Disclaimer: This page is intended for character creation purposes and for new players to find story hooks with the library. The roles and memberships are just guidelines, in character, anything is possible!

"Through dreamt kingdoms, blessings preserved."
Our History
Founded in 309 AC by Vanectus Nomëssa in Crookback, Regalia,
the Sister of Forgotten Pleasures began as a small
courtly sanctuary, providing a safe haven for Estellians and
their allies. After falling to destruction, some of its books
were recovered and relocated to Root Court, where the
Library of Forgotten Pleasures was established,
alongside a small shrine dedicated to the Great Librarian.
In 312 AC, the library was moved to Floral Court, where
ownership was passed to Wisteria Nomëssa. With recent
patronage from the Sol Menveä Emmenesi Fanthamsa,
the library has now been relocated to bridge the beautiful
districts of Fairbanks and Floral Court.
Our Values
The Library of Forgotten Pleasures, aligned with the Estelley faith and supported by both Magic and the Regalian state, upholds Asëia as its principal patron.
Its core values include the preservation of all knowledge, the recording of stories, and the nurturing of arcane education and mastery. The library is dedicated to the continual pursuit of pro-occult missions, upholding the responsibility that comes with magic.
Importantly, the library endeavors to serve as a neutral and peaceful space, welcoming all who seek to access its literature. It also takes on the vital role of challenging biased Allorn narratives that permeate Estellian texts, striving for a more balanced and truthful preservation of knowledge.
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