Art Auction Writing And Skin Reshade Raffle

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
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Well, it seems to be a trend. I'm offering these two things that I'm good at and willing to do for two people.

For a free piece of writing (apps, lore story, whatever be it), tell me what you wanted for Christmas this year or if you don't celebrate, tell me what you want for your birthday.

If you want a free skin reshade, tell me what your favorite Christmas decoration is or if you don't celebrate, tell me your favorite food to come during this season.

You can apply for both to increase your chances. I will also be open to regifting either for the Secret Santa event this year.

With that in mind, go and write from those prompts. This closes in a week from this day.
What I want for chrissmans is either a ton of new crazy socks or the new kurzgesagt calendar b/c it's really nice and I like it. and guesswhat, you get to know what I want for my birthday too! My birthday is on dec. 27th and i have a friend that shares the same birthday as me, we're gonna go to the aquarium on my birthday b/c georgia aquarium lets you get in for free on your birthday and it's gonna be super rad overall.
Favorite crimmas decoration:
Now, there are many many Christmas decorations I could choose from here, because a lot of them are pretty solid. You have those massive inflatable things suburban families put on their yard, my neighbor down the block puts a ribbon the size of their house on their house, and the classic Christmas tree ornaments. However, there is one that claims superiority over all else, and if you disagree with me then I will make sure you meet my massive legal team. Those porcelain Christmas town sets you buy at, like, Micheals are undoubtedly superior to all other decor. Not only is it a freaking CHRISTMAS TOWN that you can PUT TOGETHER YOURSELF. It also fits on anything. You could put it on multiple scattered shelves at different elevations, on a single long shelf, the middle of your table, in your vore dungeon, THE POSSIBILITIES END THERE. Yeah, they aren't endless. Nothing is endless, except the amount of joy that possessing an entire Christmas town's structure and layout at your mercy will bring you. That's all I had to say.
My favourite Christmas decoration is my winnie the pooh Christmas stocking I've had ever since I was born. It's so fluffy and is huge, fond memories of all the goodies I used to get in it. As well as it hanging on my bedroom wall
What I want for Christmas is a Keyboard/one of those portable pianos?? I want to be able to play and practice at my dad's house, though I don't really think I'll get one. If not, I'll just buy one with the money I have saved up. :)

favorite Christmas decoration is one of the homemade ornaments my brothers make. I don't know which one, but there are so many at this point that our tree only has Christmas ornaments that my brothers made or some metal ornaments with lyrics from The Twelve Days of Christmas.
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I don't have Chirstmas but I do have Hanukah. What I want for Hanukah is to recieve money for the next seven days. So much money.
What I want for Christmas is a new computer, because the one I use is sh*t and runs on a potato.
My favorite Christmas decoration is, if we have enough snow, build an army of snowman outside our house. Almost like the horror movie, and build a new one everyday, or try to.
What I want for Christmas this year is a drawing tablet. I mean sure, I don't really need it, but my parent's wanted to get me something and it's all I could think of since art is what I do a majority of the time. Although, a new drawing tablet will be pretty sick, I'm going to move on from my little Wacom to a Huion display screen tablet! I've heard many good reviews but I'm still somewhat nervous that I won't be able to get used to not being able to see what I'm drawing due to my fat little hands.

My favorite decoration would have to be one that is only recently mine. After my great grandmothers passing we inherited one of her decorations, a train set. She had a lot of decorations and was always super into the holidays, so when I see it I can be reminded of her. Sounds pretty cheesy, but I always loved that train set under the tree due to its beauty! I love the lights and the looks of it. Now to make sure my cats don't destroy it.
My number uno decoration is probably just the creepy little santa figurines we have hanging from the tree.

For Christmas I want money to put towards savings for an electric guitar and an amp! Probably won't have enough for awhile, but it's a good start.
Writing Raffle Submission
  • I don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas, lucky me! So I'll put what I want for Eid ul Fitr, which'll be money, namely so I can buy more computer parts for my workshop in which I mod old computers and turn them into cool new ones. I have this neat 2002 iMac G4 that's like this dome with a swivel monitor that moves in different directions.
What I want for Christmas: A panini maker! (Because grilled cheeses are good and the standard way takes way too long.)
Favorite decoration: A small, metal pickle we hide in the tree somewhere and everyone else tries to find it first.
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