Ye Olde Art Shoppe

How bad are my prices...

  • Too low?? suzzie....

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Fair.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • High wtf is this garbage??

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • weren't you lore staff??? xdd

    Votes: 12 60.0%

  • Total voters


elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
under your bed
Heyo. So here's the millionth attempt at an art shop because being poor SUCKS.
I draw exclusively digital and exclusively headshots/busts.​

Couple of things to lay out:
  • I accept payment AFTER I finish. Especially with actual money. I'm in college, and I may forget- Thus I never want payment up front.
  • My drawing ability regarding males is.. subpar. I'll try, but for the love that is all holy I can't do beards. I haven't figured how to texture that.
  • I only draw humanoid races - No Varran, Url, Orcs, or Allar.
  • Not much "I won't draw"s beyond that- I don't do much beyond the shoulders so gore and NSFW doesn't really apply.
  • All prices are in USD.
The goods:
  • Sketchy
    • Flat color - 200 regals/ $2
  • Bust -
    • Fully shaded - 1,000 regals / 10$
I may add an in-between, but it's somewhat difficult as I simply sketch and paint over it.

The format:
Character Sheet:

If you'd like to contact me, the best way is on Discord at Suzzie#6141.
Don't be afraid to nudge me. I can be scatter brained.​
The format:
IGN: Narrju
Character Sheet: N/A
References: image0.webp
  • any headshot position is fine :)
  • fenic's eye color is now brown instead of gold
Type: sketchy flat color
IGN: Fergoff
Character Sheet: guy
References: Will PM over Discord if accepted.
Type: Sketchy flat color.
Last edited:
The format:
IGN: Narrju
Character Sheet: N/A
References: View attachment 158430
  • any headshot position is fine :)
  • fenic's eye color is now brown instead of gold
Type: sketchy flat color
IGN: Sujitation
Character Sheet: Here
References: Boom

  • Position: Ether smirking or a blank face
Type: Bust | Fully Shaded
IGN: Fergoff
Character Sheet: guy
References: Will PM over Discord if accepted.
Type: Sketchy flat color.
finger guns finger guns and more finger guns oh baby a triple

All added to the list.
IGN: _Owlet
Character Sheet: N/A (She's my upcoming Eotor Character, app yet to be made)

This is pretty much her face/clothing/hair colour. HOWEVER her eye colour is green, and her hair ref is just below <3

Her haaaair, it's basically plaited hair into a bun style, with locks falling into her face.


The hair accessory ^
Type: Bust | Fully Shaded - $10
Hi ho I can't believe I forgot to respond to this hahah college haha reee.

Got sidetracked by college and some other private requests (.. elves) but HELLO I'm back not dead.
I'm sorry whoops
Character Sheet: n/a
References: my profile pic is it.
Type: i was wondering if I could get a sketchy bust with no color, we can talk price on discord if accepted (in regals im broke rn.)

Character Sheet: N/A (She's my upcoming Eotor Character, app yet to be made)
This is pretty much her face/clothing/hair colour. HOWEVER her eye colour is green, and her hair ref is just below <3

Her haaaair, it's basically plaited hair into a bun style, with locks falling into her face.


The hair accessory ^

Type: Bust | Fully Shaded - $10

If you two don't still want this, I understand- Up to you if you'd like to still go for this.