Wip Rhiannon Ad Doithwaite

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by SevenBirds, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent

    Jan 24, 2019
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    Basic Information (Required)
    • Full Name: Rhiannon Daraire ad Doithwaite
    • Age: 21
    • Gender: Female
    • Race: Breizh Ailor - Nautilaan
    • Preferred Weapon: Shortsword
    Inventory Information (Optional)
    • Steel shortsword and kiteshield
    • Leather coin pouch with about 15-20 regals
    • Palm-sized carved stone sculpture in the shape of a dragon
    • Journal and writing utensils
    • Sewing kit and bits of stray cloth and cord
    • A compass with a Picaron inscription on the back - "Always find your way home."
    Skill Information (Required)

    Total Points: 5 + 21 (age) + 10 (talent) + 10 (hobby) = 46 points
    +5 Sailing Art (from Nautilaan)
    • +15 Sword Combat (+10 from points, +5 Nautilaan bonus)
    • +10 Shielding Combat
    • +6 Sorcery - Spirit and Elemental
    • +5 Sailing Art (from Favored by the Sea)
    • +5 Fabric Art
    • +5 Dancing Art
    • +5 Vocal Talent
    • +5 Perception Training
    Body Shape
    • Physical Stat - 30
    • Body Shape - Athletic
    • Body Fat - Average
    • Picaron - Native language
    • Common - Learned in childhood
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Infallible Navigator - Nautilaan Racial Passive
    • Iron Gut - Nautilaan Racial Passive
    • Favored by the Sea - Nautilaan Racial Passive
    • Construct of Tranquility - Spirit Trigger Passive
      • A blue and green woven band worn around the throat decorated with amber
    • Beastly Connection - Spirit Constant Passive
      • Red Deer - Deer-shaped ears, reddish-brown fur over ears and cheekbones
    • Elemental Branding - Elemental Sorcery Spell
      • Preferred Element - Storm
    • Elemental Carving - Elemental Toggle Passive
      • Storm - Dark grey tattoos over hands, arms, back, neck, and face. Curls like rolling thunderclouds; glows slightly when using elemental spells.
    Infallible Navigator - Nautilaan Ailor has a photographic memory for star maps and cartographic maps (and maps only), allowing them to recall their contents with perfect accuracy. Nautilaan can always tell what polar north is as long as they have a map with them, or can see the starry night sky. They are also immediately able to tell errors in maps.
    Iron Gut - Nautilaan Ailor are exceptionally hardy, capable of surviving and functioning without food, drink, or sleep for up to a week. This makes them exceptionally suitable for dangerous coastal trips with few supplies, but also able to resist being starved out while imprisoned, or caught off guard while dozing off.
    Favored by the Sea - Nautilaan Ailor gain a permanent +5 Sailing Art, and the winds favor their ships on the sea, gaining them bonuses to rolls in the World System involving the movement of ships in both Battle and Non-Battle Progressions. Somehow, they always seem to get lucky with the direction of the wind striking them just right in the sails to give them an edge.

    Construct of Tranquility - As a representation of their cleared mind, the Sorcerer is able to construct a talisman or physical totem that guards them against Target Illusions, Target Curses, and Control Powers used on them without their consent. This object can be a piece of jewelry, a carved object, or another small object that they must wear. When the Sorcerer would be affected by a Target Illusion or Target Curse, the construct will break and prevent them from being affected in that single instance by that single ability. Once the construct is broken, they are not protected from any subsequent abilities or repeated attempts to use the same ability. Albeit they will be aware that someone is trying to use an Ability on them, and may attempt to flee before a second takes hold. The breaking of the construct does not give the Sorcerer any indication as to who or what attempted to use an Ability on them, only that one was attempted, and was thwarted. Once a construct is broken, the Sorcerer cannot craft another for 24 hours. Should the construct be stolen from their person, it will no longer protect the Sorcerer and it will become a mundane item, where the same rules for re-crafting it apply as if it were broken.
    Beastly Connection -
    Beastly Connection has two components that require the Sorcerer to pick an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus and Dragons) that they have a strong connection to. Once the Sorcerer chooses an animal, they cannot change it, and it must be stated on the Character App when this ability is chosen.

    The first component is an effect that allows the Sorcerer to manifest minor physical features that reflect their chosen animal. These features are visual and aesthetic only, and offer no functional abilities/benefits, even if they may benefit the animal in some way. These features are permanent, even if Beastly Connection is somehow lost, but will not be passed onto children. The Sorcerer may choose up to 2 options from the following list, requiring that any option chosen must be possible for and reflective of the animal:
    Adjusted appearance of Pupils
    Sharpened or dulled canines
    Small patches of fur, scales, quills, or tiny feathers along the cheeks
    Adjusting the shape of the tongue
    Adjusting the shape of the ears
    Fur, scales, quills, tiny feathers, or webbing on the hands or between their fingers

    The second component is a [Sorcery Spell] that allows the Sorcerer to summon a Familiar of their chosen animal that is the size of a domestic dog. If the animal is larger than a dog, it is shrunk down, and any animal smaller than a dog appears larger. This Familiar is tangible and can interact with the world around it (carrying items), but is relatively fragile, and can only take one solid blow before it dissipates. It will also dissipate if it leaves the visual range of the Sorcerer. It responds to the vocal commands of the Sorcerer, and if ordered to attack, will only be mildly distracting at best. If the familiar dissipates, it can be re-summoned by the Sorcerer 24 hours later.
    Elemental Branding -
    The Sorcerer can cast Elemental Branding onto a melee weapon to apply an elemental effect to the weapon. In order to cast Elemental Branding, the Sorcerer must speak the Incantation and then touch a melee weapon to apply the effect. This weapon can be wielded by the Sorcerer or another character. Only one Elemental Branding can be active per Sorcerer, and multiple cannot be applied to the same weapon by multiple Sorcerers. When the effect is applied, it lasts until the weapon leaves Emote Distance of the Sorcerer, until they are knocked out, or until they snap their fingers to instantly dispel the effect. Regardless, the spell can only last for up to an hour before it must be re-cast. For reference of elemental effects, consult the list below. If a Reflect Ability is used, the effect can be stolen by the person using the Reflect if they have a weapon in their hands at the time. If the spell is ‘stolen’ in this way, the original caster cannot undo the effect besides being knocked out or leaving Emote Distance of the weapon. This Ability counts as an Object Enhancement.

    Ice: The weapon becomes covered in ice, so that when it makes contact with another blade or weapon, the other weapon becomes frozen to the ice branded weapon, effectively negating the two weapons from being used for the duration of combat.
    Water: The weapon can glimmer and glow with any color, or any range of colors and patterns imagined by the wielder. Additionally, the weapon can be drenched in saltwater, causing any wounds it inflicts to gain a delayed healing effect. For the duration of the combat scene, these wounds cannot be rapidly healed by any Abilities mid-combat. This effect will end either when the Spell ends, when the person with the wounds leaves Emote Distance of the Sorcerer, or automatically after 30 minutes.
    Wind: The weapon can be used to produce a wind funnel stance, in which the wielder has to hold the weapon vertically in front of them and keep it there, making them immune to mundane projectile weapons (excluding Puretek), while Abilities or melee weapons will still harm them.
    Storm: The weapon, when swung, produces the sound of a gale or strong wind gust while hitting the weapon against any type of object or other weapon produces purely visual lightning sparks, and a loud thunderclap noise that can be heard up to announce emote away.
    Fire: The weapon is wreathed in magical fire (of any color), which does not harm or negatively affect the blade, but wounds inflicted by the blade additionally sting (akin to a burn from boiling water). This cannot set things alight.
    Magma: The weapon begins to leak intensely heated sludge which can only be flicked or flung at an opponent. This sludge quickly cools but applies a painful sensation on any person within 3 blocks distance, before cooling permanently and fading into dust. It has no effect on inanimate objects, weapons, and clothes.
    Earth: Rocky substances grow around the wielder's hands, fortifying their grip and preventing them from being disarmed unwillingly or having their weapon yanked out of their hand with any ability.
    Metal: The weapon is fortified and cannot be destroyed or dulled by any means, natural or ability wise.
    Elemental Carving - The Sorcerer can form tattoos of their chosen element, in the color of their chosen element, which can take any shape but should be generally shaped reminiscent of their chosen element. These tattoos can be changed or removed at will, but cannot be animated. They may also have a faint glow to them, start glowing when the Sorcerer starts casting their other spells, or may remain inert.

    Visual Information (Required)
    • Eye Color: Grey
    • Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
    • Hair Style: Long, but always pulled back in a braided bun when out and about
    • Skin Color: Tanned
    • Clothing: Simple blue and green tabard over sea-green shirt and dark brown pants; sturdy black leather boots; light brown belt and scabbard; blue and green cloth necklace
    • Height: 5'9"
    Personality (Required with Choice)
    • Alignment - Neutral Good
    • Personality Type - The Protagonist (ENFJ)
    • Religion - Unionism (Breizh Fae Religion) - 8/10
    Life Story (Required)
    • Birth to Early Childhood
      • Born in the town of Doithwaite on the Kintyr coast to a family of sailors and traders. From an early age, Rhiannon took naturally to the sea and winds, spending much of her time swimming, climbing on the rocks, and looking for shells in the sand.
      • As the eldest, Rhiannon was sent to train with the Fae Knights at the age of 7. Although she was scared of going away from her family, she was also excited by the stories she'd heard and by the opportunity to see a new place.
      • Began learning about weapons and magic from her instructors. A practical soul, she preferred the mundane weapons of sword and shield but developed an interest in elemental sorcery after having memories of watching storms roll over the sea.
    • Adolescence
      • Eager to prove herself and make her family proud, she pushed herself to great lengths to be the best she could be, becoming frustrated with the slowness of her methodical education and bucking against her elders' admonitions to be patient. At one point, she and a couple of other squires slipped off to a sepulcher alone to try to scout it out, but were found by raiders and badly injured before a Dame-at-Arms found them.
      • Spent weeks recovering from injuries and enduring lectures from the Knights about their recklessness and folly, reminding them that their experience proved the elders' words. At the encouragement of her mentor, Rhiannon began to dabble in spirit sorcery to aid in calming her stormy mind while her body healed, eventually forming a connection with the spirits of the red deer which frequented the Fae Shrines nearby.
      • Falling behind because of her misadventure, Rhiannon began to fall behind the others. As she grew bigger and stronger, she moved on from a buckler to a kiteshield, becoming a determined and stalwart, if still a bit reckless, defender.
    • Young Adulthood to Present
      • After training long and hard, she finally managed to just barely finish her training on schedule with the rest of the squires, becoming a Dame-at-Arms at the age of 21. When she was given her first assignment, she was both excited and overwhelmed by the thought of traveling to city of Regalia, where she would seek out the family that came there before.
    #1 SevenBirds, Jan 2, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021

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