Archived Ye Olde Firearms (a Topic For Discussion, Not A Suggestion)

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juice thought.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all, I'd like to pose a question to the Massivecraft community.

Let's assume the Modding API has been implemented, and now a plugin could easily add a new item. What would you think if Aloria took a step forward in technological development, mainly, in the development of small firearms (since cannons already exist). Let's of course assume they'd be traditional Muzzle-Loading smooth-bore weapons.

Would you like this new weapon? Why or why not? How would you want them to work? How would raiding and warfare change, if at all?
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How I see it is, premiums and members that are trusted get a firearm.
Not another pay to win aspect -_-
How would it be pay to win! Short range more than a sword less then the bow . loud and expensive if anything they will just be annoying when people spam them at spawn and all you here is gun shots.
It would be cool if it was like the bow, but took a long time to reload yet stronger
I would like a wider variety of swords, bows, and maybe even some war hammers and staffs :)
Hmm.... I think it would be an interesting addition to Massivecraft but I think that bows in themselves are good enough for me.
How I see it is, premiums and members that are trusted get a firearm.

while often I am in support of pay to play for certain features (please don't hate), I have to say I disagree with something like this. Guns could potentially affect gameplay too much and not being able to use one if not premium would be too much. Also, having "members that are trusted" would be too hard to manage, with little reward.
It would be cool if it was like the bow, but took a long time to reload yet stronger

basically what I am hearing here is skyrim's crossbows vs. skyrims bows. I agree. One powerful shot vs. more rapid shots.

I for one do not like the progression of guns and other technological advances in massivecraft. Cannons are one thing, but with muskets and other developments we are progressing into the renaissance era rather than the medieval era, which I don't support. If guns were put in massive, I would never use them for this reason, not in PvP or roleplay.

However, assuming they did get implemented, this is how I would want them to work:

Deal twice as much damage as one arrow.
Bullets move much more quickly, and hit your target almost instantly, as a bullet should.
If there is an enemy directly behind your target, both players take damage.
Make a very loud noise (bows are better if you want to be stealthy)
Much less range than bows
Like early guns, they are not incredibly accurate, so it is near impossible to hit someone unless they are within about 10 blocks of you.
Dear god...people this is not a suggestion, its a discussion this is entirely for fun.
That being said muskets would be awesome. Or cross bows.
Also, there could be three stages of Massivecraft. The first stage, is the current massivecraft theme, it will have lots of magic-based mods. It lasts for 6 months. The next stage is the industrial revolution with buildcraft, industrialcraft, and balkon's weapons (with the more advanced aspects of industrialcraft removed) that lasts for 3 months. The next stage of massivecraft is the modern stage with computercraft and a whole bunch of other technological mods including the ones in the previous stage.
one of the issues with that is we would have to kill off our characters like once a week to keep up with the timeline xD
I figure that if we have cannons with different types of ammunition and such, we could technically have muskets... Maybe.

The main argument against technical advancement in Massivecraft is the fact that we also have magic that exists to do things for us, giving us little need for innovation.
I figure that if we have cannons with different types of ammunition and such, we could technically have muskets... Maybe.

The main argument against technical advancement in Massivecraft is the fact that we also have magic that exists to do things for us, giving us little need for innovation.

This is a good point, it's the debate over Magic vs. Technology. Now, personally, I like the fantasy world where, rather than magic be a substitute for technology, magic competes with technology. From what I've seen in the lore, magic is not very widespread, and not scientific in its practice and study. Thus, Innovation is not unnecessary. It would be interesting to see those magical elite and their reaction to this new-found, non-magical power.

Would magic users try to stamp out these weapons, fearing they may evolve beyond a mage's capacity for destructive force? Would the developers of these weapons spread the new technology? Or would they keep their new weapon a secret?
This is a good point, it's the debate over Magic vs. Technology. Now, personally, I like the fantasy world where, rather than magic be a substitute for technology, magic competes with technology. From what I've seen in the lore, magic is not very widespread, and not scientific in its practice and study. Thus, Innovation is not unnecessary. It would be interesting to see those magical elite and their reaction to this new-found, non-magical power.

Would magic users try to stamp out these weapons, fearing they may evolve beyond a mage's capacity for destructive force? Would the developers of these weapons spread the new technology? Or would they keep their new weapon a secret?

*cough* Legend *cough* of Korra *cough*
This is a good point, it's the debate over Magic vs. Technology. Now, personally, I like the fantasy world where, rather than magic be a substitute for technology, magic competes with technology. From what I've seen in the lore, magic is not very widespread, and not scientific in its practice and study. Thus, Innovation is not unnecessary. It would be interesting to see those magical elite and their reaction to this new-found, non-magical power.

Would magic users try to stamp out these weapons, fearing they may evolve beyond a mage's capacity for destructive force? Would the developers of these weapons spread the new technology? Or would they keep their new weapon a secret?
Funny you mention it, my character's exactly like that: Resents mages, and makes redstone-powered weaponry and devices which he calls his "Magic" :D
This is a good point, it's the debate over Magic vs. Technology. Now, personally, I like the fantasy world where, rather than magic be a substitute for technology, magic competes with technology. From what I've seen in the lore, magic is not very widespread, and not scientific in its practice and study. Thus, Innovation is not unnecessary. It would be interesting to see those magical elite and their reaction to this new-found, non-magical power.

Would magic users try to stamp out these weapons, fearing they may evolve beyond a mage's capacity for destructive force? Would the developers of these weapons spread the new technology? Or would they keep their new weapon a secret?

No this would never happen becuase of how rare magic is (or how rare it is supposed to be). There are extremely few mages and even less who are powerful so the chances of this happening is nothing
You're imply that the dude throwing the fireball is playing fair...
Though that also implies the dude with the cannon is playing fair as well...

i was actually thinking that if shot at each other the cannon ball would win out over the fireball due to it having solid mass and the fireball just being a ball of super heated contained gas.
i was actually thinking that if shot at each other the cannon ball would win out over the fireball due to it having solid mass and the fireball just being a ball of super heated contained gas.
Okay, on that note, I agree with you. Just trying to have some fun, but yes. You are absolutely right on that one.
Legend of Korra ALMOST managed to pull that story off. Then it collapsed on itself.

But back on topic, would you want to RP as a "Gunslinger" type character? Would these sorts of people be revered, or avoided?
Maybe a little bit of both. Some people like hunters and mercs, and some don't. I think it would just kinda melt into the overall background of the server.
Legend of Korra ALMOST managed to pull that story off. Then it collapsed on itself.

But back on topic, would you want to RP as a "Gunslinger" type character? Would these sorts of people be revered, or avoided?

Gods yes! I want me some big .45 blued steel revolvers with sandalwood grips!
*brownie points to whoever knows what i'm referencing.*
But of course, the guns should only come out later on in massive I they did maybe in a year or two.
Perhaps the farther away the player is, the less damage the gun does. It could also apply a DoT (damage over time) bleed effect, and possibly if you are hit in a major artery, slowness, weakness, ETC.
Moved to Feature & Discussion, please get the section right next time. :)
Perhaps the farther away the player is, the less damage the gun does. It could also apply a DoT (damage over time) bleed effect, and possibly if you are hit in a major artery, slowness, weakness, ETC.

There are already mods out there. This discussion is about the modding API that may come out. You don't have to give us ideas for a mod, because we aren't going to make them. See Balkon's Weapons Mod.
I personally would love there to be some REALLY primitive firearms on Massive. I think that'd be pretty interesting.
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