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Work in Progress Wip Characters For Moon/jade

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score
Full Name:
Harmonious Hickory Holiday
(Just uses Hickory Holiday like a first and last name)

Heritage / Culture:
Half Yanar - Ailor


Gender / Pronouns:
Unisex / She/her


Mageborn - Exist Magic
Exist Mage

Character Occupation:


Eye Color:
grey blue

Skin Color:
pale/light green (can change skin color)



Body Type:

Additional Features:
a flower grows out of hair and flowers grow around her ankles (popping out of her boots). When she gets flustered, petals pop out of the flowers and new ones immediately grow back.


Hobbies and Talents:

  • Magical Talent
  • Writing/Journalism
  • Diplomacy


  • Yanar can regrow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
  • Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
  • Yanar can manifest a dream realm where anyone who sleeps in their Region/Base/Estate can travel to.
  • Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
  • Altalar (High Elven)
  • Nātl (Nahuatl)
  • Silmaan
  • Agasi (Elven Hindi)
  • Barrudh (Old Norse)
  • Wai-lan (Middle Chinese)



Hickory is a scholar and has jumped around academies, schools, mentors, to get as much knowledge as she could. She has a tenacity to be inquisitive and extroverted so it's likely if your character has been in any academic settings they may have heard rumours or even encountered Hickory. However, she remains very private and makes it a point that she has no biases leading to her struggling to make friends with people she encounters.

Half Born

Though she tries not to be broken up about it, she struggles to feel like she belongs as a human or an elf. Therefore she doesn't act to stereotypes of either humans or Yanar. She even uses half of her wild-born name because she found little Ailor kids liked it. Still, she tries to squeeze her way into each world, rather unconsciously because she wants to be accepted by them. This is shown in whether she changes her skin to human pale or her Yanar green.

Journalistic Adventurer

She is likely to go on adventures and expeditions to unknown, dangerous, criminal lands if it means she gets to learn more. It's because of this tenacity and lack of fear that she's compiled books about her discoveries… however she's too embarrassed to actually publish them so they sit in her room collecting dust. Though she hasn't published anything she is always on the hunt for something that she can use that will give her recognition in the scholar community.


Hickory doesn't mind romance but she feels like her standards are impossibly high because of the romance she sees from her parents. This goes for how she views both friendships and romance, but she worries that her interest in knowledge may lead her into darker territories someday as her parents feared. She hates to feel too overprotected and conversely leaves others to their own devices, only giving them the knowledge they want. Additionally, she wants to stay as unbiased as possible and fears that connections to people will stray her integrity to the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, she feels if she gets too attached that will become a hindrance in her research.


Hickory was born to a Ferlon Yanar parent, Inyel, and an Ailor mother, Shiva, in Regalia within their flower shop that was also their home. Hickory enjoyed her childhood carefree, but later grew to learn it was due to the watchful eye of Inyel. Inyel had a very rough and isolating life until they moved to the city then fell in love with Shiva. Both of her parents then imparted on her, kindness, generosity, and curiosity that was until she couldn't be sheltered anymore.

A childhood friend of hers was attacked and brutally killed when Hickory accidentally left their side and got lost as they were playing together. The incident was never fully talked about by Hickory, but she fell into a depressive episode because of it.

However, Shiva softly tried to get through to her and would find herself giving Hickory her favourite books, all of which she thought a young child would find way too boring. Yet every day Hickory devoured the books and her curiosity about history, magic, and Aloria at large seemed to have her spellbound.

Inyel taught her everything they knew about Yanar and Shiva taught her more about history. Though, even with their combined knowledge, it wasn't enough and Hickory begged to be a part of the Scribe Order. Though Shiva was more lenient Inyel was the one to refute it and tried to get Hickory to focus on the flower shop. Eventually, Hickory decided to sneak out and run away. She first attended Regalian Archaeology Academy, but found herself wanting more when she taught herself magic. She went to the Society of Observation and Regalian Diplomatic Academy and finally found a way into Litántha Allornata. She was looked down upon for jumping to so many academies and always jumping to too many subjects that she failed exams.

She wanted to know as much as she could and become the best scholar she could. Feeling like an outcast, despite her parents protection, from being fully Yanar or fully Ailor made her yearn for a way to contribute to the world in a way she could be omnipresent in a way. Knowledge was that power to look at everything without being involved, or so Hickory believed.

Years had passed and she joined the Scribe Order right before returning to her home and her parents. The reunion was tense, but love was still there. Still, a divide had been created that clued Hickory in that she needed to be elsewhere. With a more proper goodbye, she set out to be on her own and to finally start her research into the world of Aloria. Of course, beginning in her home, Regalia.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: intelligence

Defense Stat: wisdom

[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Mounted Getaway Pack
  • Intelligence: 4
    • Safeguard Pack
    • Oceanic Pack
    • Wardrobe Pack
    • Shapeshift Pack
  • Wisdom: 5 - Command Stance
    • Resist Command
    • Attack Command
    • Mobile Command
    • Shield Command
    • Champion Command
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Sharp Reflexes Pack
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 3
    • Magic Snare pack (free)
    • Magic Resist Pack
    • Magic Cleanse Pack
    • Magic Barrier Pack
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୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ❤⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨

Nolene Enara

୧︵ ˖‿̩͙ ꕀ⠀ ❤⠀ ꕀ ‿̩͙˖ ︵୨

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽"I'm not harmony's hands. I'm his sword."☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

(quote from the Mistborn series)

❧ Name: Nolene Eyfa Enara ul-Saaliya Daavï

❧ Race / Culture: Half Lanlath / Half Asha

❧ Age: 26

❧ Gender / Pronouns: Female / She/her

❧ Religion: Draconism

❧ Occult: Diana Godborn - Lathan Essence Archon (Hunter)

❧ Character Occupation: Warrior/Vigilante/Guard

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ Core Concept / Backstory ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Perhaps it was always meant to happen this way. Nolene was created as an infant by Daiana, she was meant to be the hand that guides Nelfin and the Asha alike to foster better relations with each other, with her form representing such a purpose. Spawned to an Urlan and Ailor couple in Ellador, the effects of the Isldar Civil War quickly sniffed out their lives. However, she was instead taken in by another. Trained there on as a soldier, she was the adoptive sister of Athara Asamey ul-Saaliya Daavï, until Nolene fled. Not notifying anyone of her sudden departure. In the current day, she arrived in Regalia to help the Draconism faith, foster alliances, and protect the elven and asha populace there.

──── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽Appearance ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────

❧ Eye Color: Lavender

❧ Skin Color: Dark

❧ Hair: Dark Purple

❧ Height: 6'0" / 182.88 cm

❧ Body Type: Athletic

❧ Additional Features

She was born with wings and talons for feet. The wings have golden feathers which gave her the nickname 'The Gilded Harpy' by her enemies.

Nolene stands at 6'0 with her talons adding her height. She's toned and has scars, but is barely noticeable. Her talons are dark with black nails and her wings have golden feathers. She wears a white dress with purple and gold accents. She's always wearing golden jewelry. There is protective cushioning underneath and where she stores her weapons. She has pointed ears and lavender eyes. She wears her hair in locs with barrets in them. She sometimes wears golden or purple eyeshadow with black lipstick.

──── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽Skill Information ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────

❧ Hobbies and Talents:
Hunter — Magical Talent —Theologian— Mediator

❧ Heritage Mechanics

  • Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use

  • Lanlath cannot use God Magic. However, Lanlath can Dimension Align to Lathan Magic, which is extradimensional like Void/Exist/Ordial, and unique to the Lanlath.
  • Lanlath can, once per day, make use of the Magical Variant of the Sealing Pack from Adapt Point Buy. Point-Buying the Pack, or gaining it for free, disables this Mechanic.
  • Savent Asha can manifest (or have) Wings (of any design: Furred, Feathered), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
  • Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info)
  • (Free Mechanic/Velkaryn Dragonfall) Dragonkin can control elements that are closely associated with their Dragonfall. Dijara Dragonkin can control sand and sunlight. Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight. Aerun Dragonfall can control silver/gold and crystals. Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
  • (Free Mechanic) Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.

❧ Godborn Mechanics

  • Daiana Godborn can be Archon, but do not have to be. Even if they are not Archon, they still gain all Common Archon Mechanics. If they choose to be Archon or are born as Archon, they can choose one additional Mechanic from a different Archon Lineage, but not specifically Mechanics that increase Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Being or not being Archon does not warrant Daiana Godborn with any more or less legitimacy.
  • Daiana Godborn are elementally bound to the planet, meaning they have aesthetic control over the elements of fire, earth, and water. Each of them also has a specific use: Daiana Godborn can encase themselves in rock and stone thus making them unable to act or be acted upon, they can breathe underwater but gain no combat or movement benefits, and can walk through fire or magma without being harmed by it.
  • Daiana Godborn cannot be Dragonkin (this Godborn lineage cannot be combined with the Dragonkin heritage in Character Creation), but gain Dragonkin Mechanics 2 & 3 for free. Additionally, they count as Dragonkin when interacting with Dragons and Dragon Sites despite the fact that they are not.

❧ Archon Mechanics

  • Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
  • Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
  • Archon can Cleanse a (willing) Mage of Magic. If they can become an Archon, they do. Any Magic/Faith packs are refunded and can be re-spent. This grants the Archon doing it 1 Static Divinium.
  • Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife, or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
  • Archon can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
  • Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
  • Hunters have perfect night vision, capable of seeing clearly in the dark and low light environments without needing any external light or illumination.
  • Hunters gain +1 Main Attack Stat (breaks Cap up to 11) while they are inside Crookback City District, the Regalian Sewers, or Gloomrot, so long as they are fighting for the Draconism cause.
  • (Free Mechanic) Warden Archon are immune to all Mechanics from Arkenborn or Godborn insofar they are Mechanics that affect others, and aren't free Packs (not immune to Pack Abilities).

❧ Languages

Common — Sulvaley — Altalar — Ibeth

──── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽Plot Hooks ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────

❧ A Little of Everything

Nolene's creation could be theorized to be one of peace by having her be apart of so many different people, heritages, cultures. As if by fate, she is able to connect with different perspectives and ways of life that it's lent her the ability to see how everyone is connected. Though she might be more stoic and blunt upon first impressions, she does seek to understand everyone and find ways to foster better relations rather than making enemies.

──── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽Proficiencies and Abilities ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────

❧ Attack Stat: Strength

❧ Defense Stat: Magic


❧Strength: 7

-Bruiser Slam

-Bruiser Flurry

-Bruiser Parry

-Bruiser Feint

-Bruiser Agony

-Bruiser Tackle

-Bruiser Rampage

-(Free) Weapon Throw

❧Magic: 7

-(Free) Magic Warp

-(Free) Magic Cleanse

-Magic Smog

-Magic Curse

-Magic Summon

-Magic Resist

-Magic Disengage

-Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)

-Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)

──── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽Sheet template by @umbralunaelucem ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ────
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