Archived World Creation Improvement

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Nov 9, 2013
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Hello, I have been playing Massivecraft for a few days, and I've been having a blast doing it. Greatly working plugins, everything seems quite good to me. But, and I know this for certain, world creation could be better. If I had to guess, terrain is currently being created by using brushes. Maybe World Painter, or similar program. This could be made much better with the use of software such as World Machine (the one I have fiddled with). For example, the mountains existing now in the worlds are definitely better than default Minecraft mountains (how couldn't they be, anyway?), but with World Machine work, they can look like REAL mountains. Yes, I said it, REAL mountains. And that's not just mountains, but every single part of the map. It's not the easiest thing to learn, but something that is definitely worth learning. I started using World Machine + World Painter after watching Jamziboy doing it himself, and seeing his incredible results. I will link his one of his YouTube videos so you can see how incredible terrain can come out of this.

This is my way to give back to Massivecraft, for now. :)
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It would help make the server look more realistic.
It wouldn't just improve mountains, but that's where the most difference would be, in fact. Brush created mountains are nothing compared to those generated by this kind of program. But ANY terrain will look better. Small hills, plains, sea beds, rivers, everything. Jamziboy also has some good ideas about World Painter work. He has worked on this for a long time, so there's quite a bit to learn from him.
If you did a bit of searching, you'd have found world machine was used to create New Ceardia, and is already standard in our map creation processes, adopted more than a month ago.
I knew that I've heard of this before on the website......
Well, ain't the admin a nice guy. Then rephrase everything I've said to "if you use World Machine PROPERLY, you can create realistic mountains".
I've taken a look at that world. It isn't much compared to what I just posted a link to. It's nowhere near actually. Whoever is creating the worlds can learn much from watching Jamziboy. There also many more people using World Painter, so there's a lot to look for to learn about that program.

I apologize for the tone of this post. I don't mean to be rude to any of the world creators. Just trying to lend a hand.
No, not yet. I have played around with map making a bit, but I have stopped for some time, as I don't really have a reason for doing it. But it's quite fun.

Here's a screenshot of a map I created in about 30 minutes

Not much work at all done. Just messing around with mountains.
I find the phrase "I don't mean to be rude" often precedes rudeness. The staff worked hard on the current maps and much of your phrasing could be re-thought as to not sound so creepy and negative about what we already have. You will catch more flies with honey than you will with this post.
Many words for no reason other than to speak them. I'm here to help. You don't seem to be at all part of those I wish to help, still you are offended. I bring knowledge some may want to aquire. You don't want it, doesn't mean others won't want it. Have a good day, DrFong.
Always good to see people wanting to help the server, but your posts have been slightly rude/offensive and I'm going to ask you are polite to others on the forums. Thank you.
May I remind you that some of the older worlds weren't completely made with the World machine, and that the new ones are?
The admins aren't Jamziboy. If you like his style, ok, that's cool. If you don't like massivecrafts, please, just deal with it, they spend more working hours on the server making sure it has a stable community, non-laggy and cool plugins, and worlds that constantly come out that have to be fixed by greifing. I would like for you to re-read your posts, they seem very much rude to me.
Change is bad. Or at least close minded people would think so. Most unwelcoming is the staff in these forums. Discard my words if you wish, as I'll discard presense. Goodbye.
No one is discarding your words, in fact, I think everyone addressed them quite well. You brought up a point, it was explained that the staff in fact already use that idea, (Hooray! It appears your idea has already been implemented!)but you proceeded to talk rather rudely about how they aren't using it properly. Perhaps they aren't going for the same effect you are? Approach the forums with more consideration, more kindliness, and you'll be received far better.
"You don't seem to be at all part of those I wish to help, still you are offended."

He wasn't offended because of that.
He was offended because you were unnecessarily nasty to the people who work hard on making the worlds in the game.

He was basically sticking up for the people you were putting down. ¬_¬

"I wish to help,"

Real helpful there mate.
Real helpful.
Change is bad. Or at least close minded people would think so. Most unwelcoming is the staff in these forums. Discard my words if you wish, as I'll discard presense. Goodbye.

As a member of the world team I thank you for your suggestion but as MonMarty an admin of the server already stated we currently use world machine and although it may not be to your standards the worlds are a largly loved by the community and lots of work has been put into them.

I understand you want the worlds to look like another creators work but we are about originality in massivecraft and I think the player base will back me up on this in saying the staff have done a bang up job.

Now kindly take your sarcy, uppity attitude elsewhere as you seem to have nothing but sass left to add to this thread.

[locking thread]
Change is bad. Or at least close minded people would think so. Most unwelcoming is the staff in these forums. Discard my words if you wish, as I'll discard presense. Goodbye.

Re-analyse the course of this thread to come to the conclusion that you put yourself in this position. You made a post about a certain topic which some players responded positively to, I decided it was necessary to correct a wrong piece of information however, as your post inclined to say that MassiveCraft was not using World Machine at all, which was simply not true.

I made a neutral, formally informative statement which corrected the false information in your original assessment. You then proceeded to insult the entire world creation staff, which never claimed to be (skill-wise) superior to anyone in any regard, their ability to express our views into worlds wasn't even expressed anywhere, and no comparisons were made.

In the next post by DrFong, your method of communication is questioned, and rightly so if one were to look at the responses to it. We like to encourage a friendly and discussion open community that avoids brash and blunt one way communication. If one had incentive to help the server improve, they would contact the world staff and be like "Hey, I have experience in world machine, and you guys seem to have a pretty good server, I want to help you make your maps even better". This would have gone a lot better than "Hey, you guys should use this because your world dev. team is sub par and even I can do a better job at it."

Our world dev team is well aware of the fact that they do not have the skills of many more professional world developers, largely because our world dev team is synonymous to game moderation, lore write-up, server location construction, event hosting, plugin configuration, etc and more. We have no world development specialists and only one of our world devs has actually delved into World Machine in a lesser fashion.

I'm going to re-open this thread and post the notion that we simply got off on the wrong foot trough some misunderstanding. You can take it up and steer this discourse in a different direction, or leave it be. I'll leave that open to you.
If you want to actually help the server instead of wasting the community's time, then apply for staff here. You are eligible considering your age, and you can get a microphone fairly easily to communicate on TeamSpeak. You can also get Skype and TS very easily as well. You'll be surprised what you'll learn by working alongside these people.

~ Imboring56
I appreciate that you clarify your message. You seemed cold in your message, I disliked it, and proceeded to speak in a rude tone, which I apologized for. The following messages from other members (especially mods) and the amount of dislikes that appeared angered me. Though I do believe I wasn't rude. Cold perhaps, but I would have said the same thing again. I think the world creation could be better, I shared what I have come to know, and this is what I wanted to do. Now after trying to help the community, the staff of that same community says I'm rude, and even that I'm wrong. I feel insulted by their posts, in fact. To have such close minded people in the staff, and really, rude, it shows this is no place for me. Again, in the first post, I try to help. Second post, I sound bitter after reading your post, in that same post, I edit the message and add apology for bitterness. Then comes the party.
Oh good, the big boys made up! -pats them on the head-
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