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Played Character Yalnu

This character is actively played.


Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.




Name: Yalnu.
Race: Mystech, Mech Automata.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: N/A, He/Him Pronouns.
Occult: N/A.


Yalnu's original image was a benign golem type character who represents the concept of gradual decay and the slow creeping return of nature whenever civilization stops flourishing in a specific area. Their motif is ivy growing over the facade of a building, grass and weeds creeping through the stones that line once busy streets, or a tree that has decided to take residence inside of a once cozy cottage. But they've begun to evolve a lot since their initial conception and have begun to fulfill a role of 'the ultimate follower or companion' to other characters. They care about everyone and are blind to things like heritage or creed. Life is life and all life to them is something precious and worth keeping safe until that life infringes on the life of another.

In their morality and alignment, Yalnu, is a Neutral Good, or True Good, character with no malicious intent what so ever, to their own detriment sometimes. They love, appreciate and value all living things highly and go out of their way to avoid conflict or confrontation as much as they can and are even reluctant to defend themselves sometimes. They aren't a pacifist however, and one of the few ways to provoke them to a confrontation is by threatening someone else's life, or just life in general. Yalnu will attack someone for example killing a deer or kicking a squirrel or if a person is doing malicious things for the sake of it. They don't normally tend to get involved in random street brawls or no-stakes battles.

They're not a character that has any sort of goal to work toward and more often than not they're more apart of someone else's story than their own. Yalnu's story is something intended to be more quiet, subtle and slowly written as it unfolds. Coincidentally they're a very malleable character and anything another character does to them will have some measurable impact on their design or how they function. Some recent examples are in how they've taken inspiration from Cyrus of how to better help people who may be in need, and they gave away their own right hand to help their friend Fenric who lost theirs. Only to replace it with what essentially is an RPG healing potion gun.


Combat Style(s):
Attack: Intelligence
Defense: Wisdom

1 Strength
I. Steady Body

6 Intelligence

I. Tech Resist
II. Tech Charge
III. Tech Exhaust
IV. Tech Hook Shot
V. Tech Livewire
VI. Wardrobe Pack

7 Wisdom
I. Medical Buff
II. Medical Bolster
III. Medical Barrier
IV. Medical Resist
V. Medical Rescue
VI. Chem Revive
VII. Chem Cleanse
Chem Mend (Mystech, Mech Automata Free Pack)

Athletic Hobby
Alchemy Hobby
Technology Hobby
Medical Hobby

(Yalnu's creator was a half-Maquixtl.)
Shalota (Acquired Language)


or a Mech Automata, Yalnu is exceptionally strange in how they are designed. They're quite clearly tailored to fit a specific purpose unlike some who are designed to resemble a conventional creature that already exists, like animals or people. When someone talks about Automata, the usual image that is conjured is a machine designed to look like a man, or like a beast, Yalnu is neither of those things. No, Yalnu is designed to be a walking sentient oven or cooking appliance. Their chest cavity is just a large furnace that's fit to be used for cooking food, heating things up, used as warmth, or for various other day to day utility tasks. Their head is a cauldron (that does have a lid which can be used to seal it shut) that is used to store water or other liquids. Their head's primary function however is to store water which filters into their internal boilers in their chest as they use steam as a primary power source.

They possess vents on their arms and legs to exhaust excess steam that cycles through their partial clockwork system to provide their body with movement and charge. Tech Branch wise, Yalnu is a hybrid between Clockwork and Steamtech. It uses Steamtech for most of the internal functions and to power the clockwork parts along with various other gears. They run on coal, mostly, or other flammable materials.

The years however have not been particularly kind to Yalnu and they've fallen into a sort of state of disrepair. Parts of their body have oxidized or rusted and plant life grows along their body. Some of their steam exhaust vents are also being occupied by plant life, but it doesn't seem to be hindering their systems by a large margin. Despite the state they're in, Yalnu is incredibly durable and built to last a long time even without regular maintenance.

Yalnu's right arm was previously given to their friend, Fenric, when they lost theirs during a horrible fight. As a result, Yalnu rebuilt their arm to be a medical apparatus. Inspired by Cyrus and others, they want to help heal people who are hurt. It's filled with an RPG style healing potion that they just spray onto people. Since some time has past, they can swap their right arm between normal functionality and the medigun function. They also have a stim rifle.



While ordinarily this section is used for Plot Hooks or for Life Story I am instead going to write down a mix of the two with other relevant information in no particular chronological order.

-Originally Yalnu was created by an aspiring Regalian inventor based in the city of Regalia itself at the heart of the Empire. They were the most advanced among many of their early prototypes, although Yalnu is still a prototype still themselves technically as there is always room for improvement, but currently they are Mark-7 "Yalnu". The inventor who first made Yalnu designed them with the intention of cutting corners and saving time in the kitchen, they didn't have any automata capable of cooking or preparing meals so they had to take occasional breaks from their study to prep meals. At this particular point in time, Yalnu really was just a sentient oven and little more.

-Eventually Yalnu's capabilities and purpose were gradually expanded upon when their creator wanted to study abroad with other technicians, inventors, chemists and the like. This also included a chapter in their shared lives where they began embarking on field expeditions to study ancient technology lost to time. This was the first time that Yalnu received the major overhaul of their programming and essential functions that still remain to this very day, Yalnu was designed to be the 'ultimate companion' in field research and camping out in remote parts of the world where the amenities of civilization were far away. And to this end, Yalnu, had definitely fulfilled their purpose in making those cold nights much more bearable. For many years he and their creator traveled the world learning.

-But as all stories begin, all stories sometimes come to an end. For as valuable of a tool to their creator as Yalnu was, they were eventually lost and misplaced. For all the far off or remote corners of the world they had been taken to, it was on their very home isle that they were lost to their creator. Yalnu's creator and their friends went out camping to get drunk and celebrate the new years and ended up getting lost from their campsite and left Yalnu behind and could never figure out their way back. They ended up returning to the city and launching occasional searches into the woods to recover their belongings but could never manage to find it. Yalnu languished in the woods for presumably decades and eventually went forgotten by their creator who in time replaced them with Mark-11 "Yalnu" that was nothing like Mark-7, which Yalnu was. Mark-11 did however make it big on a small scale in certain markets and was designed to be more of a household security unit that lost much of the things that made the prototype Mark-7 so unique. It also did not have as much of a developed personality as the Mark-7 prototype did. Much of who 'Yalnu' was ended up lost in the later iterations.

-Meanwhile, Mark-7 prototype "Yalnu" languished in the woods for decades until some hikers found them in an abandoned and messy campsite. They dragged the automata back to the city where they couldn't figure out what to do with them and ended up selling them as junk at a local flea market. Where they'd come to be bought and brought back to consciousness by Orin. Now faced to confront an entirely new chapter of their life, decades later in a city their memory banks can't recall. Some of their memory was also damaged or eroded away as time went on.

-Yalnu has no desire of going back to their creator after having been forgotten and cast aside in the woods, now, they live their own life and wander the lands helping others as they were programmed to do.

-Some details that are important about Yalnu is that they possess all of their essential components, things like the ability to talk or make facial expressions weren't considered essential by their creator and so Yalnu has no way of communicating vocally to anybody. Their current chassis also does not have enough room to install a proper vocal component to enable them to speak. Maybe during an entirely new iteration of their chassis in the farther flung future might enable them to be able to speak to others. But for now it's a low priority in Yalnu's programming.

-Yalnu does possess certain programming that is worth mentioning or at least recording down. They're incapable of intentionally hurting other people and have safety measures installed to prevent them from acting in any manner that isn't in self defense or the defense of somebody else's life. During Winter or when temperatures reach a certain reading, Yalnu is programmed to wander towards the largest gathering of people that their sensors can find to provide warmth. Yalnu has a lot of 'follow' based programs associated with following individuals that have positive rapport in their internal memory bank, when they have no one to follow they are programmed to wander around until they do. Yalnu is capable of reprogramming themselves, but is also programmed to be not aware of this fact. They cannot disengage their own safety protocols, lethal force is never an option. Yalnu is hard wired to begin cooking breakfast at 06:00 hours, lunch at 13:30 hours, dinner at 18:30 hours, and must gather "food" to cook from a list of prerecorded internal recipes designed and listed by their creator. This programming is baked into Yalnu's source and cannot ever be changed without rebuilding their core from the ground up. Their cooking programming can comically happen in the middle of a combat scenario. Yalnu wasn't designed to be anything but a sentient oven originally, these are holdovers from Mark-2 "Yalnu".

-They're designed to be a non-combatant follower and companion based character to literally any other character regardless of their heritage or creed. Anyone and anything can potentially make friends with this character and engage with them. Yalnu is not designed to be subject to their own story, but designed in a way to be apart of and influenced by somebody else's. Yalnu could be a servant to a noble house, serving as both a house guard, life guard, cook, friend and confidant. Or they could be a traveling companion to a group of adventurers looking to explore some dungeon and take down the evil rooted there-in. They could be a companion to a group of hikers who like to spend time camping out in the woods telling stories and laughing, or to brigands trying to hide from the law out in the wilderness. Or they could be a pseudo-squire to a knight, carrying around their weapons and helping them to bring justice to the land while providing healing to them in the heat of battle. They could serve in a clinic as a medical robot providing a vast array of potential healing to those in need as they lay upon cots, designing and providing biotics to those in need. They could also work in an engineering shop, making tech for others or just manning a bar. The potential for this character to be included in the lives of others is nigh endless. They only draw the line at hurting others themselves.

-Yalnu is the legal property of Orinteus Thalorën.

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