Archived Write Me Lore Suggestion

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Nov 30, 2013
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This is a very minor change, but I feel as though it would make a large difference as to the publicity, feedback, and general quality, of lore submitted to the 'Write me Lore' section of the forums.
It struck me as odd the other day when I realised that threads from the 'Write me Lore' section were not appearing on the portal page of the forums. To me, this seems like a very strange thing. Lore-production, I feel, should be a very transparent and public thing. This allows players old and new alike to see clearly where their lore is coming from, an possibly convince them to write their own.
As it is, the 'Write me Lore' section feels almost like a dark, secret corner of the forums where only those in the know dare tread.

My actual suggestion is simple; add 'Write me lore' threads to the portal page. This would increase the feedback on (and thus quality of) lore, and should help show new players that MassiveCraft is mostly player-run, and that there is a lot that they can do to help the community.

Thanks for reading; comments and thoughts very welcome!
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I NEED IY NAU NAU NAU! No i do agree that, write me lore section is very unpopulated. I guesse its because, people don't like to see there story to be rejected, though i can say everyone can make a minor difference... Just try!
I have to agree. While there may be a reason the Writemelore's do not appear on the portal page, making it so that the most recent ones do would do as you say, increase productivity and feedback. Personally, I feel like so many good works go unseen or unnoticed by a good portion of the populace. So this change would be beneficial in that regard :)
This would be good.
I actually watch the entire forum in an attempt to combat this. I'm pretty sure you do too, am I right?
@The Shadow King
This. I want this.

There are so many people who churn out amazing lore that I would love to see made official. @The Shadow King makes some great stuff in that place! And @JakkDhread has made quite a lot of nice lore, too.

Please implement this!
-sniffles when his lore goes unmentioned-

Seriously though, I know what you mean. A lot of great stuff goes unnoticed, even once the lore staff (that is to say, Ryci) do review it.
You are proving my point though. I'm sure you woulda seen my lore if it'd been on the portal page…
I quite like this idea. Massivecraft is an in-depth world, and Aloria needs to be fleshed out more. Only a whole, like, ten people writing lore will not help. I quite enjoy writing lore. I have only done a few so far, but it is quite fun.
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