Preserved Sheet Yanagi Shinigura

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Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
Mithranna, Cadun, Valorian
Roleplay Guilds
Merchant Guild,
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ya-Na'gi "Yana" Shinigura
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Female
  • Race:Sihai
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon:Throwing Knives
Skill Information
Total Points: 45.
  • +40 Food & Drink Sciences (10 from Race Boost 30 from Spent Points)
  • +10 Eastern Knowledge (from Race Boost)
  • +10 Throwing Blade Proficiency (From Spent Points)
  • +5 Bodycare Training. (From Spent Points.)
Body Shape
  • 12.
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Wa'an (learned from parents at home)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Toffee Brown
  • Hair Color: Teapot Black
  • Hair Style: Long Flowing (Kept in braid when Cooking)
  • Skin Color: Mushroom White
  • Clothing:Wrapped purple skirt with lavender floral pattern blouse.
  • Height: Five foot one inches tall.
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Consul
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Loong Dragon.(4).
Life Story

On a Summer morning at eight twenty five a young girl was born. She was the second child of Zz'ie'yqy and Fu'an'an. Her older sister born five years before her called Tak-oh'iki loved her and would teach her things about the world. She grew up in a family that was not wealthy and not poor they owned a small restaurant that they called The White Lotus She grew up in it watching the staff work. She always like to try all kinds of food that were made and brought in. Her parents said when she was older she could work in the kitchen and help prepare the food.

When she turned thirteen her parents allowed her to join the kitchen staff working at first as a person to help prepare the meat and vegetables her mentor a chef named Ter-si'ki Taught her how to use a knife properly. As she grew to adulthood so did her love of food. She started to experiment with new kinds of foods and creations with food from across Aloria that were brought to her city. She made her own recipes for her family's restaurant. One in particular was a garlic buttered pork and beef ramen with fried onions, grilled peppers, topped with an egg mixed with her secret spice blend and topped with her family's pepper sauce called Sarinuma that became famous around her homeland people coming to try it.

When she became an adult, she met a man named Milo Shinseki he told her about Regalia after asking to speak with her about her ramen. She then started to save up money so she could move there and either open her own restaurant or work in one. After she had saved up enough money she left her home. Arriving by boat in Regalia she stepped of ready to seek out her future whatever it may hold.