

Sculpted Body Shape.

Low Body Fat.




Plains Elven (Learned in Childhood)

Common (Learned in Axford)


Special Traits/Spells/Mutations


Exist Sight

Exist Purify

Exist Carry (Smells faintly of carnivals- the scent of the dusty room, popcorn in the distance, and a small hint of sugar).

Exist Bite.

Sense of Compassion (Racial) - Cielothar are natural empaths who are able to tune into the emotional state of other beings, from the toughest Avanthar to the meekest of fawn. When a Cielothar focuses their sight on a living creature they are able to view a coloured outline surrounding their form in an aura like form, exposing their basic feelings in different hues with darker hues indicating stronger emotions.

Light Blooded (Racial) : Opulent Orcestra - By touching a functional musical instrument and speaking the incantation, a Sorcerer can enchant the instrument with the Opulent Orchestra spell. The instrument is then infused with Arcane energy for as long as the Sorcerer is within Emote Distance (up to 12 hours maximum) or until dispelled. If played by the Sorcerer, any sounds produced by the Instrument are louder, clearer, and more pleasing to the ear. This effectively doubles the audible range of the music. However, if the instrument is not played for 1 minute after casting, it will hover above the ground and glow visibly with a faint light. The instrument will then begin to play itself for the duration of the spell, at a level of expertise equal to the level of the Sorcerer. It does not gain any of the enhancements applied when the Sorcerer is playing it. When the spell ends, the instrument will float harmlessly to the ground. If this spell is Reflected, any music played from the instrument for 10 minutes after the spell is cast will be discordant and unpleasant to the ear.

Wind's Cradle (Racial) - The Cielothar are able to naturally harness the wind, utilizing this in many day to day activities and tasks. These innate blessings serve as a tool and protection for the Cielothar, saving them from short falls and assisting in removing small amounts of noxious gasses or smoke, serving as a useful tool for any Aiel alchemist.

Lightblessed Familiar (Racial) (Ta'rath) - The Cielothar can summon a singular familiar, with the animal and size dictated by their Circle. The familiar chosen cannot be changed, and must be dictated on the Character Application. The familiar cannot be permanently harmed, nor can it harm or interfere with others in an aggressive or combative function. If 'killed' the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke and re-appear next to the Cielothar instantly (without any objects it was carrying prior). The familiar can be interacted with on an aesthetic level with its summoner and surroundings, cannot carry more than 10 pounds in weight, and cannot leave Emote Distance of the Cielothar. The familiar can compensate for any lost hearing, sight, or voice of the Cielothar, within limits. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the Cielothar to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the Cielothar to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the Cielothar has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.

Zariela's Familiar is a Nimbinoldor ( However, it's heightis 2/4 of a foot, while it's wingspan is 1 foot. It's eyes are white and glossy, as all Ta'raths are.


Visual Information


Eye Color: Blue.

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde (Dyed). (Natural Auburn).

Hair Style: Pigtails, with straight hair.

Skin Color: Chai.

- She tends to wear green clothing, with small steel pieces (here and there) and yellow dyed pelts.

- While at formal events, she tries to throw on a simple green jacket, yellow scarf and leather leggings and boots.

Height: 5'8"




Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment

Lawful Neutral.

Choose your Character Personality Type

Entertainer x Campaigner.

Choose your Character's Religion

Unionist (4/10). Once she moved to the Regalian Isles, and felt she had to learn the Religion. She isn't a very religious person though.

Estel Worship (6/10). Years have passed since she practiced this religion. However, being raised a follower of this Worship has molded her to become a good Cielothar, one who wouldn't forget the Religion.


Life Story


Zariela was born in Windgarden, in a slum-like portion of the city. The first person she saw was obviously her mother, however her father was said to have disappeared before her birth. Her mother was Ceilothar, and she was raised to believe her father was an Ailor (despite it not being true). 263 A.C. this was the year, the town was rather small at this time still, but nonetheless a Cielothar settlement. A week or so after birth, her 'familiar' appeared; a small Nimbinoldor.

Growing up, Zariela was rather secluded, spending most of her days at home and being tutored by her mother. Her mother's hobby was an instrumentalist (a Joeil), and played the many-stringed Chitarrone, an odd instrument that made decent and gentle sounds. "Basic" education wasn't given to her, but rather musical education. Literacy, music, and basic math. One of her faults is mathematics, as she never grasped it even to this day, only able to do simple addition and subtraction.

Unfortunately, at the age of nine, her mother had to move. She sold the small house they lived in, and purchased a small covered wagon, and a small horse to draw the wagon. She had six siblings, and she was the youngest. Eight in total had to live in this wagon, no bigger than a single room. Life was tough, and on the road they earned coins by playing instruments. Although Zariela was being taught the Chitarrone, her brothers had similar educations, though they had little instruments. Her eldest brother on the road caught and skinned a young deer, making a few small deer pelted drums. Their 'band' was small, though it earned enough to purchase food & basic living needs.

At the age of thirteen, they settled in a small forested Cielothar settlement. The settlement was kind, and a typical Cielothar town- religious, and such. They lived in this town for awhile, and purchased a tent-styled house, large and spacious, and it kept the rain out. It was a good life in this settlement, which went by the name 'Tulwallose.' On her fifthteenth birthday,- or rather the day exactly,- she was woken early, and the town had a feast, it was the Trial of Estel, the coming of age celebration. Before entering "The Great Tree," she was wished luck by the three elders and given the religious beads for the meditation. She sat in the center of the tree with her familiar for the following 24 hours, or until she heard dawn arise. In the meantime, she didn't claim to hear Estels voice- but rather felt her purpose was the same as her Mothers, to entertain. The next day she slept through it, as the trial said. Her familiar didn't change in size or shape- remaining as it was. After, a small celebration occurred as she was now a Joeil. However, roads soon met the Ceilothar family once more- wishing to explore further, they got back in the wagon and traveled as a family. The road,- the fresh air, the sense of playing music for strangers was something that seemed to call to her mother, and maybe it would pass down to her one day.

By the age of 16, their travels brought them to Lenna Bas, an Altalar city. Due to the "same" religion the two races shared and such, they were allowed in. The children spread out on the streets, playing simple instruments for coins. They lived poorly, but nonetheless they lived.

When Zariela turned 17, her eldest four brothers moved away. Using all the money she was saving up for a higher education (though it was nowhere near enough), she bought a small vanilla cake for a goodbye party. However, by the time she got home her eldest brother had already left. The remaining portion of her family enjoyed the cake, so a wholesome moment in their life.

Zariela went through a depressed phase that lasted a week or so, the thought of 'even those you love need to move on.' After this phase moved on, surprisingly, Zariela was offered a decent job at a local theatre. She accepted, and began life as a secondary (ensemble) actress. In many productions and shows, she acted as a background character, orchestra member, and dancer. She lived this way, for a total of twenty years- as she was Ceilothar, she didn't "age" fast and continued to look young, which most theatres look for in shows, bar the protagonists and such. However, the theatre sooned closed, or rather fired Zariela.

Now thirtyseven, having enough coins to get by for a few weeks… she returned home, to the other side of the city. She found her mother was elderly now, the two had not had contact other than letters in these twenty years. Unfortunately, - she seemed ill (her age near its lifespan… ancient). She gifted her daughter a Chitarrone, her own from years before. Her circus was to be sold to a younger Altalar, though Zariela was ensured a job there through the deal, but with a 5% less amount of pay, since the new owner took advantage of the desperation- since they wished to work on that side of town and all. Zariela accepted, as it was the best suited job for her as her skills revolved around theatre. Her career here didn't last long, as her mother passed from a local illness (flu like). After her passing, she had no reason to stay in this region. She left her job formally, and took for the roads. She traveled North on foot, her destination to Ithania- he heard rumors that they were big on the career of hiring bards. Along the road, she stopped at inns, pubs and taverns to play her Chitarrone, and set her case out- she played music for coins. She used her theatrical skills (dancing as well) to put on minor performances, with her small band of "magic birds" (her Ta'rath). She became a one person band, a foot playing the drums, fingers playing the stringed instrument, and her mouth and Ta'raths singing.

On her road North, she encountered a port town. Having no compass or sense of direction, it seemed she ended up North-East. In the port, she found an Ithanian ship docked. Her hope sparked, thinking she was near Ithania. She asked if she could go on the Ithanian ship if she was to give free performances, and the crew shrugged it off, Zariela seemingly harmless enough. However, unfortunately for Zariela, the ship was Ithanian, but wasn't heading for Ithania like she assumed- but rather Axford. She hadn't known the Common tongue, so right away she was filled with anxiety and stress, having to learn it now. She found the place rather nice, as it also had a decent need for bards. She tended to sing with her native language, Plains-Elven. However, some wished for her to sing in common, and her livelihood was singing, so learning a new language merged with singing in this case. She remained in Axford until she turned forty.

For the next two years, she continued to perform with her 'familiar,' and her magic enhancing her musical volume. She eventually gained the stage name of 'The Chitaric Bard,' as she was one of the few bards in the city to perform commonly with a Chitarrone. Becoming good with the Common tongue, she began performing a variety of music; though the languages were limited to Plains-Elven and Common now. Around this time, a local group of Diviner Unionists (Yeah, the illegal guys) kidnapped Zariela. They claimed to be Diviners, however didn't act too extreme. They trimmed her ears, as if 'imperializing' her, though that wasn't what happened. They left soon after, not wanting to be caught by patrolling guards, as they idiotically did this in public. Left defeated, Zariela went into another stage of depression- as her heritage, or a part of it, was taken from her. She overcame this though, returning to play music- though she began to wear a hood now for her performances, even if none came, she'd wear the hood and play music to herself.

The years passed, until it was 307 AC, the last month of it in fact, when Zariela had the urge to travel once again. Staying in one place long wasn't something she did in childhood- though she had done it most of her life. She wished to go to a capital somewhere- somewhere with a lot of people to get to know, to meet, to perform for. As she was closer to Regalia than any other, she booked passage on a cheap ship and sailed over to Regalia.

This brings us to modern times!
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Approved, if you'd like to do some Cielothar community stuff you could probably go PM Lazzulai or one of the Cielothar to get involved on that scene. @Beleiver