Writing Prompt #2: Character's Friends


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Prompt: Describe one of your character's friends. Tag them!

Juliette Wodenstaff

For an Ithanian raised far off in a formal court, the woman had an assortment of odd friends. Though she held two the closest- one being expected and the other a bother to most. Gruff and argumentative, Julie's closest friend since Elizabeth had fallen a bit antisocial was the Northerner, Valbrand Haagenvig. Despite him being seen as a brute though, he offered comfort and protection to those that were his friend's such as the Ithanian mutt. The Northener's tongue is sharp and easy to notice come someone aggravating him. When someone wronged him, his grudges stuck well yet he plans to change- biting his tongue a bit more, though still it was not always achieved. Either way, while his tactics are usually rough and words occasionally cruel, he means well and risks his life often in hopes of protecting those close.

Merina Taliesin

Within the odd and large friend group of Merina, she holds one Nelfin closer than most others- Alistair Auylie. A happy go lucky and protective figure, Alistair is usually seen with a beaming smile and welcoming words. Of course though, all figures have a nice and mean side- Alistair's simply followed a bit more sinister grin. He's protective and loving towards his friends though most can agree that they don't truly wish to be his lover. He drags himself into more trouble than he usually admits, always reappearing with a new injury so much so that the doctors of Haaven Apothecary know him by name!
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Seraphina Eroth
A large scarred Avanthar who has more manners than one might think, has to have some interesting friends you know? Many of her dearest friends are much smaller than her and this one is certainly smaller. A house mate and adopted family member, Suri Eroth, is always one to get into mischief the Avanthar has to rescue her from. A slizzar by race and a trickster and secret finder by trade, Suri has found a special place in Sera's heart. Suri, also known as Farrah when not in her more humanoid form, is often getting into brawls with Seraphina's pet chicken, Cluckington. Many believe the chicken to be possessed, but Sera will never confirm nor deny. @Nesstro

Darcie Dubois
The fashionista turned vet as made many a friend along the way, both big and small. But one of her closest and most beloved companions has to be Miranette Falken. A woman who meets Darcie's quick remarks with some of her own, the two are often hand in hand- drinking tea and gossiping, smirks upon each of their faces. Mira has known to come to Darcie's aid many a time, and has been a great comfort to her as of late. Though she is a bit hell bent upon seeing the Ithanian woman happy in love. @Angelus_Sai