Preserved Sheet Yezzoliss Es-gezza

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In this life it's either bitch or be bitched.
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
General Information
"My simple labors let me life oh so comfortably. Let an old creature relax for just thirty more minutes. Come come, sit and ruminate with me."
Full Name: Yezzoliss Es-Gezza
Age: 156 (Extended by Engram Ten)
Gender: Male
Race: Es-Allar
Sexuality: Completely Asexual
Main Ambition: The recreation of his Ninth Engram - Eshraqat. Advise and assist his Allar race as long as he can possibly live.

Skill Information
"Too often will thousands of people pass right over the smallest details without a second glance. Now tell me, are they right for that? For, from what I've seen, the smallest detail makes all the difference."
Proficiency Points: 0/0 (-60 due to magic)
  • +10 Void/Exist knowledge (+10 from being Es-Allar)
Culture Points: 60/60
  • +40 Clockwork Engineering (+40 from Culture Points)
  • +10 Drawing (+10 from Culture Points)
  • +10 Literature (+10 from being Es-Allar)
  • +5 Carving (+5 from Culture Points)
  • +5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 from Culture Points)
Spell Book: 10 Spells
  • Engram One: Soul Range - Learned at age 15
  • Engram Two: Soul Split - Learned at age 16
    • The Clocktick has been modified to over the years to look more like a mechanical gecko than a spider. Its personality is that of annoyance, anxiety, and contempt. The device has been given the name Llazzio.
  • Engram Three: Soul Spider - Learned at age 17
  • Engram Four: Work Spider - Learned at age 19
  • Engram Five: Dead Breath - Learned at age 22
    • Given his curious anatomy, the majority of the equipment that supplies and runs the Nafsar is located on his torso, with only the mask over his mouth. The Qatil is inserted in a slot over his chest and a small tank on his back serves as direct supply to the mask.
  • Engram Six: Stopping Power - Learned at age 26
    • Because of his small stature, he requires his Tawaq to be carried by another individual when he travels out with it. In order to actually use this device, he has installed a collapsible two-footed stand towards the end of the barrel that supports the Tawaq when aiming.
  • Engram Seven: Whistling Pencil - Learned at age 33
  • Engram Eight: Binral Reader - Learned at age 40
  • Engram Nine: Eshraqat - Learned at age 45
    • The golem (once reconstruction finishes) will stand at roughly 5'6" with an appearance similar to that of a clockwork Al- or Zu-Allar.
  • Engram Ten: Age Stealer - Learned at age 90
    • The ritual that extends a person's life by forty years has already been performed and the device implanted into the Es-allar's chest, though it cannot be seen under the Nafsar.
Known Languages:
  • Zzasta (Native Language) - Learned by age 10
  • Common (Acquired Language) - Free Language
  • Modern Elvish (Acquired Language) - Learned by age 30
  • Faraddi (Acquired Language) - Learned by age 40
  • Sofaal (Acquired Language)- Learned by age 55

Visual Information
"So many of my contemporaries speak of death so loftily, as if it is to be praised. Nay, I myself cannot understand such mad words. Those who truly understand death will realize just how much they want to live."
Eye Color: Yellow with round pupil
Hair Color: N/A
Hair Style: N/A
Skin Color: A dark blue-gray skin that fades to a yellow shade down the arms. White speckled patterns along his back and upper arms.
Clothing: Nafsar breathing apparatus (Engram Five) paired with protective goggles.
Height: 2'6"
Body Build: Chubby

Personality and Abilities
"Those who are too busy to have a cup of tea now will have nothing left to do in their sickbeds. Come, such stressful things can wait."
1.) While Yezzoliss' appearance may be unnerving to some, with Es-Allar anatomy paired with the gas-mask qualities of a Nafsar, he defies most conventional expectations. Since the negative traits of annoyance and contempt that are often associated with Es-Allar have been separated and placed inside his Clocktick, the creature that remains is oddly jovial for his caste. While he retains the cynical world view and focus on mortality that many of his caste carries, he is quick to give a deep voiced laugh and point out beauty in life and the joys of relaxing in a hot bath. Compared to other Es-Allar, he is much more compassionate and understanding of mistakes and very welcoming to those he does not know. Of course, without his Clocktick, one may find him turned back into a rather grumpy and harsh creature with little patience for anyone.

2.) This Es-Allar enjoys the much finer things in life: expensive teas, gold trimmings, fine food, exquisite music, and anything gaudy and superfluous. With the extension of his life letting him live well beyond other Allar in good health, he thinks it's only right to fully enjoy his new longevity. But, he can be brought to unease knowing that the ritual he preformed is not permanent, and one day he will pass away. This anxiety is remedied by placing it in the Clocktick - though will drone out his fears at times. While he believes that, due to his caste, he deserves a lavish lifestyle, he is not without compassion. He holds the belief that, before he dies, all Allar should have the opportunity to live such lavish lifestyles of bliss that he so enjoys. To that end, he finds himself often giving gifts to other Allar of fine teas and the sort.

3.) In private, Yezzoliss' relaxed and sedentary lifestyle comes into full focus. Some may describe the cheery creature from suffering from too much sloth at times. But, he treats those he's close too very kindly with only the finest of gifts, most of them clockwork creations of his very own make. Often will he invite people to laze about in saunas or look at the clouds with him. Known to partake in the occasional sigg and ssastfa, there is very little that separates how Yezzoliss treats his close friends and total strangers due to his very personable moods.

4.) Yezzoliss is by and large a pacifist, wishing no ill on anyone's head, unless the crime is simply inhuman. To him, all people can be forgiven and shown the error of their ways with gentle words and kindness. While he understands that the Digmaan have the final say for military actions and trusts their judgement when such actions are taken, he will push for peaceful diplomacy till the very last moment possible. Pacifism is not completely strict for him, as dire circumstances may call for a change of perspective, if only momentary.

5.) Without a doubt, Yezzoliss sees the world as a place of unrealized possibility, and that all suffering comes from people being too ignorant to manage their affairs correctly. A firm follower of the Great Alzetch, he views the world as a wondrous reaction full of surprises that no one could possibly imagine. If more people could reason with the temperament of the Es-Allar, with his own personal philosophy of enjoyment, then the world could be a much more realized state. Of course, his Clocktick often speaks of the more depressing aspects of the world to keep him firmly grounded in reality.

Life Story
"Meditation is the greatest form of thought. You may feel more one with all things in this great reaction than at any other time. - That and it is a lovely way to prepare for a nap."

Early Life [0 - 90]
  • An Es-Allar egg was laid in a batch of 11 others to a Zu-Allar and Al-Allar couple in a small village found in the Southeast of Hadar. The Ezsul-Rassa-Allar are notified.
  • By the time an envoy reached the city, the Es-Allar is but a week hatched. The parents of the hatchling name their child Yezzoliss and watch with quite pride as their child is taken away to the Halls of Ezsul, never to know their faces.
  • As is customary for Es-Allar, Yezzoliss is raised exclusively by a group of Es-Allar teachers in the ways of philosophy, literature, and the arcane.
  • By the age of 15, he is called before a portion of Ezsul-Rassa-Allar and asked to declare his magic of study. Deviating from the norm of most Es-Allar, he chose not to follow an Exist magic, but rather devote himself to Construct Magic.
  • Taught by one of the few Es-Allar, along with some Qadir scholars the Eszul-Rassa-Allar brought in from afar, Yezzoliss continued his study entirely within the halls of Ezsul.
Middle Life [45 - 90]
  • As he studied more, he watched as the elderly members of the Ezsul-Rassa-Allar slowly succumb to their age. The very mentor he had started with had already passed. He began to be filled with a deep melancholy of his own death.
  • As the years slipped by and his studies drew more to a close, Yezzoliss was exposed to an answer that he'd been looking for, the tenth engram of Construct magic. As he began to learn of this device that could extend his life for up to forty more years, he was filled with determination.
  • The answer was clear to him, he was much more useful to his race of Allar alive than dead. Over the course of a month of work, he managed to assemble the device. Under the watchful and curious eyes of the standing Ezsul-Rassa-Allar, the device was implanted into his chest with the assistance of a Celestial Mage. One the ritual was complete, Yezzoliss awoke with more time added to his clock. He knew now, he could serve as a greater servant to his people than ever before.
Late Life [90 - Present]
  • Not long after performing the ritual of the tenth engram did Yezzoliss find himself traveling out of Ezsul as the adviser to a Digmaan Cro-Telumtra.
  • For these five years, the Es-Allar traveled far north into the Elven occupied lands where he found himself quite comfortable in their lavish lifestyles.
  • Returning to Hadar, Yezzoliss leaves Digmaan Cro-Telumtra and joins Digmaan Cro-Gezza, a Cro-Allar notorious for his lavish and exuberant lifestyle.
  • Comfortable lifestyle would come to abrupt end as he turned 135, and the Chrysant War suddenly erupted throughout Hadar.
  • Yazzoliss and his Digmaan were located in Osstissa during the initial invasions. Yazzoliss spent most of the time in his Eshraqat, with his body remaining hidden in a bunker, so he could safely advise his Digmaan on the battlefield. Unfortunately, the force that swept over the northern state resulted in the death of Digmaan Cro-Gezza and destruction of his Eshraqat.
  • Fleeing deep into the jungle, Yazzoliss and a small band of Allar survived in the Hadarian jungle until the eventual de-escalation of the war.
  • Believing he was having no impact working in Hadar's recovery, and lacking the materials to perform his spells since the war, he made the decision to sail with a small group of Allar to Regalia, hoping to find more of a purpose for himself there.
  • Currently resides in the Regalian Embassy, enjoying the luxury it has to offer. In his spare time he will invest much of his funds into rebuilding his destroyed Eshraqat, but this will take time for such a complicated piece of machinery.
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Here's my review.
  • Bold personality traits in the personality paragraphs.
  • Invest in a life chronicles section. The life story is pretty long, and while I found no problems with the content, it would inconvenience any possible re-reviewers.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
@Aespair Bolded the general personality traits as requested! I simply removed bullet points from the life story and added a few lines to others (don't worry, its much shorter), seen in red. I'm choosing to forgo a Life Chronicles atm.
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