Preserved Sheet Zèstäeri Hállëvandëia

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Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.
Basic Information
Full Name: Zèstäeri 'Netollihua' Hállëvandëia
Age: 35
Race / Culture: Maraya
Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/They
Occult: Nature Arkenborn, Exist Bornmage

Core Concept
Zestaeri is a zealot when it comes to the Estelley Faith, having no priority to a particular god, and instead worshipping the entire pantheon. Though she does have a soft spot for Mana and her followers. While she doesn't view herself as a cultist, she very much is one, with a distinct hatred for those of void and ordial alignments, believing them to be complacent in the destruction of nature as a whole.

Appearance Information

Aquamarine skin, midnight blue hair that flows freely. Her eyes are a light grey with blue sclera. She stands at about 6'0" with a body built for an acrobat. Furthermore, tattoos and piercings cover her, as well as gems fused into the back of her hands, providing a conduit for magic casting.

Attack and Defense Stat

Attack - Magic
Defense - Faith

Hobbies and Talents

  • Technology Hobby - Crystaltech and Nalontech
  • Magical Talent
  • Strength
  • Constitution
  • Intelligence - 1
    • Tech Exchange Pack | Free, Maraya
    • Safeguard Pack | Magical Variant
  • Wisdom
    • Chem Cleanse Pack | Free, Maraya
  • Dexterity - 1
    • Soft Landing Pack
  • Faith - 5 - Estelley God Magic
    • Divine Antimagi
    • Divine Burn
    • Divine Smite
    • Divine Savior
    • Divine Rescue
  • Magic - 7
    • Magic Snare Pack
    • Magic Smog Pack
    • Magic Bolster Pack
    • Magic Isolate Pack
    • Magic Warp Pack
    • Magic Summon Pack
    • Magic Revenge Pack

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Zestaeri doesn't know her Maraya birth parent, as she was adopted and raised by a colony of Yanar. With little to no information of the Maraya culture, she was essentially raised as one of their own, which worked out perfectly given her heritage.
  • Most of her childhood was spent amongst the plainsfolk, traveling between there and the crown city, depending on where her primary parent went, as she always stuck to their side.
  • Having experienced many traumatic moments as a child, Zestaeri has developed a fear of the dark, and of water. Absolutely refusing to swim, and getting anxious whenever on boats.
  • Zestaeri was there to bear witness to the burning of Petal Court many years ago. A final straw in her eyes for the void community. She treats them with absolute hostility now.
  • Due to not interacting much with other Maraya, Zestaeri can read and write Shalota, but is very poor at actually speaking it, and even worse at understanding it.
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@TheVigilantWolf Changed around proficiency points, removed one parlour magic spell due to it never being used, made vampire, changed visual information a bit, added a few things into personality and abilities but left that mostly untouched due to not knowing how to change it/due to it not needing it, changed a few things in life story. (Also changed one racial boost)
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My re-review!
- You still have 2 proficiency points you can spend as your character is 32, and you've spent only 30.
- Your race is not limited to a maximum of Toned body shape and can in fact go all the way up to Strongman, see here and here.
- Being clingy and protective yet hateful towards family when they want to cure you is somewhat contradictory, did you mean to say she's clingy and protective of her infection?

Please remove your previous color formatting and recolor your new edits.

@TheVigilantWolf Added the two missing proficiency points and hopefully redid the personality and abilities family section to make more sense. As for the body build, I believe Zikiel are capped at toned. If the race overrides this, however, I'm happy to change it.
Thank you for your edits and catching the bit about the Zikiel bloodline, that totally went over my head yesterday!


Here's my review:
  • Add a couple of strengths and flaws under the personality section.
  • Add another long-lasting experience in the Early Years section of the Life Story. The fear of the dark doesn't quite count currently, but you could add another experience near/in the Present that goes along from this fear.
  • Consider how her being infected and the encounter with the vampire has affected her mentality now that she's been cured, and add a point about this in the Life Story as well.
Make your edits in red and tag me in a reply when you're done. @AWildResi
Here's my review:
  • Add a couple of strengths and flaws under the personality section.
  • Add another long-lasting experience in the Early Years section of the Life Story. The fear of the dark doesn't quite count currently, but you could add another experience near/in the Present that goes along from this fear.
  • Consider how her being infected and the encounter with the vampire has affected her mentality now that she's been cured, and add a point about this in the Life Story as well.
Make your edits in red and tag me in a reply when you're done. @AWildResi
Hi sorry I been busy. Edits finally done!