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Played Character Wisteria (xochik) Springdancer- The Mazatl Xotik Maquixtl

This character is actively played.


Jun 10, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Wisteria (Xochitl) Springdancer
  • Heritage / Culture: Xotik Maquixtl with the Mazatl gene
  • Age: 200 y/o (out of possible 500) equivalent of ~25-30 y/o but she does NOT act like it.
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/her/they/them/HEY YOU/GODDAMN GOAT
  • Religion: Estelley - focused on the Goddess Mana and the God Gilan
  • Occult: Mage -- Exist Magic, Nature-type flavor. (plants and animals)
  • Character Occupation: Far Traveller/Performer of sorts. She's left her forest home to see the world just for fun, primarily to see how other races and places tend to the nature around them... But also just because she's curious as can be. She is musically and choreographically talented, and often earns her coin where necessary by playing music, singing, and dancing, or even performing impressive acrobatic feats.
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: the most enchanting Emerald Green
  • Skin Color: olive tan, with roan-colored patches of dense freckles on her face and shoulders
  • Hair: Bright orange to deep red ombre, and incredibly messy curls. This girl don't know what a brush is type hair. absolutely wild.
  • Height: 5'8
  • Body Type: Toned. She is clearly a runner and jumper with thicker powerful legs, but has decently toned back/shoulders/arms from her woodland lifestyle.
  • Additional Features:
    • She's best described as a Satyr. Brown Digitigrade goat-like legs ending in darker brown socks and boot-black hooves, a deer-like tail, deer-like ears of matching fur color, and large curling ram horns nestled in her wild hair.
    • Despite being clearly a wild woman, she has a strange earthy, haunting beauty, like one might be looking upon the face of a long-forgotten nature goddess directly. She is not a deity, but she's more than welcoming to being called a goddess ;3c
Wisteria screenshot (4).webp Wisteria screenshot (5).webp
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Performance, Nature based magic talent, acrobatics/athleticism, general gardening and animal taming.
  • Mechanics:
    • Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
    • Maquixtl pets live unnaturally long lives, with them being able to apply Gene Editing on their pets to modify them.
    • Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.
    • Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
    • Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing.
      • Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
  • Languages:
    • Nātl (Maquixtl)
    • Altalar (Elven)
    • common
  • Like all Maquixtl, Wisteria is generally conflict-free in her life. She lives by her own rules, with no real regard for local laws and the like, being opposed to them entirely outside of obvious safety concerns(Xotik culture).
  • There's no such thing as boredom in her vocabulary, She can always find something to entertain herself. When in doubt, the pipes come out. She wanted to see what nature was like in other corners of the world. As a result of this drive for adventure, she left her forest to explore, intending to collect samples of foreign plants or animals as pets, and see just how other cultures take care of the nature at their fingertips.
  • She has surprisingly little fear, and rather finds fun in everything that happens, and strangely, doesn't even seem to fear death. Death is just another part of the cycle, and though she's in no way going to blindly put herself into absolute danger, she has a tendency to skip along the edges taunting death, so long as she knows she can escape with ease. And she typically can.
  • As a follower of Mana, and as a xochik Maquixtl, she gets along quite well with Yanar peoples, as well as a sort of familiarity with the various animal-based races, such as the Asha and Urlan, thanks to also being a follower of Gilan. If you're respecting and close with nature, She's likely to see you as an alley or friend.
  • She has a knack for pissing people off simply because she's so unserious. law enforcers will probably hate her! Especially since if you're prone to a quick temper she will probably harass you on purpose. ((by god do tell me OOC if I'm making her too annoying in an interaction.))

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic - 7
Defense Stat: Magic - 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 0
    • [Building Scale(Race)] - Like many goats, she can and will scale the most sheer cliffs and buildings. Illegal Parkour is very likely.
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
    • [chem revive(Race)] - She carries a ball of weird plant paste that tastes so badly you'll be forced to revive when she presses a pinch into your slack jawed mouth. Why? It works, and it's funny. Don't worry, it's not poison, it's just horribly bitter.
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 14 [Exist/nature based Magic - True Mage status]
    • [Magic Bolts] - prefers a physical bow, but it has no string. All bow action is magic!
    • [Magic Snare] - Get Vine Whipped! haha! or quicksand! Also a classic. Pray she choses not to use cactus, that one hurts.
    • [Magic curse] - most commonly used for shits and giggles to people that deserve it for cruelty/abuse of nature. Like making one stub their toe repeatedly all day long. High magic stat means she could do so much worse, be grateful for the mercy~
    • [Magic cleanse] - purify water/decontaminate soil, and remove residue from her own magic use, etc.
    • [Magic summon] - even if she becomes unarmed, she will just pull a new bow or staff from the earth. Or from a tree. or a stone.
    • [Magic Shove] - Certified Minecraft Goat Moment.
    • [Magic Isolate] - separating enemies from their party with fae trickery, Typically by altering the nature around someone to cause confusion, like mist or moving bushes.
    • [Magic Disengage] - Enhanced leap via magic to just shoot outta there.
    • [Magic Distort] - Wisteria used Confusion! It's super effective!
    • [Magic Reduce] - Sure it's meant for stats, but she's gonna temporarily shrink ya too just to make a point.
    • [Magic warp] - She's over there! No wait she's over there! WHERE DID SHE GO-
    • [Magic Barrier] - most commonly done via elemental representation: Vines, rock walls, water/ice, a sharp wind etc. (she's the avatar now.)
    • [Adapt Wardrobe(Magic)] - Like the rest of her magic, The very earth will rise up to protect her at a moment's notice, as well as protections woven into her clothing.
    • [Magic Trip]- if she can't be fleet footed, she's gonna make it hard for others to chase her down instead. Nothing like a random tree root or spontaneous rat to trip up a pursuer!
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