Wynter Vs Jesse


The Futuristic Australian
May 22, 2013
Reaction score
The Land Down Under
Good Morning/Day/Afternoon/Evening

Lately it has come to my attention that many players themselves have grown a rather fond disliking against me due to my character, and as a result i have been receiving rather hurtful comments and insults thus off putting me from the server slightly.

I wish to remind you that My character and Me are complete polar opposites. Sure go ahead and take it out on him In character, but i ask you to refrain from insults and Comments toward myself regarding my characters Roleplay away from the forum, team speak and Skype, as lately they have grown to discourage me from roleplay and the server in general. I'm sure it's only meant as a joke, but it's not seem the same way on the receiving end.

I'll not be giving any names though they should know who they are. No apologies are expected or required but i do ask kindly to take your disliking for me elsewhere.

Then of course if your disliking for me has nothing to do with my character at all then keep it to yourself. You gain nothing by putting someone down, and no one likes a bully.

Thank You All,
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>w< Awh Jesse, We can just get unicorns and cupcakes and tape cardboard wings to our unicorns and fly into the sunset. Sounds good. Lots of Cuddles and Unicorns, Jessie
D'aaawh D: Does Jesse need another Japanese card from Izzzzzyyyy? <3 But seriously, its completely idiotic to say such hurtful comments, Jesse is a wonderful person and cares for others, you all may not expect it to effect him in such a way but I know from sitting with him and helping him, shame on anyone who even dares judge him for his character and not getting to know the real him has to speak with those who care and defiantly me.

Besides, does it make any of you feel superior to know you have hurt such a loving person? This is a matter of bullying, it should not be tolerated, ever. So keep your harsh words to yourself, if you have nothing nice to say, look at the good things or shush!

D'aaawh D: Does Jesse need another Japanese card from Izzzzzyyyy? <3 But seriously, its completely idiotic to say such hurtful comments, Jesse is a wonderful person and cares for others, you all may not expect it to effect him in such a way but I know from sitting with him and helping him, shame on anyone who even dares judge him for his character and not getting to know the real him has to speak with those who care and defiantly me.

Besides, does it make any of you feel superior to know you have hurt such a loving person? This is a matter of bullying, it should not be tolerated, ever. So keep your harsh words to yourself, if you have nothing nice to say, look at the good things or shush!


You're amazing <3

Jk I don't know you.
I hope you are not like your character, Rowan did threaten to beat up an old lady for sitting his is seat... But I would hope people understand we are not our characters.
But seriously. Its really disappointing stoop so low as to bully them for what isn't even them, this actually made me really annoyed and sad.

Like, I'm not a drinking, smoking prostitute who uses her body to an advantage. xD
Okay so we need A awesome card from @izzy8765 and than the Unicorns and cardboard from @ConfinedPandora , and more rubix cubes, ANDD MORE MAGICAL UNICORNS FOR THE KICK ASS MR.SHRIMP, and People need to shut up cause Mr.Shrimp (Jesse) Is really kick ass and caress about people, He isn't at all like his character and People need to stop, judging and get to actually need to know Jesse and his kick ass Mr.Shrimp side! - <3 Gina
But seriously. Its really disapointing stoop so low as to bully them for what isnt even them, this actually made me really annoyed and sad.
I think the thing is some people don't realise it's bullying hence this thread.
Okay so we need A awesome card from @izzy8765 and than the Unicorns and cardboard from @ConfinedPandora , and more rubix cubes, ANDD MORE MAGICAL UNICORNS FOR THE KICK ASS MR.SHRIMP, and People need to shut up cause Mr.Shrimp (Jesse) Is really kick ass and caress about people, He isn't at all like his character and People need to stop, judging and get to actually need to know Jesse and his kick ass Mr.Shrimp side! - <3 Gina

Thanks Gina. Miss the days of the Dark family. -places grass on head-
Okay so we need A awesome card from @izzy8765 and than the Unicorns and cardboard from @ConfinedPandora , and more rubix cubes, ANDD MORE MAGICAL UNICORNS FOR THE KICK ASS MR.SHRIMP, and People need to shut up cause Mr.Shrimp (Jesse) Is really kick ass and caress about people, He isn't at all like his character and People need to stop, judging and get to actually need to know Jesse and his kick ass Mr.Shrimp side! - <3 Gina

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Okay so we need A awesome card from @izzy8765 and than the Unicorns and cardboard from @ConfinedPandora , and more rubix cubes, ANDD MORE MAGICAL UNICORNS FOR THE KICK ASS MR.SHRIMP, and People need to shut up cause Mr.Shrimp (Jesse) Is really kick ass and caress about people, He isn't at all like his character and People need to stop, judging and get to actually need to know Jesse and his kick ass Mr.Shrimp side! - <3 Gina
And some soda-pop cause I could go for a good Root Beer right 'bout now.

Guys. Let's rock an' roll. Le's do this thaaangg~

In all seriousness, Jesse is one of the kindest, most loving, caring young men you'll ever find. He's an amazing person who doesn't mind my loud voice and overall derpiness, and I really want you all to understand that Jesse is a truly good friend and person in general. I am upset that anyone would relate him directly to his character without giving him a chance to show his true side. Overall, he's the best buddy a guy or gal can have, and I want everyone to know it. JESSE IS FANTASTIC, QUIT BEIN' MEAN!
Oh rlly I remember you saying to me...
(or maybe it was another wynter)
You suck at rp you shouldn't judge others, just leave.
(I apologize if it wasn't you they had xX and Fury in their name)

I don't believe i've ever said this to anyone, and believe you are mistaken.
And some soda-pop cause I could go for a good Root Beer right 'bout now.

Guys. Let's rock an' roll. Le's do this thaaangg~

In all seriousness, Jesse is one of the kindest, most loving, caring young men you'll ever find. He's an amazing person who doesn't mind my loud voice and overall derpiness, and I really want you all to understand that Jesse is a truly good friend and person in general. I am upset that anyone would relate him directly to his character without giving him a chance to show his true side. Overall, he's the best buddy a guy or gal can have, and I want everyone to know it. JESSE IS FANTASTIC, QUIT BEIN' MEAN!

Here here! He tolerates all my whining, sobbing, loudness, temper and idiotic behavior, he is amazing.
Let's just say I've gotten the same
Thank you for clearing that up... I honestly was confused who did it.
I've never insulted anyone for their roleplay and only offer to help and/or improve it. Nor have i ever told anyone that they suck at roleplay and to leave.
I'm not perfect but nor am i as rude as to say that to anyone.
I've never insulted anyone for their roleplay and only offer to help and/or improve it. Nor have i ever told anyone that they suck at roleplay and to leave.
I'm not perfect but nor am i as rude as to say that to anyone.

I haven't gotten hate for my characters but I feel you would regret it. I have a mean temper but I love all those who are nice <3

Jesse's kindness is hella off the charts @XxAusFuryxX
I find it baffling there are poeple who can't tell the difference like this. O_O'
But alas, even I've been in this situation- so ..
*pat pat* "there- there" my friend.
What matters is the majority of people here understand you're just a big-cushy-soft-cottonpuff-of-marshmellow-goodness.

With unicorns. yes. Lots of unicorns.
So apparently i have an obsession with unicorns. No objections here
Yus with unicorns and Grass and Um Rubix cubes, And the Unicorns crush most bullies and than friends step in when the unicorns cant help that much so we are the back up unicorn squad (I is tired) But remember Mr.Shrimp You is kick ass and don't let anybody make you feel sad, Cause you got unicorns and a unicorn squad.
I feel like giving you a hug now... I mean, I have had that said to me on a few occasions. Do you want a hug? (hug)
Miss the days of the Dark family. -places grass on head-
I remember so much nooby RP from us then! XD I feel so embarrassed about it now :\


Your too nice to be disliked, as to what I have experienced. Don't give up ^_^
People need to stop judgemental sh** and just not judge a book by it's cover (the character may be horrible but what of the person?).
I love people's logic when they say people are exactly the same as their characters. That would mean;
  • I would be a twenty-year-old with a talking cat who got lost in the desert for two years and has only rediscovered society. I joined the server about a year ago, so this is clearly false.
  • MonMarty would be a shark. No...?
  • Faewyn was half-tree all along. Okay, if you don't see why this one isn't true then I'm concerned.
  • Luthien is actually a superspeed vampire. God help us if this is true but it's rather too otherworldly of a thought to be real.
  • DrFong is a sadistic zoo owner. Many I know say Fong is a lovely guy, including myself, so this is false.
  • SexyRose_ and Ben_2025 own a high-class clubhouse. Pretty sure they don't.
Of course, we all share traits with our characters, but that's not specifically the big ones. For example, let's take me;
Expectations from my characters
  • Silver means I can't use doors. Um, I use doors on a daily basis, thank you very much.
  • Byron means I'm a widow. Failing in the romance department, sure, but I'm not at the legal age to have a wife, let alone have my wife die.
  • Ryder means I flirt with every woman I come across. ... No comment. (On a serious note, I do have some self-control, contrary to popular belief. If there's a reason it won't/wouldn't work I remember that whenever I talk to them and so the most that happens is awkward jokes in good humour.)
  • Yoshiro means I'm a cultist. Wait, Roman Catholicism is a cult? Since when? (On a side note I'm also a terrible cleaner.)
  • Edward means I'm insane. A little random, sure, but I've never threw a slipper at a cat. In a bar.
See, this is why I hate the "I hate your character" sort of thing. People need to learn that characters are fictitious beings and do not fully represent the people behind them.
It's a shame this happened to you, man. You're a good guy. Wish people took that in to account instead of something a bunch of pixels and words did.
Hrm. Part of me wants people to think of me as Glenn (bless his soul!) ;) He so... Sweet.

Sorry to hear that, Jesse! :( -Huggles- Ish kay, I liek you~!
Adding on to what Silver said, I'd be a cop and a cannibal. Lelnope.