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Needs Help/Review Wolvin Gallagher-Norinn

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!
Aug 14, 2018
Reaction score
◍ Full Name: Wolvin Gallagher-Norinn
Birth Name: Wolvin O'Gallagher Ui Norinn

Titles & Occuptations:
∙ Minority Shareholder in Gallagher Munitions
∙ Minority Shareholder in Mac Connel Whiskey & Assorted Spirits

Race: Ailor, Aontaithe-Gallovian
Age: Twenty-five
Birthday: 14th September
Sex/Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual
Eye Color: Green

Religion: Spiritually Agnostic
Identity: A self-medicating legal practitioner who cradles his chronic pain by use of opioids and alcohol. Wolvin is a poetic and gregarious soul who enjoys challenging others' intelligence as a means to hide his own insecurities of powerlessness and inferiority living as a cross-cultured minority in a Gallovian house. While cunning and bright, his pessimistic world view and attachment to material things is a very self-realized flaw he does little to correct, despite often insulting others for both their lack or excess of ideological or material attachment. In the end, nothing really matters for Wolvin, as he has not found a cause worth the time pursuing that could not otherwise be quenched through the end of a bottle or opium-pipe.

Appearance: Wolvin is a tall and toned man, standing at 6'2 with broad shoulders and a thin waist. This stems largely from keeping physically active as an avid pistol-saber dualist, a necessary occupation given his excessive partaking in gambling houses across the Empire. He has sweeping blonde hair that comes down over his face and can often be seen sporting the latest fashions funded by his his cousin, Lord Norinn.
Mutations/Scars/Etc.: He would seem to have a rather noticeable scar brandished on the side of his lip, as if someone had attempted to give him half of a Glasgow Smile.



Strength = 0
‣ Ailor | Technique Parry

Constitution = 5
‣ Ailor | Rebound
‣ Training | Status Endure
‣ Training | Breather
‣ Training | Rage Counter
‣ Training | Iron Will
‣ Training | Thick Hide

Arcane = 0

Wisdom = 0

◍ Intelligence = 2
‣ Adapt | Wardrobe
‣ Adapt | Safeguard Pack

Dexterity = 7
‣ Cutthroat | Backstab
‣ Cutthroat | Target
‣ Cutthroat | Dodge
‣ Cutthroat | Reversal
‣ Cutthroat | Flank
‣ Roguery | Sharp Reflexes
‣ Roguery | Flexible Maneuver

Fatih = 0

Offense: Dexterity
Defense: Endurance

Common | Fluent | Learned
◍ Aontaith| Fluent | Father Tongue
◍ Gallwech | Fluent | Mother Tongue
◍ Ithanian | Basic


Wolvin Gallagher-Norinn was born into a family with a complex and tragic history. His father, Clive Gallagher, was the brother of the former patriarch of House Gallagher, Lord Cillian Gallagher. After his uncle's untimely death, Clive's lack of experience led to the financial decline of their once-respected house. This forced Wolvin to be taken in by their cousins of House Mac Conell as a ward, which introduced him to a life of dependency and instability from a young age. Later, through his father's marriage into House Norrin, Wolvin became a ward of this influential house, bringing him into a world of nobility but also of constant expectation and scrutiny.

During his time in Gallovia, Wolvin received the typical education of a noble youth, including lessons in Gallovian and Common languages, as well as history and sculpting. However, he found little passion in these pursuits. A pivotal moment in his life occurred when he was thirteen, during a hunting accident that severely injured his left wrist. This injury not only left him with chronic pain and limited mobility but also marked the beginning of his reliance on painkillers and ointments. Over time, this dependency grew into a full-blown addiction to alcohol and opioids, much to the dismay and concern of his family.

In his late teens, Wolvin was sent to pursue a legal career in Regalia, the capital, with the hope that he would bring honor to his family. Though he completed his studies, he squandered the opportunity for a postgraduate scholarship, instead taking the money to fund a hedonistic lifestyle in Ithania. There, Wolvin indulged in gambling and drinking, learning the Ithanian language along the way. Upon his return, House Norrin, frustrated by his lack of direction, presented him with an ultimatum: join the army, join the courts, or renounce the family name altogether.

Faced with this decision, Wolvin chose to join the courts, where he managed to carve out a role for himself despite his ongoing struggles with addiction. Beneath his flaws, Wolvin is recognized as a man with a deep capacity for empathy, a love of poetry, and an appreciation for the arts. His injuries and addictive tendencies have made him a pessimist, yet his charm and wit have allowed him to navigate the complexities of noble life, earning him a grudging respect from those around him.
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@Northern_Ireland Free packs don't give points, so your strength stat would be 0. Attack/Defense stat also aren't standard anymore, you pick from a list, so it's good to state (for posterity) what you're using. Less important here because it is obviously Dex for Attack and Con for Defense.