Preserved Sheet Xavier Ravenstad

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
House Croy

Xavier Witteric Ravenstad


Spotify Playlist


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Xavier Witteric Ravenstad
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Power and Security
  • Special Permission: N/A
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Xavier is the Duke of the Hinterlands, and the first son of Percival II. He returned to Regalia following his leprosy coming to fruition, with the intent to take back his family and lands he believed rightfully were his. He eventually succeeded, and now seeks to pursue securing the Ravenstads, and finding stability, safeguarding against a potential collapse.
  • Xavier is the firstborn son of Percival Ravenstad and Adelheid Ravenstad. He has a younger sister, Cecile, and a younger brother, Charles. He has a mostly shaky relationship with his family.
  • Other than securing his family, Xavier seeks to find the reason and purpose behind his leprosy, which he believes to be a spiritual punishment. He'd also like to obtain some form of legacy and glory in the few years he has left to live.
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: Discipline of General Command
  • Level: Scholar
  • Source: Regalian Academy of Leadership

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Denim Blue
  • Hair Color: Burnt Ginger
  • Hair Style: Pulled back and short, though scarcely seen.
  • Skin Color: Scarred pink/red with many lesions from Leprosy.
  • Clothing: Intricate, covering robes and gloves. Mask to cover leper-riddled face.
  • Height: 5ft 11in.
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: House Guards
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Much akin to his father, Xavier possesses a powerful jawline, though unlike his father, it is more square. Xavier has piercing dull gray-blue eyes, though due to his intense stare, they seem a lot more lively than that of his other relatives. Additionally, he also inherited his father's strong nose and predisposition to the ashen-ginger hair that runs to strongly in the family. Since his leprosy took hold, Xavier's once easy-on-the-eyes face is now scarred, blistered, and almost raw looking, leaving him to have a monstrous disposition. With recent events, his joy in life and relative carelessness is all but wiped out, and in its place a usually disinterested or ponderous expression. This isn't entirely relevant though, as a mask typically is covering his hideous new face.
  • In terms of body, Xavier is considered average. His schooling left no time for real training, and his leprosy is slowly making it worse over time too. His skin, however, is mostly a raw, scarred and blistered red, especially (for his body) around his hands, neck, forearms, and upper chest.
  • Xavier dresses now with the intent to cover himself fully, as to hide the damage done to his body from the leprosy. He wears heavy robes, never without gloves and a leper's mask to cover his monstrous disposition.
  • Xavier speaks with a quieter, raspier voice now, thick with the Leutz dialect of his homeland. This can make him difficult to hear at times if he doesn't speak up.


Personality and Abilities
  • Perceived by others: Before the Leprosy became known to Xavier, and really anyone, he was a boisterous, jocular, and carefree individual, much like his father was in his younger days. However, after the illness robbed him of his looks and the possibility of a long life, Xavier has turned very troubled and colder. To other people, he's cordial, abrupt, and seemingly irritated. He has abandoned his partying and socializing, and is much more a stoic as a result. The Ravenstad also seems horribly paranoid and untrusting, as a result of other events.
  • Inner Feelings: Xavier is a troubled individual. In the past, he struggled to impress his father and make him proud of him, but once Percival died, it left Xavier with a sense of unfulfillment, though also created an odd sense of confidence. Without someone constantly reminding him he's not impressed, or telling him he's not living up to expectations, Xavier has become much more confident in his abilities, and even more so headstrong. Despite that, his leprosy has given him a heavy insecurity about his visual appearance. With this, he does seek affirmation and acceptance, but often strives to do so in putting people under his heel, which as a result makes him feel better about himself.
  • Towards friends and family: Before, Xavier was fast friends with just about anyone, especially so his family. Following the leprosy eating away at him, Xavier has struggled to maintain a positive, outgoing mindset. This has strained his relationships, often awkwardly trying to retain friendships with friends and family who he now shares no common ground with. He no longer drinks and gambles with Richarr, or spars with Vulmar, and this saddens him beyond anything. As for family, he is incredibly paranoid towards them, and despises most of them. He feels most had a hand in the murder of his father, and that they'd seek to rob him of what is rightfully his. With the exception of those who remained loyal and steadfast to him, Xavier has a wholly negative opinion of the other Ravenstads, and is quite cold to them.
  • Morality: On a whole, Xavier is still a "good person". He used to respect the rule of law, and authority, and still does now. However, his paranoia and lust for revenge has set him on a immoral path, which is slowly ebbing away at his former good nature.
  • Worldview: Xavier has a newfound relationship with religion. In the past, Cedric, who was a father figure to him as a child, created a dilemma when he ascended as Emperor. It was hard for Xavier to view him as a God now. However, when his dormant leprosy became active, he came to believe it was the Spirit punishing him for his transgressions, wavering beliefs, and general debauchery/carelessness. Thusly, his faith in Unionism has been redoubled, and is a devout, spirit-fearing man. As for his place in life, Xavier views himself as a person robbed of what was his. Cedric stripping his father's titles away, and the other Ravenstads refusing to give them up following Percival's death, all meant something to him. He feels on one hand, the Spirit was giving him a stick and carrot to further humanum before his time is up, and on the other hand, his family were revealed as all traitors and snakes for him to seek out. This causes him to believe he is above other people, and that he has a higher purpose to serve.
  • General Command: Really his only advantage left in the world, Xavier is a scholar in General Command. It's quite self-explanatory, and his illness does not prevent him from being able to effectively pursue this talent, aside from travel being strenuous.

  • Leprosy: Xavier's leprosy has left his devoid of former strength. He's no longer able to effectively defend himself, or anyone else for that matter. His general strength has withered to rather normal levels, and is weakening by the day. As a whole, this disease has left him worse off than he was before, not to mentioned severely cutting his lifespan down to a few more years. Strenuous activities exhaust him, and the dead nerves in his affected areas also forebode eventual, possible paralysis.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Relationships (Optional)

Life Story (Required)
Birth | 278 a.c.

  • Born in April 27th 278 a.c. to Ser Percival Ravenstad and Lady Adelheid Ravenstad in Castle Machellon within the heart of the Hinterlands.
Childhood | 1 - 10
  • Raised primarily by nannies and nurses during his infancy, was known to be a very "easy" and content baby, barely crying or making a sound.
  • Showed early signs of an introverted nature, much to his father's concern, not being as bubbly as toddlers should be, and failed to interact at all with his younger sister, Cecile
  • At around four, his younger brother Charles was born, his mother dying during childhood. Being so young, he didn't quite get what this meant yet, though the loss was apparent to him, which caused him to turn more inwards as a person over time, but also more reliant on approval from his father, which he never got.
  • Began tutoring by a general teacher early on, excelling in language and memorization. Received education with weaponry, getting sparring lessons with a wooden sword, though was not the core of his upbringing. Not to mention, he simply didn't care much for this, and definitely did not learn much, if at all.
Teenage Years | 11 - 14
  • Percy forces Xavier to follow through with a military education, though allows Xavier to pick general command over a combat education. He takes on many early tutoring for the subject, and preparation for eventual enrollment.
  • Xavier often gets into fights with other children, kids of his father's friends, or his uncle's bannermen. This angers his father, who tries to force him to become less rowdy, which doesn't work.
  • While home, Xavier's restlessness and lack of stimulation in the otherwise boring countryside of the Hinterlands (as well as the fact that his father is often away, and in the rare cases that he is present, largely ignores Xavier due to state and Knight business) causes him to become disrespectful and rebellious against his father's wishes. His father frequently punishes him by forcing him outside in the rain in the dark, giving rise to his fear of the dark.
Later Teenage Years | 15 - 19
  • Xavier began to prepare for eventually enrollment in the General Command school in Regalia. He upgraded his studies more, though his father chafed at the idea, due to wishing his son would pursue a combat education.
  • Despite the disagreement, Percival allowed Xavier to attend the school.
  • Excelled in his studies, though nothing else of note took place
Recent Times | 20 - Now
  • Xavier attended general command school for five years, then another five years after, leveling at scholar level at about 25 years old.
  • After that education, Xavier wished to find more entertainment in the world. He began to pursue thrill seeking as a result.
  • The years following his thrill seeking caused Xavier to travel across the Archipelago. He experienced cliff jumping from the highest and sharpest cliffs in Vultaro, he wrestled with Northern brutes in Drixagh, he worked for a few months as a dockhand in the Girobaldin Shipyards, he was dared to climb to the highest chapel dome of the Vixhallian La Voilerie palace, and broke an arm when he tried to challenge an Anglian Black Bull. His visits to Hinterlands and seeing his family were extremely infrequent. For the few times Percy did see him come back, he was dismayed with his ever rougher growing appearance.
  • Xavier made a few friends around the Archipelago, but never truly touched home with anyone. Eventually his isolation and friendlessness as well as his inability to satisfy his father caused him to wander to the Imperial capital. In the capital, he had some vague political interactions with people around him, but eventually decided that politics wasn't the right way to impress his father, and slunk back into a thrill seeking thrive.
  • During the Lo occupation, Xavier was actually away from Regalia. When the occupation was over, he returned to Regalia, mostly to establish what had happened to the rest of his family. Once reconnected with his family however, he immediately dropped off again to roam the countryside of Regalia to find things to do in closer proximity to his father, who was meanwhile progressing up the Imperial ladder.
  • Participated thus far in various battles in Farah'deen against the Songaskians. Joined the City Guard as well.
  • Reconnected with his cousins and family, especially getting along with Richarr and Vulmar, who he has grown very close with.
  • Following his father's fall from grace, and all of the titles gone along with it, Xavier had no choice but to stand by as Albaer took over the family. The former heir disappeared following that, nobody seeing or hearing from him often.
  • In this time, Xavier actually had discovered he had developed Leprosy. Apparently, this had been dormant for years, according to his physicians. The aforementioned doctors only gave him a few years to live, which spurred him into action.
  • With a fit of anger, Xavier rose up with a loyalist army to take back the Hinterlands from Emerich, the new Duke. After returning to the capital, and threatening Emerich as well as requesting support from other houses, Xavier set out to return to the war front. Emerich curiously died that night.
  • Once Emerich died, there was an unclear leader of the family. Xavier brought House Typhonus to his side, but such did not matters, as Folcard fled to Anglia to go into exile. Xavier took over the Hinterlands, and proclaimed himself not only Duke of the Hinterlands, but also King of Brissiaud.
  • Following the Brissiaud Wars, Xavier occupied the Peirgarten lands, and convinced the Rosendahl's to subjugate under his self proclaimed kingdom. However, before the Assembly could hold the much anticipated vote on whether he broke Emperor's Peace or not, House Kade invaded the Hinterlands and proclaimed Xavier's former step-brother, Renly, as king. Infuriated, Xavier mustered a weighty alliance in defense, but before the fighting could ensure, the wars came to a peaceful end. Xavier and Renly both conceded the crown, and Xavier's lands remained untouched, remaining as Duke Xavier III, releasing the Rosendahl's from subjugation as well and pulling out of the Peirgarten lands after.
  • With the help of a distant relative, Gerold Ravenstad-Krier, as well as his cousin Vulmar, Xavier reformed the Ravenstad House Guard, known as the Crows, to operate better and expand recruitment. Through this, the Ravenstad made mast friends with his guardsmen, including one Gideon Hackett, who he began taking a real shine to.
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Beautifully written (as always)! Love the two middle names! I adore how much of an effect that his father has on him, as it provides a relatable realism with the people reading. Can't wait to see more of him soon!
Peer Review:

Basic Information:
- 190 pounds for an athletic 5'10" male is a little bit heavy, I'd say between 160 and 180 pounds is more accurate buT I do believe that weight isn't included in the new character sheet format so you might be told to remove it entirely.

Everything Else:
- Is completely a-okay
Peer Review:

Basic Information:
- 190 pounds for an athletic 5'10" male is a little bit heavy, I'd say between 160 and 180 pounds is more accurate buT I do believe that weight isn't included in the new character sheet format so you might be told to remove it entirely.

Everything Else:
- Is completely a-okay
Forgot to omit weight, I think the weight was a leftover from a previous design so. Thank for the reminder.
Here's my review -
  • Talents
    • The talents 'energizing' and 'upper body strength' do not reach the minimum of three sentences.
    • You mention that he's a good problem solver, but only "when they don't concern his own problems", which I am having trouble following. If you could elaborate upon that with just another sentence, or alternatively remove it, then it'll be solved.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Mother's day weekend plus starting work severely lowered my free time. I'll have this handled soonish, normalcy is returning so.
  • Talents
    • The talents 'energizing' and 'upper body strength' do not reach the minimum of three sentences.
    • You mention that he's a good problem solver, but only "when they don't concern his own problems", which I am having trouble following. If you could elaborate upon that with just another sentence, or alternatively remove it, then it'll be solved.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.

Done. @Valentinian
Music is broken.
Updated with all the new updates needed for him.

Importantly, Wapnbog schooling has been traded for Tactical Command schooling, to give him a talent that his leprosy wouldn't negate. If the reviewer could ensure that there are no inconsistencies with this schooling, that'd be appreciated, I may have missed something.

Needs new review.
Refrain from reviewing this yet, as it was announced this morning changes are coming to the School of Tactical Command. I will update the information accordingly once it is given to me. Apologies.