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Played Character Yennoc Yelthana, The Quondam Quartermaster

This character is actively played.


Dead Man's Switch
May 28, 2021
Reaction score
Your Mom's house
Roleplay Guilds
House Petrou
Yennoc Yelthana
....::::**•°The Quondam Quartermaster°•**::::....

"The winds will pass, the kings will fall, We should stay strong, because life goes on."

Prelude | Act 1 |

Full Name: Yennoc Moore Yelthana Minos Veia
Aliases: Yenners, Yenn, Con-Cuss
Race / Culture: Minoor Teledden
Age: 150
Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Occult: Afflictionless, Primal

══✿══╡°˖✧ Core Concept ✧˖°╞══✿══
A natural foil to his sister, compared to her hotheadedness, he grew up lax and calm- Not to say he was outright apathetic. He became his sister's guardian when she left home- A final promise to their father, one which he struggles to keep while being his own individual.

══✿══╡°˖✧ Appearance Information ✧˖°╞══✿══
Standing at 6' 7", he is built very muscularly, from working on ships and such managing cargo. He wears his teal hair in a mullet, but doesn't do much to upkeep it. Often it has kelp or other sea critters taking refuge.​

══✿══╡°˖✧ Proficiencies ✧˖°╞══✿══

Combat Style: Warrior

Preferred Weapons
"Faber and Castell"
Commonly names of pens, he uses them to refer to his fists.
Any X-rays or other such examinations will show several small cracks along his fingers and arms- most notably on his Radii, which have clearly taken severe damage over the years.
A custom made axe, that doubles as a guitar.
Yennocs "First Love". Originating as a guitar, over the years he has decided to make it a proper weapon. Splinters on the neck of the guitar suggest that the upgrades were made out of necessity, rather than choice.
"Making Do"
It is incredibly common that he will just grab a nearby object to use as a shield.
Strangely- Regardless of what the actual item is, something about his technique prevents his usage of defense from causing lasting damage to the object.

Strength - 6
Melee - 4
Diving Tackle
Similarly to his other techniques, this developed from his time at sea.
His calf and thigh muscles, while highly toned, have some permanent damage beneath the surface- due to their overuse.

Concussive Blow
A swift blow right to the forehead.
Following such, it is advised to seek medical attention. Yennoc was well known for causing an alarming amount of concussions.

Technique Parry

A pair of calloused hands shove the blow to the side.
Detailed Description
Battle Flurry
Detailed Description

Athletics - 2
Gut punch
A crude punch to the pectorals or stomach.
Despite it's simplicity, it is incredibly effective. Easily knocking the wind out of the victim.

Force Toss
Years of tossing crates and barrels around, has given him quite effective muscular structure.
While effective, they are not exactly efficient. And he often tires himself out trying to move out around heavier objects.

Constitution - 7
Shielding - 4


Shield Block (Free)

Training - 3
Debuff Endurance
Rage Counter

Magic - 0 (Free racial investments)
Sinistral: Rage

Radiant: Revive

Wisdom - 0

Dexterity - 1
Roguery: Close Save

Faith - 0

══✿══╡°˖✧ Languages ✧˖°╞══✿══





Listen only:


══✿══╡°˖✧ Life Story ✧˖°╞══✿══
The second child of the latest Yelthana generation, from an early age he was put to work at the docks. Over time, he got particularly good at it; even going on a few supply runs with the shipping companies that ran out of their home port.

After some time, his sisters were born. One of whom, Ryoe, began getting herself into great amounts of trouble. Their father requested that Yennoc look after her- to which he obliged. Despite her protests, he followed every step of hers. Ship-to-ship, foot-to-foot, he was going to ensure his sister was safe. He always had a keen survival ability, both his father and him knew that if Ryoe was going to make it she'd need that- especially with how hot-headed she had been becoming. He followed her along, even when she became captain of her own vessel. Refusing to leave her side- even if such was not the place of a bosun.

Eventually, however, after serving for years as the Quartermaster aboard the Bloody tide, Ryoe abruptly called their journey to a halt. Sending the rest of the crew home, and finding port in Regalia. Yennoc, too adjusted to a nomadic lifestyle, grew discomforted staying still for so long. He managed to get aboard a noble shipping vessel, starting as Bosun's mate. However quickly promoted after an accident aboard took the lead Bosun.

He sailed with the Orion for around a decade, accruing quite the skill for working with nobles along the way, but he grew lonely. He missed his sister, his friends from the Bloody Tide. So, the next time the ship came into port, he elected to stay in Regalia for a time. Keeping true to his nomadic nature, he refused to get a home proper. Sleeping on the streets or beaches, wherever a bed seemed comfortable.

Eventually, he awakens to find his sister sobbing on a beach. And takes that as fate- A sign to get back in the saddle.
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Relationship Issues
"What will we do when the world it is ending, and time- It has halted, for friend and for foe?

│# │ Name │ Title │ Quote │ Ranking │
│1 │ Yennoc Yelthana │ QrtMstr │ "About time." │ 8/10 │
│2 │ Ryoe Yelthana │ Captain │ "I missed you." │ 10/10 │
│3 │ │ │ │ │
│4 │ │ │ │ │
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Taking Inventory!
The Start
A decaying wedding band. It's scratched and stained red.
One of Yennoc and Ryoe's first scores when they got the Bloody Tide. Originally, they both had one but it's likely Ryoe had sold hers.

The Lazy Forager
A golden necklace with a decent sized amber chunk attached.
The amber is actually crystallized honey buildup- from a bees nest that had begun developing on the tide.

The Essentials
A small pocketbook for finances.
It's marked "LXXVI" on the cover, implying that this is far from his first one. The book is filled with hand drawn charts everywhere, and the handwriting is quite nice.

The Peace Offering
A beaded bracelet. The beads are Blue and Teal.
A gift from the dead- something meant to encourage a cease fire.
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