Archived Wooden Arrows

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
I know new arrows has been suggested, but I got this idea as I read over the vampire plugin. I have applied for the crimsons but my character is an archer, so his arrows would not be as effective towards vampires as a stake would be. So I got the idea for a wood tipped arrow or dipped in holy water arrow. This could be mad by making an arrow and instead of using flint you use a stick or stairs. I say stairs to make them a bit more expensive.

I under stand there is much more important things to be worked on -cough cough- shrieking -cough cough- but I think this would be a good feature for roleplay against vampires.
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no... just no...
ever tried to fire an arrow without some weight at the front? i tried and the arrow just doens't go like an arrow is suposed to do. so from a logical standpoint: NO
no... just no...
ever tried to fire an arrow without some weight at the front? i tried and the arrow just doens't go like an arrow is suposed to do. so from a logical standpoint: NO

Instead of having flint at the top, it could have a similar shaped head, made from harder wooden material. Problem solved.
no... just no...
ever tried to fire an arrow without some weight at the front? i tried and the arrow just doens't go like an arrow is suposed to do. so from a logical standpoint: NO
The headthe arrow would be wood, wooden arrows were used in these times for small game, so it would be compliant with the era
I would like to see wooden arrows myself. Or the staff could also just add damage for arrows against vampires itself, as the arrows ARE partially wood. Doing so not only reduces the amount of coding that has to be done, it can be done realistically, as making new items in minecraft usually requires mods, not just plugins.
I like the idea, but the way of doing it I do not think is possible. Every arrow you fire will always be a normal arrow (Unless the bow is enchanted). You may re-name it, get an admin to add enchants to it, but whenever you shoot the bow the arrow will project as normal.

The way I think to make this work is to just up the damage dealt by arrows on vampires. Arrows are mostly wood, so of course if you are a vampire having one of them stuck inside of you will make you weak, or even kill you. Getting hit by a wooden door hurts a vampire more than an arrow.

Just my ideas though, perhaps I am wrong. Maybe someone who knows a little more on Minecraft mechanics could lecture me?
having one of them stuck inside of you will make you weak, or even kill you.

๖ۣۜWell, having an arrow stuck into anyone's chest would kill them, Vampyre or not...
And, I am not sure if it is possible to program it into one's server. Unless the player itself has their client mechanics changed, or the Vampyre plugin is changed even more to take more damage from arrows, there is no way to make "Wood" arrows. However, if I am correct, there should be a way to have "Smite" work on players such as Vampyres and undead. Which actually sorta makes me wonder why it does not damage them more in the first place...
Unless bloodlust is re-implemented, I think that vampires are balanced just fine and no more de-buffs would be necessary.
This seems interesting, but I am not sure if it is really needed. Still props for the idea.
Silent_ruler okay that will solve it indeed. But i am still not a fan of it
(I tried pushing agree 3? Times on gridirions post but for odd reason it kept being offensif, luckily we can undo our ratings)
I like the idea, but like others have said, it would b a bit easier to up the arrow damage. Although not necessary, it would be a bit more useful for people who hunt vampyres so that they can avoid melee combat and be able to attack from a distance.

+0.5 Support
The whole wooden arrow idea sounds stupid and illogical. Having it dipped in holy water would be better, as it wouldn't be as easy to obtain as wood.
The whole wooden arrow idea sounds stupid and illogical. Having it dipped in holy water would be better, as it wouldn't be as easy to obtain as wood.

Excuse me? Explain how a wooden arrow is both stupid and illogical? If you have ever used a bow and arrow before you would know what makes this a fine idea. First the arrows are already partially wood, just add some heavier more dense wood as a tip to replace the flint and there you have it. OR just remove the arrow head and make sure that it is weighted carefully, sharpen the end and fire. It's extremely simple.

While making this a item in Minecraft would be impractical and not to mention near impossible with the bow's coding. I would think that upping the damage for arrows against vampires would make perfect senese.
Excuse me? Explain how a wooden arrow is both stupid and illogical? If you have ever used a bow and arrow before you would know what makes this a fine idea. First the arrows are already partially wood, just add some heavier more dense wood as a tip to replace the flint and there you have it. OR just remove the arrow head and make sure that it is weighted carefully, sharpen the end and fire. It's extremely simple.

While making this a item in Minecraft would be impractical and not to mention near impossible with the bow's coding. I would think that upping the damage for arrows against vampires would make perfect senese.

๖ۣۜWell, as gridiron1024 said, it kinda feels like there is already enough for Vampyres.
+Leap Height to 2 and a half meters
+No Need For Normal Food
+Auto Regeneration
-Holy Water
-Blood For Food
-Needing To Purchase Items Just To Become One
-Can Only Survive On Cake, Mobs, And Very Few Willing Players
-Leaves Barely Work To Protect Them, You Need 4 Layers
So, yeah. Those are some perks in a nutshell, and a lot of disadvantages in a shellnut. Although it is decent to fit RP qualities, we still have people that use their specific race/disease for PVP and OOC jobs. For example, I RP as a human, but I set my race as a Naga because of the constant spawning of Witches near my faction, and so that in the case of a raid, I cannot be easily taken down by a simple potion whilst everyone else is. Remember favoured's video of "Counterplay"? Yeah, just try and use the video as an example. Think not only for the person that is using it, but the person it is being used on. I dunno about you, but I would eventually become kinda pissed when I not only get killed by a door of malicious power, but now arrows from Skeletons and normal players hurt like hell.
๖ۣۜWell, as gridiron1024 said, it kinda feels like there is already enough for Vampyres.
+Leap Height to 2 and a half meters
+No Need For Normal Food
+Auto Regeneration
-Holy Water
-Blood For Food
-Needing To Purchase Items Just To Become One
-Can Only Survive On Cake, Mobs, And Very Few Willing Players
-Leaves Barely Work To Protect Them, You Need 4 Layers
So, yeah. Those are some perks in a nutshell, and a lot of disadvantages in a shellnut. Although it is decent to fit RP qualities, we still have people that use their specific race/disease for PVP and OOC jobs. For example, I RP as a human, but I set my race as a Naga because of the constant spawning of Witches near my faction, and so that in the case of a raid, I cannot be easily taken down by a simple potion whilst everyone else is. Remember favoured's video of "Counterplay"? Yeah, just try and use the video as an example. Think not only for the person that is using it, but the person it is being used on. I dunno about you, but I would eventually become kinda pissed when I not only get killed by a door of malicious power, but now arrows from Skeletons and normal players hurt like hell.

As true as your words are, that wasn't the point I was making. I was arguing that it isn't "Illogical" to make wood arrows. People do it all the time. As for balance, yes I can see this as a problem, and your argument is very valid. However there is another point, Vampires (Last I checked) are not attacked by mobs, meaning Skeletons are of little threat.
-Can Only Survive On Cake, Mobs, And Very Few Willing Players

Actually vampires can't feed from cake or harmful mobs anymore, that perk has been removed. Feeding as a vampire is incredibly difficult and so is fighting seeing as they get hearts for hunger and once their hunger is down they can no longer regen until they find a cow, sheep, chicken, or bat or manage to kill a player. And finding friendly mobs is quite difficult in the wilderness or... just about anywhere for that matter.
Over all vampires in PVP as it is are incredibly weak and helpless. I know this because I hunt vampires outside of Regalia and PVP as one quite a bit. Adding a weakness buff to arrows too would just be OP and unfair to vampires in their current state. If Bloodlust is re-added then I would be all for the idea but until then I do not support this idea.

On the other hand, I do think wooden arrows or at least extra damage with arrows should be allowed in RP settings, if not implemented as an actual item, because arrows, just as they are, would inflict pain on vampires very easily do to them being made of 3/4 wood. But making it an actual debuff would be horrible for vampires PVP wise. Keep in mind that vampires are supposed to be powerful hunters that plague villages and terrify and haunt people. With increased strength and agility, not to mention vision that makes the night as bright as day, but can only plague people under the cover of night. Not wimpy little mosquitoes being swatted down every time they try and move, not to mention try to hunt.
๖ۣۜWell, having an arrow stuck into anyone's chest would kill them, Vampyre or not...
And, I am not sure if it is possible to program it into one's server. Unless the player itself has their client mechanics changed, or the Vampyre plugin is changed even more to take more damage from arrows, there is no way to make "Wood" arrows. However, if I am correct, there should be a way to have "Smite" work on players such as Vampyres and undead. Which actually sorta makes me wonder why it does not damage them more in the first place...

First, if I may indulge myself....

๖ۣۜWow look at me I'm special! ๖ۣۜ

One of the most important reasons guns were used versus bows was that bows have a very, very high chance of wounding, however only a modest chance of killing, especially from a distance. This can be shown in encounters against the Huron and Iroquois, where the wounded of the Europeans were up to ten or so times greater than their killed. As well, this is one of the reasons Archers usually had a side-arm such as a short sword, dagger, or even one handed sword not only to protect themselves from infantry (Yes daggers were still used for this even if they usually would be almost useless for this, using a bow would likely be better) in order to finish off people who had been feathered with arrows but still were alive.

Secondly armor was much more effective at stopping projectiles such as arrows, bolts, and sling fired projectiles than a hand held weapon for reasons such as the weight behind the blow, the accuracy, proficiency at hitting weak points, speed of hits, ability to group hits better, among others.

So why do those two things matter? Well because archers unlike in many RP's are not gods, they are in fact usually worse one for one against an infantry, though their usual inexperience and lack of wealth helps. So either wood, or even better, holy water improvements would not only not be overkill but specialize in helping with many of these problems. For example, now each hit you land slowly weakens your enemy to the point of death, this leads him to want to pull it out ASAP, but doing so would tear his flesh apart and weaken him mentally as his mind realizes he hurt himself in quite the catch 22 helping with the non-lethal hit problem. As well, hits in non-crucial areas would matter because of these materials effects against vampires helping with the non-lethal hit problem.

Since this would be a logical thing to do in RP, various similar mods, like Cowboys1919's Vampire bow mod and various mods that adjust what your bow fires have done it before, and it is possible to dip arrows in substances and make them out of wood (While this would hamper piercing) you can clearly see this is possible to implement technically and in roleplay.

(However I still think dipped arrows would be much more logical than wooden ones for obvious reasons)
As true as your words are, that wasn't the point I was making. I was arguing that it isn't "Illogical" to make wood arrows. People do it all the time. As for balance, yes I can see this as a problem, and your argument is very valid. However there is another point, Vampires (Last I checked) are not attacked by mobs, meaning Skeletons are of little threat.

It is illogical because unless it were somehow coded, there is no denser/harder wood in Minecraft. They all function the same way, they just look different. Not only that, but wood is something you can obtain in about 5 seconds. Holy water, however, is not.

Basically, though, vampires are very weak in combat as it is. Adding this would make vampires something people use ONLY for roleplay. So unless Bloodlust gets re-added or vampires become less under-powered, I don't support this idea.
It is illogical because unless it were somehow coded, there is no denser/harder wood in Minecraft. They all function the same way, they just look different. Not only that, but wood is something you can obtain in about 5 seconds. Holy water, however, is not.

Basically, though, vampires are very weak in combat as it is. Adding this would make vampires something people use ONLY for roleplay. So unless Bloodlust gets re-added or vampires become less under-powered, I don't support this idea.

How can you tell if they are Harder or Denser in Minecraft? Or Aloria for that matter? Are you going to claim that all wood weighs the same, is made of the same material and is of the same Density in Aloria?

It's not illogical from a Lore standpoint, and it makes quite a lot of sense. However the practicality of making a mod for it is low, so we might as well raise arrow damage if we do change arrows/bows.
Wood is already needed when crafting an arrow...why not just make it another weakness, no need to come up with an entirely new game function. No wood arrows, just arrows in general.
So in other words, nerf vampires even more?

Eh, kinda, was more solving the debate of arrows, personally i find vampirism to not be balanced at all, bloodlust was created to oppose the fact that they had an extreme weakness to wood. Bloodlust is gone so personally i think wood weakness should be as well.
Sure, vampires have a power boost, but that boost is practicly pointless with mcmmo existing.
How can you tell if they are Harder or Denser in Minecraft? Or Aloria for that matter? Are you going to claim that all wood weighs the same, is made of the same material and is of the same Density in Aloria?

It's not illogical from a Lore standpoint, and it makes quite a lot of sense. However the practicality of making a mod for it is low, so we might as well raise arrow damage if we do change arrows/bows.

It doesn't make sense in real life, and if it suddenly makes sense in Massive, people can start just running out, punch a tree, and boom, another weakness for vampires. I think we should just junk this whole idea, because if this gets added, no one will want to be a vampire anymore. Vampires are supposed to be feared monsters of the night. If this gets added, they become blood-sucking fairies.
I think that if this idea was implemented that you should be able to craft a arrow with a bottle of holy water to increase arrow damage... But just because I said that doesn't mean I support this idea... Vampires are weak enough and I sometimes consider curing when I'm a vampire because of all the weaknesses (I don't because I enjoy role playing as a vampire), but if we added this then you may as well get rid of the vampire plugin altogether because no one would want to be a vampire at all!
Also, when vampires go dark rooming to train, they fight skeletons, so if arrows in general got increased damage to vampires then it would make being a vampire that much harder...
Vampires are meant to be feared creatures! But with all the weaknesses already, they aren't feared much and by adding another weakness... They are going to become like Kirby said... Blood sucking fairies...
No support for this idea at all...
It doesn't make sense in real life, and if it suddenly makes sense in Massive, people can start just running out, punch a tree, and boom, another weakness for vampires. I think we should just junk this whole idea, because if this gets added, no one will want to be a vampire anymore. Vampires are supposed to be feared monsters of the night. If this gets added, they become blood-sucking fairies.
They are not feared now, they are mainly a pest in RP. In PVP they make obvious vampire factions say they are evil but when they get raid they hide.
๖ۣۜWow look at me I'm special! ๖ۣۜ

๖ۣۜI was asking more about why Smite does not harm the undead players as the enchant normally does to mobs... Although true for what you mentioned, but not exactly what I meant when I needed an answer.
Well... Nonetheless, Vampyres seem to already be weak enough with their current damage from every wood thing, the sun, the potions, the few places to find food...
If Bloodlust was back I would support, however currently,
-1 Support
Edit: Also... Do not do that. Please. :/
-Raises hand.-
Didn't Monmarty say that they wouldn't be taking vampire suggestions for a while because they already have a lot of stuff they are working on?
Can you explain these 2 things in your posts.

๖ۣۜ First off, why the offensive rating? Common, it's just a joke and was supposed to be lighthearted, I was not directly attacking you in any way or being offensive, besides what are the forums but a place to give your opinion on something even if it is negative? I know all you want to do is be a bit more known, recognized, and individual and I'm ok with that. I just prefer people that get noticed for something of value such as intelligence, skill at building, or at roleplaying rather than putting in a small aesthetic difference which I consider vain. Just take solace in screwing up the text I'm writing in because I don't know how to get that weird symbol without copying and pasting. So take a deep breath, and a cookie. :D

Now secondly you confuse me by putting in "Smite should do damage to Vampires and Undead" and then saying that changing this would make vampires useless. Do you think one buff is better than the other or are you giving an example of a thing not implemented which you believe is better than the current suggestion and then saying however, none should be added as Vampires need to be buffed.​
Ideas On The Vampire Issue
Anyways in my opinion Vampires need to have a speed 1 boost constantly during the hours of the night as well as a jump 2 boost regardless if they are bloodlusting. They should be able to bloodlust using food bar levels slowly to increase this to a speed 2 and jump 4 boost. (3 blocks) When in bloodlust, they also have a new ability called bite. Every time a vampire hits a non-vampire, there is a 5% chance he (Or she) will get a bite. A bite will do 3 things firstly, it does 5 hearts of flat extra damage. Secondly, it gives nausea 2 to its victim. Thirdly, it instantly infects a human that is bitten starting the dark disease countdown. The time it takes to be turned into a vampire by this is reduced to 75% of what it is making the dark disease a real factor in game.​
Now for a neutral thing. Vampires should only get blood after a kill of a animal or player not just after a hit, though this is a large amount of blood and saturation. This just makes more sense.​
Now to nerf vampires is to add in 2 new hunter things. First of all, if you put 8 lapis blocks and 1 bow (Amounts can be changed if this is OP or underpowered and this can be done with arrows if a problem with bows arises) in a crafting table it turns into a Slayer Bow, which does a set amount lets say 2 hearts of extra damage a hit and has a small chance to give nausea 1 to the vampire. Secondly there is now an enhancement called something similar to "Scourge of Vampyres" on swords or axes of any material. This enchantment does 1/2 a heart of extra damage to a Vampire. How do you get this enchantment? Well there is only one way to get it, questing. If you bring a sword or axe to a certain NPC, lets say a Crimson Inquisitioner, in return for a payment of gold or maybe lapis you get the enchantment. It is an equivalent exchange quest like the sapling one and can be done infinitely.​
This quest may or may not have to be unlocked through completing several other Vampire slayer like quests which can possibly add two trees of quests, a slayer and vampire quest tree allowing for further development of the Questing system, roleplay roles and rules, and dark vs light action. Since these quests have PVP elements hopefully it can even help reconcile RP and PVP too and make a more balanced Massivecraft.​
With these additions I think Vampires will have a better time being the demons they are supposed to be and Vampire slayers will have more tools to counter the Vampires, letting them develop a niche and possibly, *gasp* even be liked by the people they are protecting!​
Thanks for reading, and have a Massive day!​
I like the idea, but the way of doing it I do not think is possible. Every arrow you fire will always be a normal arrow (Unless the bow is enchanted). You may re-name it, get an admin to add enchants to it, but whenever you shoot the bow the arrow will project as normal.

The way I think to make this work is to just up the damage dealt by arrows on vampires. Arrows are mostly wood, so of course if you are a vampire having one of them stuck inside of you will make you weak, or even kill you. Getting hit by a wooden door hurts a vampire more than an arrow.

Just my ideas though, perhaps I am wrong. Maybe someone who knows a little more on Minecraft mechanics could lecture me?

Spartan, I think there can be some coding wizardry done. Command blocks for adventure maps could do the same (or similar) thing, so who's to say we can't code it in the plugin. It'd be difficult, though to gauge feedback with the love-hate relationship Massivecraft has with vampires.
I like the idea of more arrows I think it should be bigger then holy water tipped what if you add poison pots to the arrow and make a poison arrow or if you add tnt to it and make a exploding arrow the concept is great I agree with this post.
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