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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is an amazing idea. Take all of the energy that goes into several annual festivals and focus it on two that have a lasting impact.

Small note, I think that spell should have a minimum +100 trait point cost. It's less costly to use than fireball and works similarly.
I think unique events like this one would be very entertaining. I also agree with the logic behind keeping a schedule (i.e. regularly updated calender of events in Essalonia) and follow-through so players can depend on seeing something happening on certain days. As the summer and year end holidays bring us the most traffic, large events during those times would definitely benefit us in terms of getting the most bang for our buck in energy and time spent. Wonderful idea @Violettee and thank you for your continuous effort and struggle to support the growth and progress of the server. I encourage others to always speak up if you feel you can constructively improve upon what's been presented. Cheers!
This is very cool! Events like these are always fun, I can look into running something like this. Maybe not in this exact form, but I'll do some digging .

Thank you for your well thought out suggestion!
This sounds like it'd be lots of fun, the trailer's pretty cool too.