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Iadrik Linsdottir
Oct 12, 2016
Reaction score
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
The Hidden Dragon









  • Full Name: Yuliette Hilde Linde
  • Nickname: Yul, Yuli, Yuliette, Hilde
  • Age: 36 years old
  • Birthday: August 1st, 270 AC
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture: Velheimer
  • Sexuality: Questioning


Regalian Position
  • Yul has just arrived in Regalia from Kongehjem, Nordskag, on her way to distract herself from her mother's death. She intends to stay in a house and take up employment, possibly alongside her friend.
  • Yuli was raised in Kongehjem with her three older brothers and her younger sister, all of who became warriors like their mother and father before them. She enjoys hunting, trapping, carving, and sparring, all of which she practiced on her much older, larger siblings. This is how Yuliette has become accustomed to taking a beating.
  • Yuliette has a drive to become a well-known, respected warrior and guard of Regalia. In some small way, this will make her feel she has honored her mother, Ragnhild, who has passed on. Yul had blindly followed her mother through her entire life, but her mother has passed and it is Yuliette's turn to take her own reigns.



Proficiency Points (36 Points - 10 School of Skagger)
  • +20 Skagger Axe (+10 School of Skagger, +10 Skagger Order0)
  • +10 Tracking (+10 School of Skagger)
  • +10 Battle Command (+10 School of Skagger)
  • +20 Unarmed Fighting (+20 Points)
  • +6 Acrobatics (+6 Points)
Cultural Points (36 Points)
  • +15 Carving (+5 Racial Bonus, +10 Points)
  • +15 Cuisine Cooking (+15 Points)
  • +11 Stage Performance (+11 Points)
  • Common: (10/10) Fluent
  • Skodje: (10/10) Fluent
  • Als-Tunge: (10/10) Fluent
  • Luetz-Vixe: (10/10) Fluent




  • Eye Color: Cadet Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Two pigtails, in a braided or pom-pom ponytail, or completely up, off of her neck
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Heavier clothing that resembles armor or clothing to flaunt her status as a warrior
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Body Build: Muscular


  • By far, the flame forever flickering just behind Yuliette's eyes catches the attention of any stranger, immediately implying her motivation, confidence, and stubborn traits. Her jaw is slightly wider than normal and her brow seems to be set sternly since the bone is defined. Yul's lips always seem to be tilted up at either corner, hinting at a good-natured smile. Her hair is almost always done, without fail, to look organized and appealing.
  • As a 6'0", muscular Velheimer woman, Linde bears many scars due to past battles! You may find them everywhere, but the most reputable one would be the scar across the back of her left forearm, where she blocked a blade once with her bare skin. She has fair skin and a rather small bust. Her legs are full of power, as are her shoulders and arms.
  • Cadet blue is Yuli's favorite color to adorn herself with. She can usually be caught sporting a cape in this shade, as well as colors that accent it. She is never found in any sort of skirt, though she may be coaxed out of her armor to wear formal attire to an event. Yul's only piece of jewelry is worn around her neck; It is a locket containing something she keeps a secret!
  • This Velheimer can speak rather boisterously depending on the atmosphere around her. She chortles and wheezes when she laughs, pauses a lot when she is perplexed, and expresses a medium-weight Northerne accent.


Perceived By Others
  • Boisterous and extroverted, Yuliette knows how to have a good time and drag other people along. She loves to kick back after a long day and have a drink with people, stranger or not, while they share stories of past deeds and events. Of course, if you are to witness her while in warrior or guard mode, you will find a very focused, observant woman whose actions are dictated by what must be done, though this can expose her small-mindedness when it comes to differentiation between right and wrong.
Inner Mentality
  • Yuli views the world as a game of cat and mouse. She must be dedicated and organized, lest she wishes to lose her status and the respect she hopes people have for her. Despite her beliefs and her efforts to be diligent, Yuliette remains easy-going when handling her thoughts and others, as well as her life in general. Stressing only brings her unsteadiness, which she recognizes and avoids. Still, the tough Velheimer can be cynical of others after her mother's passing. It is much more difficult for her to trust.
Perceived By Inner Circle
  • Those closer to her may believe her to be respectful and understanding with the fact of how she has spent her past years as a soldier and a guard. Still, they may also find her impatient and rather stubborn, as she refuses to change specific portions of her thought-process. Yuli can sometimes be difficult to deal with, due to her inability to allow herself to lose, unless there are no other options. Due to her inability to take loss easily, Yuliette occasionally becomes a risk-taker in order to gain her victory, fair or not.
  • To be kind and courageous is to be infallible. At all times, Yuliette uses this saying to make decisions, handle social interactions, and think through her mistakes and possible solutions. She believes that you show yourself through every interaction and she cannot control others. If you are vile towards her, she will be kind and expose how you truly are.
  • Yuliette has a very close relationship with the Oldt Fayth, her favorite being Varfal, who she regularly mentions during conversation. She believes nobility and commoners are separated for the clear reason that they are hard working leaders and should be respected, protected, and honored at all times. Yul says you must pave your own way in the world! Nothing is handed to you.


  • Impatient
  • Stubborn
  • When generally walking or standing, Yul will hold onto the strap for her axe with both hands in an idle manner.
  • When nervous, Yuliette chews her lip and, depending on the severity, will look down in thought.
  • The Velheimer taps her foot when she's becoming worked up with anger.
  • Yuliette has very nice handwriting and enjoys writing in her journal. This isn't known to many.
  • Snow brings Yuliette great comfort and joy. It reminds her of her home in the North, after all! She will often be the first to toss a snowball or generally mess with the snow!
  • While Yuli is carving, all of her thoughts calm and she gains patience that she never has any other time, making carving one of the only times when she can really feel at ease while she is alone.
  • Lamb is this Velheimer's very favorite consumable. She'll eat it with almost anything!
  • Pessimistic people cause Yul a deep, festering anger in her gut that causes her to be unable to handle them. She despises those who cannot seem to look to the lighter side.
  • While Yuliette is a warrior and has killed many people during her time as a soldier, she still strongly dislikes taking life, as it holds value to her.
  • The Skagger is repulsed by wine, which she believes is the most putrid, rancid alcohol of all. She will not drink it!


  • Bolverk Sterke-enn - @GamingLeopurred
    • While Yuliette was living in Drixagh for the School of Skagger, she met Bolverk and bonded with him over drink until she returned to her home city.
  • Julius Peirgarten - @XPONCEFTWX
    • Yuliette served in both Songaskian wars beneath Julius while he was a general. She learned Luetz-Vixe from Julius and spent time drinking with him!
  • Anna Caladwen - @Ailethi
    • Along with Julius, Yuliette also fought alongside Anna during the Songaskian wars.
  • Lugh Ahearna - @ParisaPax
    • Lugh battled alongside Yul as well!




Born - 12 years old
  • Yuliette was born on August 1st, 270 AC in Kongehjem, Nordskag to Ragnhild Linde, her mother, and Oybiorn Linde, her father. She had three older brothers and a younger sister with two years parting her from them on either side.
  • As a child with three older brothers, Yul was always sprinting to catch up and begging to tag along, especially for hunting trips and sparring matches. The little girl never gave up, no matter how beaten-down or left behind she was.
  • She learned to speak Skodje, her native tongue, while growing up in Kongehjem.
13- 23 years old
  • Yuli was granted the gift of schooling from her parents, who sent her off to learn as her brothers had! It was a family tradition for every member to attend and learn how to use a Skagger Axe properly. The School of Skagger in Drixagh is the specific one the Linde family has always attended, and this is the one she was gleefully sent to.
  • For the next ten years, Yuliette studied in the School of Skagger. In her free time, she enjoyed carving small tokens and charms from wood, drinking with Bolverk Sterke-enn, hunting, and trapping.
  • Drixagh is where she learned to speak Als-Tunge.
23 - 35 years old
  • When Yuli returned home, she quickly took wind of the first Songaskian War in 302 AC, which she enlisted in and fought alongside General Julius Peirgarten, taking his commands for the next few years, even throughout the second Songaskian War in 305 AC.
  • Just prior to her return to Kongehjem, Yuli's mother, Ragnhild, passed on, leaving her children devastated and drowning in grief. Yuliette decided to travel elsewhere as a way to clear her head and learn how to make sense of the world without her one, guiding role model. She decided to make her way to Regalia, where she has a few friends and possible employment already lined up for her.
  • Yuliette has come to Regalia and is searching for a guard position, preferably with a patrician or noble family. She still heavily grieves her mother and the companions who fell beside her in battle.



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Hello! I will be claiming this for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within the next 48 hours!
Here is my review!
  • Personality
    • Consider adding a few more negative traits to the first paragraph on how others might view her. She comes across as extroverted, loud and boisterous. Consider underlining and implementing the negative traits associated to give her more of a dynamic. I imagine some stubbornness, foolhardiness or other traits might accompany a warrior archetype who is loud and boisterous. Also, make sure to bold or underline significant traits of her personality!
    • On the second paragraph, I would suggest much the same as the first. Maybe give her some underlining insecurity or self-doubt. The death of her mother is a good avenue of writing in some negative traits to help offer her more of a dynamic and balance with her positive ones.

    Be sure to tag me and mark any changes you make in blue!​
I am so sorry for my absence! I was handling IRL celebrations and issues. Thank you for your review and your advice. Here are my changes:
  • I marked all of the traits in bold so that it will be easier to read.
  • I added three new negative traits to the first three paragraphs in order to add balance and depth.
  • I marked all of my changes in blue!