Preserved Sheet Xyla Xenarthra (lyra)

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Oct 6, 2021
Reaction score
★ Character Information



Name: Xyla Xenarthra {Lyra}
Race: Sinhdar
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Eye Colour: Brown and Blue
{Discolour from blindness in right eye}

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Core Concept

Lyra is academically strong and passionate about technology repeatedly leading to neglect her own health, sometimes spending days and weeks in her workshop consumed by her inventions. One day hoping to create something powerful enough to end the constant battle in Drowda against the Void.
Outside of her workshop, she is presented as a forgetful but kind person who has a deep love for those she cherishes, often being overly generous and helpful wherever she can. When it comes to religion Lyra is completely atheist, preoccupied with her work she finds it a waste of time to follow and worship any god.


❇ Strength 2

Shaker Pack
Breaker Pack

❇ Constitution 1
Physique Pack

❇ Wisdom 7

Clockwork {Techniction}
Dampener Pack
Mercy Pack
Mechwalker Pack
Stimboost Pack
Mech-suit Pack
Scrapper pack
Automaton Pack (Free)

Archtech {Artificer}
Medical Pack
Automaton Pack (Free)

❇ Dexterity 2
Escapist Pack
Venom Pack

❇ Magic 0

❇ Charisma 2

West Linguistic Pack
Commander Pack

❇ Racial Abilities

Weapon Summon {Racial}
Home Advantage {Racial}

❇ Language

Sinnayed {Mother-Tongue} {S}
Common {Taught}
West Linguistic Pack {Learnt}

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Appearance Information

Lyra stands around 6'2 with long white hair that's often tied up high due to her messy work. With her passion for Inventing, oil has basically become an accessory, covering her skin and clothes never able to keep herself clean. Her outfits are pretty plain in nature usually just thrown together most of the time accompanied by a tool belt and apron. Due to an accident in her childhood, her right eye is a clouded blue with a severe burn scar surrounding that eye (She is blind in this eye also).

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Life Story

☾ Childhood ☽

Lyra was born in Farah'deen to Sihndar(Mother) and a Qadir(Father). Soon after Lyra's birth, her mother's presence was requested back in Drowda by her family and so they went on a journey back to Alamat (Her mother's Home). Lyra's parents decided to stay and help with the current crisis, her mother a fighter and her father an engineer inventing and creating weapons.

Around the age of 5 however, tragedy struck with the sudden death of Lyra's mother. Her grief-stricken father could not bear to leave Drowda so he opted to help in the war as best he could in memory of his late wife. Moving his focus on Lyra where he went on to teach her all he knew about Engineering and Inventing.

☾ Adolescence ☽
Throughout her adolescence, she developed a passion for invention constantly helping her father in his workshop, assisting him in any way she could. Her fondest memories are within that workshop. Outside the workshop, she would do what other Sihndar children would do, training, fighting, etc.

One evening Lyra was in her father's workshop digging around when she found one of his inventions Hidden away beneath a muddied cloth. Intrigued Lyra went to take the invention in hopes of figuring out what it was and in doing so activated it, causing a large explosion. This collapsed the building around Lyra trapping her while a raging fire broke out. It was here where Lyra attained a gnarly burn (scaring the right side of her face) and permanent blindness in her right eye.

☾ Young adult ☽

With the limited knowledge within her home Alamat, Lyra and her father planned to travel to Regalia to deepen their technician knowledge in hopes of bringing back their new-found knowledge to help the constant battle in Drowda. Sadly before they could leave, however, her father died on a Menexer expedition leaving Lyra to do the travel to Regalia alone.

☾ Current ☽
Lyra has now arrived in Regalia hoping to gain the needed knowledge to develop her late fathers' unfinished inventions. Where she then plans to go back to Drowda and show her people the strong capabilities of tech and engineering.

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Lyra has dedicated her life to inventing new technologies using the skills her late father taught her. She only wishes to complete her late father's inventions as a way to carry his legacy through herself
This area lacks certain information and could use expansion. What is this character's religious beliefs, do they follow a faith? Are they not faithful? If so, why? What niches do they occupy as a person outside of just attempting to continue their father's legacy? Are they more sagely? What character archetype do they follow?
This area lacks certain information and could use expansion. What is this character's religious beliefs, do they follow a faith? Are they not faithful? If so, why? What niches do they occupy as a person outside of just attempting to continue their father's legacy? Are they more sagely? What character archetype do they follow?
Okieee I shall get on this some point after the 11th
This area lacks certain information and could use expansion. What is this character's religious beliefs, do they follow a faith? Are they not faithful? If so, why? What niches do they occupy as a person outside of just attempting to continue their father's legacy? Are they more sagely? What character archetype do they follow?
Hi I've updated it! Hopefully this is how its meant to look :))