Preserved Sheet Xeena

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Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.


Character Information
  • ☼ Full Name: Xeena Njoku
  • ☼ Race: Aksunna Slizzar - Body Silven "Songaskian" Parent
  • ☼ Age: 27
  • ☼ Gender: Female
  • ☼ Eye Color: Gold with a red limbus
  • ☼ Soul Name: Aïssata
  • ☼ Pronouns: She/They
  • ☼ Sexuality: Lesbian/Homosexual

Core Concept
  • Xeena is a designer - clothing, jewelry, tattoos, you name it. As long as it makes somebody happy, she is content. Religion-wise she follows Mussaktu/Marik, keeping her worship up weekly.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 5 (One point without a point-buy pack attached)
    • Physique Pack
    • Metallurgy Craft Pack
    • Wood Craft Pack
    • Thread Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 4 - Void - Born Mage
    • Materialism - Pocket Dimension
    • Blessings - Healing Hands
    • Breaking - Break Enchant
    • Illusionism - Altered Self
  • Charisma: 4 - (One point without a point-buy pack attached)
    • East Linguist Pack
    • Stupid Luck Pack
    • Pet Husbandry Pack
  • Spell Point Buy Specials
    • Dressage Cleanse
    • Solar Power
    • Arcane Mastery
    • Arcane Sight
    • Evil Tongues
    • Arcane Wardrobe
    • Fire Element
    • Sand Element
    • Metal Element
    • Light Element
    • Celestial Element
    • Heat Immune
  • Silven Abilities

☉Common (Free)
☉Zoram (Native)
☉East Linguist Pack

Appearance Information
  • ☉Due to her constantly changing nature, Xeena is covered in "tattoos" that vary by the day.
  • ☉As stated above, her form is ever-changing. The most common one has her at 6'2" with green half-shaved hair and a darker skin tone. With a pair of white horns.
Life Story
  • ☀ Xeena was born in the Masaya to a Songaskian-shifted Slizzar and the body Arken similarly in the form of a Songaskian. The Slizzar and her original Songaskian partner were the ones to raise Xeena with the body Arken having left the moment she was born. She was raised alongside her Slizzar twin and a bunch of half-siblings.
  • ☀ In her teenage years, Xeena was very focused on learning how to design things. Taking art classes, learning from the local seamstresses, even delicately crafting her own jewelry.
  • ☀ Later on in her life, she has become quite the socialite - bringing people into her home to make a dress for them, a necklace, even style their hair a certain way. Practically turning it into a boutique, but with family.
  • ☀ Xeena has always had an interest in other cultures - hearing Regalia was quite the mixing pot of them, she decided she just had to see how it all worked, and traveled there herself with some saved up money.

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Hello, here's my review:
  • Half-Slizzar cannot break the society point buy rules, so your character does not qualify for the Bentyia Wisdom Pack. Either make her full Slizzar or remove this pack.
  • Update your languages section too, you only get one native language for free. Zoram is not included in the East Linguist Pack.
  • Your character cannot be directly raised by the Body Arken, remove mention of such from the backstory.
Tag me once edits are complete!
Hello, here's my review:
  • Half-Slizzar cannot break the society point buy rules, so your character does not qualify for the Bentyia Wisdom Pack. Either make her full Slizzar or remove this pack.
  • Update your languages section too, you only get one native language for free. Zoram is not included in the East Linguist Pack.
  • Your character cannot be directly raised by the Body Arken, remove mention of such from the backstory.
Tag me once edits are complete!
I completely forgot to change the language bit lmao
Also updated her life story to clarify that it was an actual Songaskian that helped raise her (mother's life-partner) not the body arken

One thing that I'm hoping still gets me the bentyia wisdom though is:
  • Aksunna Slizzar, born to a Slizzar and Songaskia parent, are still considered Songaskian even if they choose to accept their Slizzar heritage. This has led to a minor population of these unique beings to grow within Farah'deen.
Mind you. Change Aksunna to Half-Slizzar because the wording never got updated. but yeah! that was my thought. I can still absolutely change it if I need to.
Sorry for such a delay responding!! but Bentyia Wisdom was removed anyway lol
otherwise looks good
Sorry for such a delay responding!! but Bentyia Wisdom was removed anyway lol
otherwise looks good
No problem at all! Was gonna change it sooner but I've been on vacation and for some reason the forums doesn't work on my phone.
Regardless, allocated the point into constitution. no point-buy attached, just making her a better seamstress p much :)