You Can’t Leave

"Andrew is gone. He left."
Fen'nan stared at the note on the Nook notice board in silence for a moment before she snorted and scoffed and she spat at the board, as Andrathath had spit at her feet earlier that night.

"Yeah bloody friggin right. He's just being dramatic." She snapped aloud. Of course, there was nobody around. It was the earliest hours of the morning, the air was cold and crisp, the Nook empty. Any person should've been sleeping. But the nights events had kept her up all night and she abandoned thoughts of sleep, and when she was certain Milo was asleep, she slipped out of their shared bedroom, dressing into dark clothing before slipping out an open window.

Somehow she'd found herself here.

She stared at the short note a moment longer before shaking her head with a roll of her eyes. "He's not going anywhere. He wouldn't." She said as she glanced around. "Waiting for me to show some bloody emotion or something. Well it's NOT happening. Cause I don't care. Like I'd fall for that." She said loudly, half expecting a Sundial Altalar to pop into view and laugh. But there was nothing. Fen'nan turned away from the notice board, peering around. The Nook was empty. And silent. She shook her head again. No, he wouldn't leave. He told herself. This was just some piss attempt of a prank. More payback.

"Not like I'd friggin care if you bloody did. Fuck you too." She repeated and called out to nothing with anger, her lips pressing thinly together. Only the sounds of the silent night outside listened.

She was hurt. Not just the half of her bruised face, but inside. There underneath swam emotions of anger and betrayal and truths she didn't care to look at right now. She was in denial. She glanced around the kitchen.

"Fine. I guess I'll bloody get stuff ready for tomorrow if he's gonna be a baby about it. Like what he didn't do was awful." She said, moving over to the food area, pulling a large hunk of raw meat from the rack and moving over and slapping it unto the counter on the island board. She glanced around, waiting for someone to stop her. But nobody was there.

Emotional manipulation. Classic. She'd wait.

Fen'nan glanced to the empty doorway and found nothing. The Nook was just lifeless. She peered down to the slab of meat. She'd wait. She plucked up the butcher knife from the knife block beside her, staring down at it. How had Andy cut it again? She supposed it was always his job to prepare for the next day. He was just off pouting. Somewhere.

She waited. And waited. Minutes ticked by. She felt an ache settle in her. It was anger. And guilt.

She swallowed, she glanced towards the doorway but she couldn't stop her eyes from roving over the bar. Andrathaths stuff was gone. There was no sign he'd ever been here at all. Her hand tightened around the knife. She gave a bitter laugh before she looked back to the meat and slammed the knife down loudly upon it. Cutting it clean in two. There was blood on her hands but she didn't notice it. Didn't see it.

"Liar. Bloody friggin liar. You wouldn't." She muttered to herself angrily, swallowing. Her hand shook as she brought the knife down upon the meat again. She was cutting it wrong. Really Andy knew how to do it right. She was greeted with silence. Where was he?

Gone. He left, a small voice said in her mind.

"Well fuck you too." She said, not looking up from the meat. "You did this! You started all of this! I didn't do anything. You were the one who...who.." she swallowed and shook her head, she didn't want to hear it.

Defended me. A small voice in her head spoke again. Her rational voice. You were the one who defended me. He never wanted Ki to do it. Not like that. He never wanted her hurt like that. She trembled with some raw emotion and blinked, a tear splashing into the raw meat. Oh. She reached up and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, glancing around the empty inn. She wanted him to pop out and laugh then. He'd fooled her. He won. And then she was gonna bloody hit em. But silence greeted her instead and it was the most loneliness feeling she'd felt in a long, long while.

"No! You can't do that. You can't just fucking leave!" She shouted, glancing around the Nook wildly, her throat bobbing. She dropped the knife and turned and ran downstairs, nearly falling down the steps as she ran into the Nooks cellar and stopped. Fen'nan made some strangled noise as she looked around the cellar. Nothing. Not a trace of him left. "NO!" She yelled, "Your not!" She turned and stomped back up the stone steps, rounding the sharp corner as she stepped back up into the kitchen.

Silence. Her gaze stopping instantly on the piano. She could think back so clearly on memories before she could stop it. Azhreal's music. The dance between them. She shook her head, the tears leaked from her eyes, her watery gaze slid to the island table. The battle of insults they'd shared as they stood upon it. She let out a sob, moving to angrily wipe her tears away and found her hands were covered in blood.

"Ugh!" She let out a frustrated cry and wiped her hands on her pants, but they were still red. Still stained. They were always stained with blood.

Her fault. This has been her fault.

"You fat ass! You giant-fucking-rotten-shilling-punter! You weren't supposed to leave! You were supposed to come back and we were gonna make up and laugh it off like a couple of idiots! What about the Nook!? What about Sylvi—what about Gwel?!!" She shouted into nothingness, crying.

The Nook tonight was dark. And it was glum. And without Andy it was lifeless.

"What about me?!" She choked, running her stained hands through her crimson hair, letting out a shuddering gasp as she looked around the empty Nook. He was gone. He'd left. He left and it was her fault. People were hurt, and sad. He left people behind and it was her fault. She let out an angry snarl and flung her hand out, knocking several glasses crashing and shattering across the floor. She kicked out at the stove in a fit of brief rage.

"You can't leave! Not with all this—not now! You can't just...just...disappear! You can't just—just not say goodbye again!"

She breathed hard and angry before grief and realization took its full toll upon the Altalar. She took a few steps over bent over the island table, letting out a torn cry, "You weren't supposed to leave." She murmured out quietly, letting her tears fall. It was a rare moment of defeat and loss for her. The girl that never let herself cry at all, let herself sink to the floor, back sliding against the island table. She pulled her knees to her chest. She slammed a fist back into the counter before she buried her face in her hands.

"Please don't leave." She whispered into the the silence. But there wouldn't be anyone to answer.
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