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Work in Progress Wip Lynman Rework

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


About as productive as a Typhonus in Ithania.
Sep 29, 2018
Reaction score
somewhere in Germany

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To desire immortality is to desire the eternal
perpetuation of a great mistake.


Character Information
  • Birth Name: Zhyan
    • Preferred Name: Zyloslzvies
  • Heritage / Culture: Surya Slizzar
  • Age: 556
    • January 15, [REDACTED]
  • Gender / Pronouncs: Sexless | He/Him
  • Religion: Draconism [Annexation, Nox]
  • Occult: Artisan Archon, Daiana Godborn, Dragon God Mage
  • Character Occupation: Scholar, Aelrrigan Knight
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In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only
our knowledge and wisdom
that seperates us, don't let your eyes deceive you


Character Information
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Scale Color: Black
  • Hair: Neck-length orange hair with red and yellow highlights
  • Height: 6'0 / 1.83 m
  • Body Type: Athletic
  • Additional Features: He often wears very pragmatic clothing. Additional purple scales highlight his face, while the same is true on his chest and stomach with a multitude of colors.



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The first requisite for immortality is death

Proficiency Information
Attack State: Magic
Defense Stat: magic
Total Points: 14/14

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 2
    • Tech Resist
    • Hook Shot
    • Adapt Shapeshift [Magical] [Free]
    • Adapt Mindcontrol [Magical] [Free]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 12
    • Magic Bolts
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Reduce
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Revive
    • Magic Revenge
    • Adapt Oceanic [Magical]
    • Adapt Safeguard [Magical]
    • Adapt Wardrobe [Magical]
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Technology Hobby
    • Cartography
    • Magic Talent
    • Mechanic 1
      • Slizzar are immune to mind control of any type, particularly Mindcontrol Pack and all of its Mechanics to do with Thralling and Persuasion Dices, if used to convince them.
    • Mechanic 2
      • Slizzar are immune to mind control of any type, particularly Mindcontrol Pack and all of its Mechanics to do with Thralling and Persuasion Dices, if used to convince them.
    • Mechanic 3
      • Slizzar are immune to Persuasion Dices when used by Players. Additionally, when using Persuasion Dices themselves, if they fail once, they can re-try their Dice for a higher result.
    • Mechanic 4
      • Slizzar can perfectly mimic Afflictions and Affinities, including Transformations, and even their Abilities, though where they cannot innately use these Abilities, they are Illusions instead.
    • Mechanic 5
      • Slizzar always use Persuasion Dice at their maximum Persuasion Cap, meaning 14. Additionally, they gain +2 to the final Persuasion Dice Result after every Roll.
    • Mechanic 6
      • Slizzar can perfectly fake and fool Knight Order membership or Guild Membership papers, thus always pretending to be a member undetectably even if they are not.
    • Mechanic 1
      • Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
    • Mechanic 2
      • Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
    • Mechanic 3
      • Archon can Cleanse a (willing) Mage of Magic. If they can become an Archon, they do. Any Magic/Faith packs are refunded and can be re-spent. This grants the Archon doing it 1 Static Divinium.
    • Mechanic 4
      • Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife, or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
    • Mechanic 5
      • Archon can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
    • Mechanic 6
      • Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
    • Artisan Mechanic 1
      • Artisan Archon can grant an Archon +1 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) when fighting on a Dragon Site (Temple Incl). Additionally, they can dispel curses at the Temple as if they had 4 Points Invested in Magic.
    • Artisan Mechanic 2
      • Artisan Archon gain the Leytech Branch of Technology for free without any Point investment in Tech Point Buy, and this also does not count towards their max 2 Tech Branches chosen.
    • Mechanic 1
      • Daiana Godborn can be Archon, but do not have to be. Even if they are not Archon, they still gain all Common Archon Mechanics. If they choose to be Archon or are born as Archon, they can choose one additional Mechanic from a different Archon Lineage, but not specifically Mechanics that increase Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Being or not being Archon does not warrant Daiana Godborn with any more or less legitimacy.
    • Warden Mechanic 2
      • Warden Archon are immune to all Mechanics from Arkenborn or Godborn insofar they are Mechanics that affect others, and aren't free Packs (not immune to Pack Abilities).
    • Mechanic 2
      • Daiana Godborn are elementally bound to the planet, meaning they have aesthetic control over the elements of fire, earth, and water. Each of them also has a specific use: Daiana Godborn can encase themselves in rock and stone thus making them unable to act or be acted upon, they can breathe underwater but gain no combat or movement benefits, and can walk through fire or magma without being harmed by it.
    • Mechanic 3
      • This Mechanic is dependent on the Songaskia Heritage Update. For the time being, it purely grants them access to the Sofawaati Form Mechanic as recorded on the Songaskia Page, but this is expected to be replaced with something similar plus whatever other mechanic being half-Dragon gives Songaskians, and other compensations for Songaskian Dreamborn.
  • Languages:
    • Common - For communication purposes
    • Zoram - The god given tongue
    • Calem - A necessary illusion
    • Anglisch - Ancestry long found
    • Breizh - Tongue of magic sumptuousness
    • Altalar - Adapting to the situation
    • Katharic - For business opportunities
    • This is not a complete list and only the ones he is known to speak/have spoken before. As this area becomes obscure due to his lifespan.
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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering,
fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream


Plot Hooks
  • As an Archon and due to his age, Zhyan is one of the few mortals to have been alive for a good amount of the Immortal War between the Arken and the Dragons. He actively fought and acted in this war too. Curiously, however, he avoids most questions about it or only provides vague answers.
  • Zhyan, due to a combination of his far longer age than most Slizzar and knowledge of the world, is presumed to have been one of the first Slizzar to be created and live in Sarakand. Only ever talking about Surya and Marya whenever the topic of parents is brought up.
  • Historical evidence of him has cropped up over the years. Including centuries that would be impossible to be alive in age wise. Using the benefit of the Sarakand magic in combination with his understanding of the leylines to pop up all over space and history.
  • More to be added, once I have some ideas.
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The way of Gods is complex, they are hard for us to predict. They move the pieces and they come somehow into a kind of order.

Character Information
  • Name: Lynmard Lomstedt
    • Breizhified Name: Lynmard
  • Heritage / Culture: Wirtem Ailor
  • Age: 29
    • January 15, 283 AC
  • Gender / Pronouncs: Male| He/Him
  • Religion: Draconism [Annexation, Nox]
  • Occult: Artisan Archon, Daiana Godborn, Dragon God Mage
  • Character Occupation: Scholar, Aelrrigan Knight
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In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only
our knowledge and wisdom
that seperates us, don't let your eyes deceive you


Character Information
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Hair: Wild dark brown hair
  • Height: 6'2 / 1.88 m
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Additional Features: He has started to wear imperialized middle class clothing and a variety of shoulder capes as of recent



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Knowledge is a curse, one I shall embrace

Proficiency Information
Attack State: Magic
Defense Stat: magic
Total Points: 14/14

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 2
    • Tech Resist
    • Hook Shot
    • Adapt Shapeshift [Magical] [Free]
    • Adapt Mindcontrol [Magical] [Free]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 12
    • Magic Bolts
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Reduce
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Revive
    • Magic Revenge
    • Adapt Oceanic [Magical]
    • Adapt Safeguard [Magical]
    • Adapt Wardrobe [Magical]
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Technology Hobby
    • Cartography
    • Magic Talent
    • Mechanic 1
      • Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
    • Mechanic 2
      • Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
    • Mechanic 3
      • Archon can Cleanse a (willing) Mage of Magic. If they can become an Archon, they do. Any Magic/Faith packs are refunded and can be re-spent. This grants the Archon doing it 1 Static Divinium.
    • Mechanic 4
      • Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife, or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
    • Mechanic 5
      • Archon can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
    • Mechanic 6
      • Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
    • Artisan Mechanic 1
      • Artisan Archon can grant an Archon +1 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) when fighting on a Dragon Site (Temple Incl). Additionally, they can dispel curses at the Temple as if they had 4 Points Invested in Magic.
    • Artisan Mechanic 2
      • Artisan Archon gain the Leytech Branch of Technology for free without any Point investment in Tech Point Buy, and this also does not count towards their max 2 Tech Branches chosen.
    • Mechanic 1
      • Daiana Godborn can be Archon, but do not have to be. Even if they are not Archon, they still gain all Common Archon Mechanics. If they choose to be Archon or are born as Archon, they can choose one additional Mechanic from a different Archon Lineage, but not specifically Mechanics that increase Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Being or not being Archon does not warrant Daiana Godborn with any more or less legitimacy.
    • Warden Mechanic 2
      • Warden Archon are immune to all Mechanics from Arkenborn or Godborn insofar they are Mechanics that affect others, and aren't free Packs (not immune to Pack Abilities).
    • Mechanic 2
      • Daiana Godborn are elementally bound to the planet, meaning they have aesthetic control over the elements of fire, earth, and water. Each of them also has a specific use: Daiana Godborn can encase themselves in rock and stone thus making them unable to act or be acted upon, they can breathe underwater but gain no combat or movement benefits, and can walk through fire or magma without being harmed by it.
    • Mechanic 3
      • This Mechanic is dependent on the Songaskia Heritage Update. For the time being, it purely grants them access to the Sofawaati Form Mechanic as recorded on the Songaskia Page, but this is expected to be replaced with something similar plus whatever other mechanic being half-Dragon gives Songaskians, and other compensations for Songaskian Dreamborn.
  • Languages:
    • Common - For communication purposes
    • Calem - A necessary illusion
    • Anglisch - Ancestry long found
    • Breizh - Tongue of magic sumptuousness
    • Altalar - Adapting to the situation
    • Katharic - For business opportunities
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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering,
fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream


Plot Hooks
  • Lynmard fanatically worships the dragons and has recently publicly declared himself as a Dragon Champion of Nox. Making him one of the few public Nox worshippers in Regalia, especially with more public ties in the Empire.
  • His heritage as a Godborn of Daiana, while explaining some facts about his life and the associated theories, has only really become public as of recently.
    • The information that he is a Godborn comes from his own words. While it has been confirmed by other sources, how and why he has kept it a secret until now has not been answered in the same vein.
  • Lynmard, despite his relatively young age, talks about historical events as if he were there. He likes to talk a lot and discuss various topics, no matter the source or origin. It is rare that a topic is not talked to the bone and dissected until there is nothing left.
    • However, he remains very open with what he knows, providing strangers and friends alike a good opportunity to talk about topics like "why is the sky blue" or "how does time travel work" without being judged for even thinking about it.
    • He makes a strong case for thinking for oneself rather than simply following dogma and thereby often offers multiple interpretations, no matter how strange they may be.
  • Lynmard tends to simply disappear from one day to the next, without really saying where. This includes his staff not knowing much about his whereabouts most of the time.
    • It is not difficult to find various reports of an Ailor appearing out of nowhere, showing a lost traveler the way to their destination, or simply sitting on the highest mountains looking up at the stars.
    • Earlier reports mention a very similar Ailor appearing during certain magical events that were on the verge of hurting the local population, before disappearing once again. Seemingly somehow stopping the calamity from ever actually unfolding.
    • Historical documents from the Allorn Empire also seem to fit the above mentioned pattern of appearances and magical events. However, being Allorn documents they are always presented as being the cause of it and some Faithful warrior or mage preventing it instead.
    • Even after various attempts to find a pattern or clearly identify this Ailor, most research came to no avail, as they either went in circles or mysteriously disappeared overnight. Thus, the result was ever stranger theories and folk tales. Ranging from a powerful Entity or Nature Spirit being responsible to a group of mages that intentionally look the same to confuse opponents.
  • Lynmard is a born Wirtem and Artisan Archon, which led to him being trained as the latter in Anglia, and becoming an Aelrrigan of the Penn Carchar chapter. To add to the confusion, he was elevated to the rank of Baron by a Breizh noble family not long ago.
    • This results in a very strange mix of ideologies and opinions. However, this also offers outsiders the unique opportunity to learn about these cultures and organizations without the usual bias and sometimes patronizing manner.
    • Regardless of their background or past, he invites everyone to have a good talk.
  • Rumors and stories continue to circulate among Regalian dragon worshippers that Lynmard has had close contact and unique access to the [CLASSIFIED] dragon sites of Regulus.
    • He is possibly the one with the best knowledge of what the Dragons know and don't know in Regalia, and is a go-to person for anything draconic or scholarly.
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