Shelved Character Xamanito Juarez {the Hustling Scholar}

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Average College Student
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, United States
Roleplay Guilds
Ursa Order
Basic Information:

  • Full Name: Xamanito Fernando Juarez (Fernando "Xamanito" Knightwulf y Juarez de Meškiaĝ-Nanna in Daendroque Naming Custom) or Xama for short
  • Age: 25 (Birthdate: April 17th, 285)
  • Gender: Cisgender Male
  • Race: Ailor (Anglian and Daendroque)
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Eye Color: Light Brown
Core Information:
  • Xamanito doesn't have a set religion and can be described as more spiritual than religious. Xama believes in the world of spirits, superstitions and Daendroque folk tradition.
  • He is a man of many talents with an ability to pick up language, medical and food knowledge. He is a physician and traditional healer.
  • He enjoys singing especially when hard at work, humming little tunes here and there.

Proficiency Information
14pts total

Strength: 1
  • Improvised Weapon Pack
Constitution: 4
  • Resilience Pack
  • Thread Craft Pack
Wisdom: 4
  • Affliction Wisdom Pack
  • Common Alchemy Pack
  • Healing Alchemy Pack
Magic: 1
  • Light Magic Pack
Dexterity: 1
  • Pickpocket Skill Pack
Charisma: 3
  • Empire Linguist Pack
  • Pet Husbandry Pack
  • Common (Free)
  • Daendroque (Native)
  • Anglian
  • Altalar
  • Light Brown Eyes
  • Dark brown Hair, black in appearance, cut short and left slightly free
  • A tanned beige skin color
  • Handcrafted Daendroque inspired outfits or simple white linen.
  • 5'4"
  • He has a slender frame and an average body shape with a short stature.
Personality Information:
Character Alignment:

  • Neutral Good
Character Personality Type:
  • The Mediator (INFP-T)
Childhood: (Ages 0-12)

  • Xamanito Juarez was born in a small coastal village in the peaceful nation of Basquilera, to Unionist missionary Luther Knightwulf and his wife, a local Daendroque maiden named Julia Atotoztli Juárez y Delgado in 285 A.C. Xama grew up tending to his family's small farm alongside his older sister, Paula, and his younger brother, Diego. Out of tradition, his great-grandmother; the oldest matriarch of the family, choose his name. Out of spite against Luther, she gives him the name 'Xamanito', which has the double meaning of 'little shaman' or 'little light giver' in accordance to the importance of Daendroque spiritual values in Basquilera. Growing up, Xamanito was surrounded by the medical knowledge of the long line of healers from his mother's family and the spiritual doctrines of Unionism from his father, which often clashed with local beliefs. At the age of 10, he suffered a broken leg from the impact of being ran over by an ox pulled cart outside of the village. The accident and the infection from improper sanitation measures nearly killed him and left him with a limp that he still has today, although it has gotten better over the years. Being bedridden from the injury led to a greater interest in medical lore as opposed to farming and ignited the desire to keep others happy.
Adolescence: (Ages 13-18)
  • After over two years of being bedridden and healing, Xamanito returned to his schooling, which he focused on almost exclusively in order to catch up with his peers. This was probably where the feelings of inadequacy began. At 15, he first experiences love, with a neighbour and lifelong friend, another teenage boy named Miguel. His mother found out first and remained neutral. However, Luther soon found out and struck Xamanito with strict disapproval. This would mark the beginning of the turbulent relationship between father and son as Luther did all in his power to break the two up. The rift between the two would only continue due to Xamanito's refusal to change and accommodate in for his father's comfort. The growing animosity between the two also began to create a rift between Julia and Luther, further threatening their delicate marriage by souring family relations. In agreement with his father, Xamanito left Basqulierra behind in search of a job and a better life, free of his father's overbearing influence. According to agreement with his father, Xamanito arrived in his new home, the bustling city of Regalia. The only reason his father agreed to help him settle in this new land was the hope that the power of the Unionist church could influence his son to act in accordance to what was socially acceptable. This new land proved to be scary for Xamanito with the foreign sights and sounds, cold winters, and the occasional bouts of violence and political instability.

Young Adulthood (Ages 18 to current)
  • Xamanito's young adulthood was first marked by doing simple domestic and dock jobs to get by and support himself and the hardships would spark a disdain for his father, who he saw as the cause of his suffering. In order to cope with the challenges of his new homeland and its harsh winters, Xamanito relied on preserving the Daendroque values and culture that he was raised with and greatly missed. As a teenager, he largely rebelled against Regalian and unionist values. However, as Xamanito grew older, he learned to inwardly keep a respectful distance from these values, while assimilating outwardly in order to avoid trouble from the authorities. Xamanito was struck by love once more after meeting Farod Ulster, a half-orc, through mutual friends. The couple fell madly in love almost immediately and after a year and a half of courting, the two got married. The news of the marriage would later get Xamanito cut off completely by his father. Soon after his marriage, with Farod's encouragement, Xamanito turned to his medical background and enrolled into the School of Medicine. He would then later graduate two years later at the top of his class. Soon after graduation, he joined the Alchemian Union and was quickly promoted to High Physician due to his work ethic and quality and served them until the union disbanded. Now Xamanito, facing a new hiccup in life, loosing his adopted family and employers, the Playeros and a shift of jobs back into the Medical Field. Xama works in the Burning Bridges Clinic, employed by Ana Cervantez.
  • Unfortunately the Playero days came back to haunt him as he became a target of Nobles. His assets were seized and an exile was imposed. Despite being from Basqulierra, Xamanito was sent to Daenshore stranded and penniless. After months of working in an old clinic in the heart of the City of Daenshore, he was able to return home to Regalia. Despite being welcomed home warmly by his husband, Xama still holds a lot of hesitation and hopelessness, having to start over from scratch yet again.
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