Preserved Sheet Yvette

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jayp's gayp
Jun 4, 2018
Reaction score
da Kratör
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Yvette Colette Dërmoet.
  • Age: Thirty-three.
    • Date of Birth: August 7th, 274 A.C
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor.
    • Culture: Leutz-Vixe.
  • Sexuality: Complicated.
  • Preferred Weapon: Rapier. Crossbow.
Skill Information
Total Points: 38
  • +12 Thin Blades Combat.
  • +3 Heavy Bow Combat.
  • +15 Athletics Training.
  • +8 Magical Knowledge.
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 48
  • Body Shape: Ripped.
  • Body Fat: Average.
  • Leutz-Vixe | Cultural
  • Common | Passive
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Will of Faith:
    • Those who believe in the will of the Spirit are able to assume a praying stance to grant blessings to their next actions from the Spirit. In order to assume this praying stance, they must either drop to their knees or sit behind a table or desk, and assume the praying pose for Unionism. Praying takes at least a minute, in which they mutter their requests for blessings to the Spirit, after which they declare "Oratio Paien". When this statement is made, the Unionist is blessed with +5 Proficiency in their skill of choice for the next 5 minutes (except Sorcery and Special Race Proficiency). This can only be used once a day, cannot be used during progressions, and cannot be used mid-combat (only right before combat).
  • Magical Knowledge:
    • Sanguinology Pack:
      • The Character knows the existence of the Bloodlines, but not their abilities.
      • The Character can identify a Vampire based on visuals, if they have visual tells, in person.
      • The Character has an in-depth understanding of Vampire weaknesses and Curing.
      • The Character has an in-depth knowledge of the Vampire Wars and Dorkarth in History.
    • Artifactism Pack:
      • The Character is able to identify Artifacts when they see them in person
      • The Character is able to tell what an Artifact does when they see it in person
      • The Character knows the history of Artifacts and their status, as seen on the Wiki Pages
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light blue.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Kept short and tidy.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Darkwald inspired Leutz-Vixe outfits.
  • Height: 5'9.
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Logistician
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism | 8/10
Life Story

Childhood/Teenage Years.

Yvette Colette Dërmoet was born into a poor household in a small hamlet within the province of Tigrunn. To anyone who had met her, they could easily see Yvette was born with a deep melancholy that plagued her even in her early years. She was jaded to the other children of the hamlet and generally kept to herself. Her mother would attempt in vain to force the young Yvette to socialize- failing hard and only causing more antisocial behavior in the child. As the days turned into months, and months turned into years, Yvette would find herself almost completely isolated from anyone besides her mother and father. Her father, not knowing how to remedy the issue, decided when she was twelve that she needed a change in scenery. He took her on many hunts with him in the dark forest of the Tigrunn outside the boundaries of the hamlet that generally made her slightly happier, but only for a short time. A relative of hers, Sylvain, decided to capitalize on the issue. He asked her father to take her along to become a Darkwald like he, himself, was. Seeing no other option, her father decided to send her to become a Darkwald knight.


At the age of sixteen, Yvette arrived at Castle Virgadulvlas to begin her training as a Darkwald. Yvette instantly grew to despise everything about the Darkwalds. Their way of life, their purpose, and even grew to hate her homeland the most. But, even with all that hatred, she knew deep down she was forced into the life. The Spirit was punishing her for all her sins she committed in this life and the previous. If the Spirit was punishing her, she would have to be diligent in her craft then. So Yvette focused on improving her bowmanship, her skills with the rapier, and most importantly, learning more information about the aberrant and demonic threats that faced Aloria. After many years, Yvette finally was knighted as a Darkwald and allowed to focus on working alone. She decided that the Spirit did not only want her to clear the Tigrunn forest of demons and aberrants, but all of the Empire. As such, she began to roam and perform her duty wherever she could. She passed through Dragenthal, Calemberg, Kintyr, Irvelle, and eventually, Basta. Holy Basta was much of a relief to her in many ways. A Reverend named Thibaut du Pont would become the closest friend she would ever have and they would spend much time together, Thibaut even attempting to counsel her melancholy personality. He was the one person she generally felt at peace with and he always tried to keep her hopes up. But Yvette's hopes were never truly kept up.


Yvette began being a roamer once more. She felt as if she did not serve a friend like Thibaut, and would begin to spend weeks at a time without any communication with him, constantly go back-and-forth hunting down random aberrants. She did not see herself as deserving any life besides what she perceived the Spirit wanted- her duty. Her duty would lead her to back to Thibaut one day as he asked her to come to the Crown Isle with him to help the Unionist Divine. She would accept the offer.
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