This Thread will record all submitted Progressions as they are processed. Deadline for Period 3 is 16th of January, Midnight London Time. Submissions will be posted as replies until the Deadline is reached.
Maelstrom, Cecil, Amir, Corathella and Imara travel to the Confederated Hadritya's of Farah'deen, using Maelstrom as a sample to see if the locals have seen others "like him". The locals on their arrival port report no such thing, but the closer they get to the border, the more they hear.
Eventually, the group arrives in Hadr Hayir, in the town of Massaq'absaar where the locals supposedly have seen people like Maelstrom. When the group arrives, they are treated to a Qadir-Songaskian frontline warzone that the locals seem almost comically apathetic to. The town itself is close to the border, but the locals all seem to disregard the battle that is taking place less than a kilometer from the edge of town. The group stand to watch, for a while, as they see massive Clockwork spiders and scorpions ripping through hordes of shambling Undead. A few technicians are watching the battle from afar, though Amir does not overhear them discussing the optics of victory, but rather the inefficiency of a certain ball-joint in one of the scorpion's movement limbs. Some Qadir are even sitting on their balconies watching the battle from afar while they consume kaffee or smoke from the waterpipe. It would seem the locals have become completely desensitized to this form of automated warfare taking place on their doorstep, as one guide tells them, because this happens every single day, and because the border never moves. The technicians repair the clockwork devices, and the Songaskian mages resurrect the shambling corpses all over again for round seven thousand five hundred and fifty two.
The group eventually does get to the Manathar subject, to which some of the locals report seeing things like Maelstrom but "different", to a degree, inhuman, or at least "behaving more beastly". They remark that these Manathar were not in the Hadrityas territory however, and that they only appeared on precursory exploration of the Songaskian landmass across the border. They report that the Songaskian Massya is repressing information, but that there is an extermination campaign happening somewhere in the southeast of Farah'deen where these creatures are massacring Songaskian villages and forts and taking over the land. They refuse to say more to keep military secrets, secret.
House Delmotte, Petrou, and now also Morathes join the ratrace for Theomar's Gauntlet.
House Morathes beats the other two houses to Amankh, finding an ex-slave rebel camp essentially. They are let in purely because they are Feka-Asha, but the locals already know a storm is coming for them, so they refuse to show/point out where Theomar's Gauntlet is, besides just stating that it's there, and they have to wait.
House Delmotte arrives second, with their Asha-slave in tow. Turns out that the Slave actually deceived House Delmotte, though only somewhat. Everything the Slave said was correct, however the Slave used house Delmotte's travelling itinerary to essentially lead them to the slave camp, where the slave promptly switched sides and joined up with the other ex-slaves, declaring his own defection. House Delmotte now has 1 less House Slave. Delmotte's security forces now surround Amankh, while Morathes's security forces are inside Amankh.
Abelhard and his entourage of faithful and Villiers travels to the Ithanian court first, where they secure the rights from King de Gosselin to explore the Asha ruins, on good faith from the religious faction of the court who put in a good word. Petrou arrives last, with an emissary from King de Gosselin and a permit to excavate Amankh. Upon arriving, Petrou's security forces are stopped by Delmotte's, and they take in positions around Delmotte as a result.
The situation is now at a standstill. The Asha in Amankh refuse to show where Theomar's Gauntlet is, until all three families settle their issue, and their safety is guaranteed. The emissary from de Gosselin identifies them as escaped slaves, which if caught, are to be executed, and he informs the King. As such, the situation is now that the only people who know where Theomar's Gauntlet is, will imminently be attacked by de Gosselin's soldiers next Progression Cycle, but in the meantime, refuse to cooperate with the 3-way stand-off of these families. Morathes arrived first, and has the support of the escaped slaves. Delmotte arrived second, and has the superior military presence and claim to first discovery. Petrou arrived last, but has the support of the Ithanian King. The three house heads return to Regalia to resolve their matter there, with King de Gosselin sending a warning to foreign Ministry Cadieux "not to cause a diplomatic incident"
Merrick, Mihaela, Sage and Stone travel to Old Ceardia to sail past the coastline (I rescinded on traveling the entire continent shore since that would take weeks, so they just did a large patch of it to the north west), to scout the land. Precursory scope sightings report seeing no life, though the plantlife seems abundant. The tendrils that struck through the continent and ripped up the land seemed to have mostly calsified into massive stone swirls and arches extending from and diving back into the ground. The tops have become overgrown, with a manner of vines and moss and even some minor plant life growing from them. The continent itself, at least from the coastline, seems largely abandoned. No native fauna can be found, save for some seagulls that stay close to the coastline and next on the cliffs here and there, and some even on the calsified tendrils.
On their way back, the group is accosted by a single Regalian warship that identifies them as civilians. The commander of the ship is fairly loose about their apprehension, and just lets them go with a warning. He remarks that Ceardia is closed off by the Regalian fleet, and off limits to civillians. He warns that if other more vigilant captains find them, that they will be arrested, but they didn't land, so he lets them go this time.
@soggytoenails Inquiry into the Destruction of Ceardia (Finding the Zemli people)
Ana, Anneke, Avis, Reynard and Resalda travel to the Isldands of Zemlith to speak to the Zemli people. Communication with them goes very rough, as they know only rudimentary common, and mostly speak Velheim, which none of the group know. Still, they manage to pilfer some rough information from the destruction of Ceardia.
The Zemlith people note that "Ceardia was destroyed as if a hundred snakes coiled and dove into the land, digging it up like a rake, and killing all in their paths". These tendrils were inanimate, or at the very least, not animal-like, rather just black masses of rot and undulating magical stone that defied definition or classification. Animals and people perished en masse while close to it, and the escape from Ceardia was very hectic. The destruction did not occur instantly, rather it happened over a period of several weeks as the tendrils moved very slowly, but escape from Ceardia was still chaotic. Regalia by far sent the majority of the ships, using merchant and military vessels alike to evacuate people to the Regalian Archipelago, while some smaller private vessels were used to ferry people to Zemlith. They eventually settled, and married in with the locals. Not much else is known about it, the Regalian Government then built up the recently abandoned Zenithian Forts, and declared the continent off limits to anyone without military approval, setting up a coastal blockade with warships. As of late, Regalian warships have been decreasing because funding for the area was decreased, but overall, that is still the situation to this day.
Milena leads the foreign ministry group with Gwendolyn, Cieli, Saana and Seishan. Upon arrival to the outer pearl cities, they mingle among the locals who are distinctly distrusting and disliking of them, and give them the cold shoulder wherever they go. Eventually however, frustration is cheap to come by, and the locals have no qualms just giving Milena a piece of mind.
The locals claim that they have "inherent rights to the waters around the Massya", implying that they consider passage through Songaskian waters is subject to their maritime law. By which they mean piracy. However, the Regalian Empire enforces its own trade protection through Songaskian waters, and attacks Songaskian pirate vessels even when they do not pirate Regalia directly, but it's subject states, or states which were connected to the trade network. Regalia essentially imposes its own military naval law in Songaskian waters, and the Masaya is just letting it happen as a thank you for putting him back on the throne.
What this essentially means, is that the Regalian Navy's fleet control over the Songaskian coastline is starving the cities of their major source of income, being the """taxation""" of local commerce. This in turn causes the flow of finances to the Pearl cities (which lack industry due to being in the desert) to dry up, and become poorer. Unemployment is high and resentment to Regalia even higher because of it. Which pushes them into the arms of the Massya's Uncle who is promising to kick the Regalians out of their waters. Though not openly of course. Publicly he has accepted his loss of the throne.
The Civics Ministry sends Alasdair, Lily, Sage and Sivrid to the Zemlya Obitovana to speak with the Hetmen of the villages, in search for potential folk remedies and cures.
Ostensibly, the group also investigates older Krainivaya cultural ties and come-off.
The group cannot discover any cures or would be remedies to illnesses from the Drixagh region. The locals mostly recount how cures are made with herbs and spices, but they are always administered by traveling Anglian witches, who by nature are very secretive and hidden in their arts. They live barely on the edge of the towns and move on when their summer season is over, avoiding the cold winter winds.
The cultural misunderstanding of the Krainivaya coming from Mirnoye, was just a simple language mis translation. The word for east was mistaken to mean west due to similar sounding syllables from Common, essentially an early fluke of translation. The locals can't dispense much about the old religion, as many of them are very devout Unionists and the generation that came with knowledge of their old faith is long gone. That being said, because it was monotheistic, it can safely be assumed it had no relation to the Old Gods, as the only relations between that faith and others, was Polytheism.
Whatever information there is about the Krainivaya lost history, lies in the Oltaran Republic, which all the locals warn the group not to travel to, as that is a land of "dark men with dark hearts".
Arahael, Gwenyth, Eletha, Cyran and Calibur travel back to the Dorkarthi territory, with the intent to try out some violence against the Red Crystals they previously encountered.
Gwenyth attempts to summon a massive thunder storm to attack these red crystals, which she obviously succeeds in doing, smashing many of them like a hammer striking on glass and sending clouds of miniature red glass crystals in all directions. Where these shards land, they seem to grow more shards, and if anything however, the destruction of the crystals by primal violence seems to only cause the situation to get much worse.
When exploring the area further from high above, they can see the web of red crystals stretching on for miles and miles deeper and deeper into Dorkarthi territory. The group eventually agrees that trying to smash any more of it is pointless, and to depart.
The group is unable to ascertain who spoke to Medea in her head.
The group brings a few Crystals home to Regalia in one of Gwenyth's essence isolating bags. The Crystals remain safely inside this bag so long as it remains unopened.
House Gishkim creates better relations with the Pol Coraan.
The Staat Kezzeret Artamon is discovered to simply have very little authority in times of peace, and while the Eronidas aren't directly threatened by an outside force. The King is continuing the campaign for vigilance against the Altalar, but is mostly ignored by the Polons.
@JamiJam017 Investigating Daendroc forests for Ancient Allorn Temples
Eletha, Cyran, Saana and Sage attempt to infiltrate the forests of Daendroc. However, upon arriving in the western Regalian ports, and traveling through the only way in to Daendroc: Sol Fazais, the group is immediately shadowed by the Allorn State Police, the Blue Moon Society.
The Blue Moon Society overwhelm the group and place them under arrest for espionage and infiltration of the Allorn Empire. While they traveled as merchants, the Allorn Empire closed its borders over a year ago, and anyone crossing from the Regalian side without the necessary permits (especially a group of Isldar, Cielothar and a Suvial Altalar, all groups the Allorn are at war with), roused too much suspicion.
The group is held imprisoned for a more extensive period of time, with particularly Saana being interrogated for days on end, as the Allorn suspected her of being a Suvial spy, as the Allorn Empire is particularly caught in a rough war with the Suvial.
The group is finally let go, while their memories are mostly wiped of whatever exactly happened while they were imprisoned. They can remember all which is mentioned above, but not what interrogation techniques were used, what was said, what they themselves said, or what was asked.
The group is tossed over the border to Sol Fazais and received by the Regalian consulate in that state (as Sol Fazais is not part of the Empire). The Consulate of the Empire pays for the group's travel back to Regalia, and puts them in a decent order before sending them on their way.
@Birdsfoot_Violet The Chancellor also receives a warning to "stop sending spies into the Allorn Empire" and that "next time, they will not arrive back in one piece".
Medea, Vulrynn, Eletha, Calibur and Silver travel to Prince Raymond and Princess Aliandre to inquire.
Inquiries whether refugee Isldar could live in Regalian colonies results in a resounding no, from both sides. The Isldar themselves aren't refugees in the traditional sense. They fled their homes, but all are combat capable, and are effectively an army, and have no interest in living in Ailor homes. Secondly, the Ailor settlements themselves have houses in them that belong to the Ailor who were enslaved by the same Isldar mere years before. Even if these Isldar are tangentially on Regalia's side in this conflict, it doesn't take away that they enslaved the Ailor when Frisit was still on their side, and the suggestion for co-habitation between slave and slaver is traumatic at best.
The group does more scouting, but finds that it proves more difficult as they go along. The Shiva Cavern Isldar hide their presence with blizzards that cannot be seen through from above the clouds, and the rebels staunchly avoid the group because Medea looks like a Shiva Cavern Isldar, and they suspect them to be loyalists.
They do some helping out with camp building, but eventually went back home. The Isldar frontline has ran dry for the time being.
On their way back to Regalia, the group parts ways, with Medea on her way back to her own home alone. Here, in one of the empty and dark side-alleys, it appeared more quiet than usual. Her abandonment's illusion was only broken by two red eyes in the darkness that stepped forward, a skeletal hand reaching out with all too familiar jewelry and gold plating. Medea felt frozen in place as that same catatonic response in the back of her mind triggered, and all her eyes could train on was Xilthruum in front of her. He stepped closer and closer, until the whole street suddenly became lit in light. Medea's hearing went deaf, all she could see was Xilthruum shielding his face and then just darkness. When she came to, she was gently shook by a carriage rider that stood over her, the carriage some dozen feet away further in the street, on its side, the horses still standing in the front. The rider informed her that there was an accident, and that the carriage had crashed, and that she was laying unconscious by the side of the road. Upon closer inspection of where Xilthruum had been, Medea could only see Xilthruum's robes, flat on the ground. The rider immediately jumped to explain he could have sworn he his a person with the carriage, which was riding at high speed to pick up some important nobles, but when he inspected the body of the person he hit, he only found a blackened skeleton. He said that the most horrifying thing happened next, the skeleton moved, before the red light in its eyes faded, and collapsed on the ground again, only for its body to be overcome with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of black spiders that crawled all over the bones, before disappearing into the ground. Medea encouraged the rider to report it to the Guards, but eventually decided that today was adventure enough, and that she needed to go home proper to sleep it over. On her way past the turned over carriage, she patted one of the horses on the nose to comfort it, before the name of the carriage caught her eye. Carriages in Regalia always had names, this was how the riders would recognize them from among the many hundreds of carriages of identical build in their stalling. This one was a Calemberger carriage with green velvet seating and the crest eagles on the doors. And there, in the front, it's name in bold gold-leaf letters: "Reines Herz". A word which Medea would somehow remember from a distant memory of a Wirtem speaking. The translation roughly meant "clean of heart", or "pure of heart", depending on one's interpretation. The irony of the situation escaped her for the time being, and she moved on, eventually dozing off at home to face the next day.
Ana, Anneke, Lieven, Reynard and Reselda travel to Anglia to investigate the Mist Crisis, and to discover more about its nature. Their precursory asking around in Aksenfoort (or Axford) returns very little of value. The event was hugely traumatic for the locals who have a very miniscule world view. Anglians by far and large are illiterate and many do not ever go to any form of schooling. The majority of the locals have never seen an aberrant and hate Magic, and would prefer to forget about it as quickly as possible. Their stories as such prove very unhelpful, because their limited understanding of the world has simply defined the event as "Demons", and lacking any further depth.
Further attempts to visit the Dragon Temples in the mountains proves impossible, as the locals prevent them from going. While skin tone based racism is obviously not a thing in the capital, mistrust towards those who do not look Anglian enough is rife, especially among the mountain/swamp living Anglians who detest even the idea of outsiders encroaching on their historical heritage. Especially the Anglian Witches are very vocal about the idea that outsiders should stay away from the ruins and stop damaging them, as recent expeditions over the past years from intrepid explorers looking for history to solve have damaged a lot of these places the locals consider holy. Unfortunately, as the group contains one Half-Nelfin, and multiple of Warmland aesthetics, the paler and distinctly Anglians defy the outsiders in too large numbers, even if two of them are from Anglia, to be scolded for "consorting with Southerners".
The group eventually returns home. A last ditch attempt to ask about the situation to one of the ferrymen who looks more like he comes from Drixagh (which was to a degree also affected by the Mist) points out that Anglia is the wrong place to look for any answers about mysteries, at least from the people or by pilfering through ruins. Not only are the people extremely tight lipped and dare not act without explicit approval from the Witches or the Kades, they simply cannot comprehend the scope of global or magical events in the same ways scholars in Regalia can. They are recommended to inquire with the Violet Order or the Government if anyone from the Bureaucracy is willing to talk to them and answer their questions, instead of digging around in the proverbial mud in the backwater provinces.
Gwenyth, Valarosta, Medea, Arahael, Cyran and Silver traveled through the use of Gwenyth's transportation ability to Junction West, deep in the mountains of Guldar. Upon arriving, they were treated to an entirely unexpected sight. As if barging into a room already occupied, as soon as the light of the transportation faded, the group looked at another group in front of them that had seemed like they were in mid-conversation, and halted upon their arrival. For a few seconds, the two groups stared wordlessly at one another, both equally confused about the sudden intrusion of the other party, just enough time for Gwentyh's group to scan over the others. The most obvious one was the massive Eronidas, easily twice as tall as the others, decked in red robes and bright purple eyes. Besides him stood an equally imposing yet not unnaturally tall Avanthar, also with purple eyes and black hair. Behind them was a group of two Isldar women with white glowing eyes, and finally a Nelfin that looked strange and defied identification. It's nose was flattened and its brow bone set wider, its eyebrows missing and its yellow eyes appearing brightest of them all. Gwenyth opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by two scanning devices ejecting from the ceiling's stonework, and shining their red lights on Medea and Valarosta. This was quickly followed by blaring echoing sounds hurling through the cavern, and red lights flashing, something Gwenyth was all too familiar with. The Eronidas cast off his robes and seemed to grow in size with scales appearing all over his body, though Gwenyth was taking no chances and had already completed her escape transportation spell, wisking those present away before they could witness any of the events that would follow, back to the safety of Regalia.
Ardige, Yngvarr, Ivar, Signe and Lily travel to the Northern Expanse, intent on reaching the continent and stepping on it. The last port of call, Nordenhav, a small fishing village of stateless Velheimers on the northeastern coast of Ellador warned them not to go. The locals remarked that the sea and the sky had become very calm several years ago, but have since slowly been ebbing towards roughness and blizzards. Still, the group wanted to see more, and ventured closer.
Upon coastal inspection, the seas were indeed somewhat rougher than they had been just a year ago, or at least, according to Regalian reports. The Northern Expanse itself appeared much like a massive sheet of ice. The cliffs went straight up, some would say even taller than the tallest of houses in Regalia, entirely white and reflecting the sunlight with a great glare. The group found an area where the steepness gave way to some erosion and plateau forming, allowing them to spend less effort scaling the steep cliffs.
Upon reaching the top, the cold winds cut deep. They would estimate that the temperature was extremely low, perhaps even in the dozens below freezing, and they had to wrap themselves further into the furs that were originally brought for their tenting. The group also agreed that while it was currently day, nighttime would actually kill them, so they would venture no further than the short coast area where they could depart before the sun went down.
With spyglasses and other equipment, the group found nothing but a nearly perfectly flat surface of ice, covered in snow, with strong winds blowing up clouds of fine dust in the air, appearing like a massive white desert as far as the eye could see. There were no mountains, no plants, no animals, no sign of life anywhere. Only by the coast itself, there were small holes in the sides of the cliffs where a plump looking bird nested in, with the females occasionally diving down to catch fish. Rather, the gender could not be ascertained, the group just assumed the diving birds were female, as their brown and dull patterns resembled female ducks, while the plump and chunky male birds just sat in their holes, yet with very colorful blue and green feathers. The group observed the females catching fish, and then flying back up to deliver the food to the hole. The male would receive part of the fish, and the female would then pass by the bird and disappear in the hole behind it. The group thus reasoned that the male birds acted like doorstoppers to keep out the cold, using their fat flight-less bodies to keep the young and females warm inside. Further predictions on mating were made, in that larger and more colorful males would appear more suitable to cover up the holes, and thus be chosen for mating, thus ensuring only the most plump of males would procreate.
The group eventually left, as night was falling, and the frost was already getting so cold that their lips were drying up and their eyelashes sticking to each other.
Amelina, Rodrigo, Henric, Émilienne and Wan-Xia travel to the forest near Riest and Aaker, in the hopes of meeting with locals to ask about the Sarlann people who used to inhabit the region a long time ago.
The locals say that Sarlann people haven't been here in a very long time, and that in many ways, nothing about them was really kept alive. They remark that there were definitely Sarlann people who left the area to re-settle elsewhere, but that by nature of the dense forest, they eventually lost track of them or heard nothing of them anymore. Anything left by the Sarlann was either picked up and sent off to museums in Regalia, or simply destroyed, since the Regalian Empire didn't have a great track record of preserving native culture of the lands they conquered in the Archipelago. The locals remark that some of the Sarlann did marry into their own populations in the short period of time in which they lived there together before the Ithanians pushed them out. They claim that most Leutz who have ginger hair have in some part a descendance of Sarlann, especially if it runs strongly in their family. The only other thing they know is that the Sarlann worshipped a god called "The Tortured One", and that his archnemesis was "The Murder". They recount that the last they ever heard of the Sarlann, at least the few clans that were left, was that they moved southwards when the Ithanians expelled them, to settle in Tirgunn.
@slurmancer Investigating Political Climate of Hadar
Szaralaszotl, Barbossa, Haszlal and Yldello travel to East Hadar to investigate the political situation. Unfortunately, they quickly come to realize that the political situation has in fact completely destabilized to the point of something the Regalian Government wasn't even aware of. The Qar-Digmaan vanished without a trace nearly a month ago, and the whole of the Hadar realm collapsed overnight into a multi-side civil war, though more into a civil-standoff than an actual conflict. The independent Digmaans all tried to seize the Qar-Digmaan crown for themselves, but were also acutely aware of what killing more Allar would do to their morale and defensibility. As such, the Digmaans all invoked Juara, and appointed a champion of their realm to represent them. Over the last month or so, the civil conflict has resulted mostly in Allar Juara duels occuring, with one Digmaan's favorite battling another to the death, and claiming the other Digmaan's lands for their master. This has led to several prominent Digmaan:
Digmaan Sang Hyang Kersa, a Digmaan of a kind and compassionate disposition, controls some of the richest cities, but has mostly declined to face other Digmaan in Juara, as he lacked a champion. He has spent most of his time just sending supplies in food and medicine to the other realms.
Digmaan Batara Guru, a Digmaan of military might (and also called the red death), has subjugated many of the smaller Digmaan with his red-eyed Cro-Droq.
Digmaan Kabau has built a number of imposing fortresses, and lured many champions into fights from which they never returned. Other Digmaan accuse him of foul play, but he still controls large lands nontheless.
Digmaan Bathanga, one of the Qar-Digmaan's loyalists, has taken up most of the capital region and fiercely defends the Qar-Digmaan's technological inventions, though as of yet lacks a Champion.
Digmaan Fumeripit, one of the more southern Digmaan, seems to have thrown his lot in with the Sendrassians, taking on a Sendrassian Champion and taking more lands.
Of these Digmaan, one of them risks winning at some point, but they seem at a relative standstill right now. Regalia's government never took notice, because the Digmaan played the game of politics well: Taxes were being paid (or not paid, depending on the expectation) and nothing was outwardly looking different, but the conflict has high tensions all around.
@slurmancer Investigating how to get to the ruins of Soor
Zzen, Matzki, and Tuzzasil travel to the southern Hadarian isles to investigate if there is any way to reach Soor, on the Sendrassian continent. The locals assume this is a joke at first, but then get uncomfortable with the suggestion or the idea of even trying. They remark that the Sendrassian Allar are not reasonable or vaguely even humanoid in behavior, they are essentially mindless cannibals controlled by a select few morally twisted magic users, and will not negotiate or show mercy. Perhaps, they reason, it would be possible to reach Soor by using acid nullifying alchemy if they could even reach the lakes upon which Soor was built, but no Allar has ever come back from Sendrass, let alone the fact that it is currently rumored to be a warzone between the Altalar and the Allar.
@AlphaInsomnia Funds to Civics and Finance Ministry, Magic Academy in Irvainvik
House Sorenvik pays 7 Finance Tokens to the Civics Ministry.
House Sorenvik pays 3 Finance TOkens to the Finance Ministry.
Foundational plans towards a Magic Academy in Drixagh are made, but the builders have come up with several plans for approval, and costs associated:
A school sized Academy would cost 2 Wealth Tokens but require very little space and further upkeep, yet having also limited intake availability.
An Academy with barracks or boarding would cost 7 Wealth Tokens, and have increased input, but still not be able to compete with international schools in other places of the Archipelago.
An Academy with multiple wings would cost 14 Wealth Tokens and be comparable to the Magic Academies in Azcoissia and Delmotte and Lampero lands, but the builders speculate that Drixagh does not have enough magic users or Occult to fill its halls or even pay for the tuition, so the school would most likely require upkeep.
The builders await the School, Academy or High Academy plans for approval.
Lynmard, Viviwynne, Eletha, Elena and Lee-Ming-Qie traveled to House Pikeman's Estate to request an audience. The Duke granted their request (though only because Viviwynne was there), and agreed to talk to them. In their conversation of attempting to request access to Dragon Temples, even with the cautions that were given however, the Duke said "absolutely no". In fact, he said no so hard that he told them he would send word ahead to the locals and tell them someone would try to skulk around these places to impede on the national heritage sites of the Anglians.
Anglians would thus, once more, prove to be the most stubborn and uncompromising people of all, and the Dragon Ruins in Anglia definitely the most unapproachable of all. The group reasoned they should probably go home and rethink their approach or theory, as the numbers the Duke would have guarding these places would likely incite some kind of military incident.
Closing Progression Period 3 with the following rumors:
Supposedly, the Suvial have started a massively successful military campaign against the Allorn Empire by atacking Rokh Adëkaye. Supposedly, the Suvial used a fire scar on the capital Sarasvaal, wiping out 200,000 people in an instant. This was followed with a full coastal invasion of the surrounding states, and numerous Oscithar armies and lords switching sides to join the Suvial. How the Kathar have responded is unknown, but various northern and southern regions in the Allorn Empire are being drained militarily to deal with the Suvial war front.
Supposedly, a coup has taken place in the Rutgher Theocracy, with the ever growing Unionist minority (which makes up less than 10% of the population) slaying and replacing the triumvirate priestly rule, and declaring the Rutgher Theocracy a Unionist realm. The Unionist leadership under the Ruttic Religious Community (they have named themselves in difference to the dogmatic Unionists due to lack of recognition, but are not schismatic) immediately declared war on the Soren Kingdom, which coincided with a Unionist uprising near the Cloister of Colona. The Celeries in the area have taken an extremely aggressive stance, calling for the "Conversion by the sword" with extermination the alternative. The army leaves behind no prisoners, burning village after village while the Soren Kingdom's mostly peasant army is paralyzed due to internal strife.
Supposedly, Nordskag lost their last foothold on Hvitskag, unable to pay for and supply the soldiers on the front of hostile territory while the King is hurriedly attempting to civilize and modernize the rest of Nordskag to qualify for Heartland status in the Empire. The loss of control over Hvitskag ensures that the Hvitskaggers are guaranteed to open raids against the Nordskaggers again, and probably even the northern Ithanians.
Supposedly, explorers discover errors on the map of Fendarfelle. The continent was presumed to be much larger than it is in actuality, as some of the navigators used erroneous calculations with the southern part. The distance calculations would explain why Eronidas would always point to Fendarfelle when looking at a map for Guldar. If this all proves to be true, Guldar could actually be much closer to Daendroc than was traditionally believed.
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