Preserved Sheet Youba

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Youba Dolo

  • Age: 34

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Songaskian

  • Sexuality: Gotem
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 Core + 10 Hobby

  • +15 Sword Combat (+15 Core)

  • +16 Shielding Combat (+11 Core, +5 Racial boost)

  • +3 Clockwork Metallurgy (+3 Core)

  • +6 Linguistics (+6 Core)

  • +3 Arcanology (+3 Core)
    • Artifact Knowledge
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Core)

  • +5 Husbandry Art (+5 Hobby)

  • +9 Body Art (+4 Core, +5 Hobby)

  • +3 Schooling (+3 Core)
    • Al-Sharorah Hamanh College
Body Shape

  • 15+16+(3*.5) = 32.5 -> 33

  • Ripped

  • Extreme Low Fat

  • Sofaal

  • Faraddi

  • Modern Altalar
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Elder Form 1

  • Elder Form 2

  • Elder Form 3

  • Super Self 7

  • Element Control 3

  • Element Brand 3

  • Home Enchant 2

  • Magic Sight 2

  • Afflicted Life 1

  • Blood Eyes 1

  • Blood Curse 1

  • Vampiric Form 3

  • Cursed Soul 1

  • Machine Lord 1

  • Machine Lord 2

  • Machine Lord 3

  • Machine Power 1

  • Machine Power 2

  • Machine Power 3

  • Machine Power 4

  • Machine Power 5

  • Machine Power 6

  • Wall Climb 4

  • Sorcery Skill 2

  • Magic Bolt 1 (from Sorcery Skill 2)

  • Shadow Curse 1 (from Sorcery Skill 2)
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Amber

  • Hair Color: Half Black - Half Snow White

  • Hair Style: Hightop dreads, around eye level

  • Skin Color: Dark Brown

  • Clothing: Layered clothing and cloaks, occasional traditional Songaskian wear

  • Height: 6'7
Personality (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INFJ-T
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Shambala - 7/10
Life Story (Required)

Youba was born to parents within Songaskian Masaya, both of them sailors within the military. During his first couple years of life, Youba was content with the privileged lifestyle given to him due to his parents' relatively high ranking in the military, being something of a spoiled brat as he got whatever he wanted. Despite being little more than a toddler, he would boss and act cruel to the many servants his family owned, frequently getting a good whooping as an attempt to discipline his behavior. Although his family had a military background, the boy was more interested in studies, particularly those of Qadir origins. Youba would continue his constant studying, his parents butting in every now and then to force his tutelage in combat, something he picked up rather quickly despite his apparent lack of interest in it. One day, with very little fanfare, he was informed of both of his parents' deaths due to their involvement in a raid gone awry. Just like that, his life as he knew it fell through his hands. Most of the family's property was sold, with only a tiny bit being funneled towards him.

Being an orphan, Youba was forced to mature quite quickly, deferring to those around him and losing the 'holier than thou' demeanor he once carried. Every couple of months he was shifted from orphanage to orphanage, constantly being reminded of his lower status compared to the children with parents. Eventually, Youba simply decided enough was enough, packing his things and leaving the Masaya, not returning until many years down the line. Having a particular interest in Qadir culture and what not, he headed into their territory, sneaking over the border at the age of sixteen. It was here that his studious behavior worked in his favor, having become half decent at speaking Faraddi. Lying about both his age and his birth, he reconstructed an identity for himself, simply referring to himself as a half-breed Songaskian - Qadir taking after the Songaskian parent. Using this lie, he was able to admit himself into the Al-Sharorah Hamanh College for three years, learning about archaeology. From then on, Youba spent his years searching the deserts for artifacts or researching those that had already been found. Entering quickly into towns, and leaving just as fast, simply a nameless researcher drifting through the sands.

Throughout his twenties, Youba kept up with his studious nature, more or less a passive soul simply seeking out knowledge. His research at this point had extended past Qadir artifacts, instead looking into ones of different races. Around the time he was thirty, Youba began to notice the rising ire between the Songaskian state and Regalia. He still felt a duty to his original country, despite the prejudice he might have faced from them. Making his way back into the country, he started his military service, resulting in him fighting in the first two Songaskian wars. Youba fought valiantly, but the war took a toll on him. During an attack from the Regalians, artillery was fired at his unit, taking out most of his fellow soldiers. The sound alone was enough to rupture his inner ears, the world completely silent, even the originally deafening screams of men on both sides and constant shots of artillery was as if someone was whispering into a pillow on the other side of a wall. Not only that, his left arm was left mangled beyond recognition. Lying among the dead, he was eventually collected by the Songaskian army, the organization wanting to clean up the bodies of soldiers and give them a proper burial. It was quickly found out that Youba was still alive, and it was even more quickly found out that his arm was not salvageable, the limb being amputated on the spot . Youba was devastated, immediately leaving in search of a way for a prosthetic to replace his missing limb, and maybe even restore his hearing.

The travelling Songaskian was turned away by many Qadir clockworkers, the workers being able to make the connection between the Songaskian grave injuries and world politics, so his old story didn't work. It wasn't until he found a Cratos vampire working within a city that had proposed a simple solution to his predicament, he had to give up his life to Vampirism and join a coven. Thinking about it for many days and nights, the Songaskian eventually folded, agreeing to the deal. A prosthetic was made, but Youba's ears were left alone, being deemed a lost cause, and his vampirism doing nothing to help as his inner ear was considered an internal organ and not possibly able to be fixed. Taking this in stride, the deaf man romped about with the coven he was inducted into for a couple years, only to discreetly leave at a time of unrest due to the switching of leaders, escaping into the night to wander as a vagrant through the desert, and war torn country side of the Masaya. Eventually, Youba acted on impulse, catching a series of boats to get to the crown isle, coming to the sprawling city on a whim.