Winter Wedding


A young lady dressed in white stood before the full-length mirror of her quarters, tucking nervously on the violet sash that cut across her wedding gown. A servant stood close by, but in that moment all the preparations had been completed and only the chime of the hour was waited for. As the woman fretted quietly over herself, staring intently into the mirror, the door behind her clicked quietly open and a soft chuckle- friendly in all means- came from the woman that was invading the moment.

"Raina, your fidgeting is going to ruin your dress," said the softly accented voice of her older cousin, Darcie. The Ithanian woman strode across the bride's room and slipped in front of her, blocking the view of her reflection as she straightened her sash gently, following that by brushing her fingers over a flower in the bride's hair. "You are a lovely bride, dear Raina," the older woman finally said, a smile brightening up her features more than they had already been.

"Thank you, Darcie- and I can't help it, after this moment I'll be a wife," Raina responded, her arm moving to lock with her cousin's. Darcie squeezed her arm a moment with her own before leading her out of the room and to the steps that would lead to the beginning of the rest of the young Wodenstaff's life.

The wedding flew past in a whirlwind of celebration and vows, by the moment the bride had been kissed by her groom, Garth Viduggla, both bore the symbol of the Imperial Eye on their foreheads, marked in holy water ten times. Shouts of congratulations and joy went out in tongues of many; spreading from the elegant language of d'Ithanie to the Northern speech of Skodje. As the tides of the wedding shifted from tense, excited silence to loud and explosive joy, music began to spread through the courtyard from the estate's own musicians. The bride and groom shared a first dance and then by the second, others had been dragged to join- laughter and general uninterrupted happiness filled the air as skirts flared and feet stomped to upbeat and formal dances alike.

By an hour or so's pass, Raina was finally dragged from the crowd of the party by a gentle hand wrapped around her wrist- the familiar one of her new husband, and Garth lead her away from the loud party to escape for a moment in the surrounding garden. A moment of silence filled the air between the two as they glanced back towards the party before the Northerner finally asked, "What do you think of all this, Kjære?" His arm moved to lock with her own, carrying them through the short walk of the garden.

"I'm happy to finally be married, it's… been a nerve wracking day, today," the bride admitted, leaning against her husband as they walked slowly through the snow covered garden. Garth chuckled, glancing down at the Ithanian woman before pausing and releasing her arm to instead take her hands in his own.

OOC Notes:
  • This is a wedding for Garth and Raina, Garth going from Viduggla to Wodenstaff ICly.
Credit to @AtticCat to helping me write this.


A young lady dressed in white stood before the full-length mirror of her quarters, tucking nervously on the violet sash that cut across her wedding gown. A servant stood close by, but in that moment all the preparations had been completed and only the chime of the hour was waited for. As the woman fretted quietly over herself, staring intently into the mirror, the door behind her clicked quietly open and a soft chuckle- friendly in all means- came from the woman that was invading the moment.

"Raina, your fidgeting is going to ruin your dress," said the softly accented voice of her older cousin, Darcie. The Ithanian woman strode across the bride's room and slipped in front of her, blocking the view of her reflection as she straightened her sash gently, following that by brushing her fingers over a flower in the bride's hair. "You are a lovely bride, dear Raina," the older woman finally said, a smile brightening up her features more than they had already been.

"Thank you, Darcie- and I can't help it, after this moment I'll be a wife," Raina responded, her arm moving to lock with her cousin's. Darcie squeezed her arm a moment with her own before leading her out of the room and to the steps that would lead to the beginning of the rest of the young Wodenstaff's life.

The wedding flew past in a whirlwind of celebration and vows, by the moment the bride had been kissed by her groom, Garth Viduggla, both bore the symbol of the Imperial Eye on their foreheads, marked in holy water ten times. Shouts of congratulations and joy went out in tongues of many; spreading from the elegant language of d'Ithanie to the Northern speech of Skodje. As the tides of the wedding shifted from tense, excited silence to loud and explosive joy, music began to spread through the courtyard from the estate's own musicians. The bride and groom shared a first dance and then by the second, others had been dragged to join- laughter and general uninterrupted happiness filled the air as skirts flared and feet stomped to upbeat and formal dances alike.

By an hour or so's pass, Raina was finally dragged from the crowd of the party by a gentle hand wrapped around her wrist- the familiar one of her new husband, and Garth lead her away from the loud party to escape for a moment in the surrounding garden. A moment of silence filled the air between the two as they glanced back towards the party before the Northerner finally asked, "What do you think of all this, Kjære?" His arm moved to lock with her own, carrying them through the short walk of the garden.

"I'm happy to finally be married, it's… been a nerve wracking day, today," the bride admitted, leaning against her husband as they walked slowly through the snow covered garden. Garth chuckled, glancing down at the Ithanian woman before pausing and releasing her arm to instead take her hands in his own.

OOC Notes:
  • This is a wedding for Garth and Raina, Garth going from Viduggla to Wodenstaff ICly.
Credit to @AtticCat to helping me write this.
Juliette threw her arms around her sister, Darcie, after the wedding, and sniffed dramatically, "Wasn't she such a beautiful bride? I'll kill that boy if he hurts her!" And then she took another sip from her half empty and third glass of wine while keeping on arm wrapped with her sister's.

Also love me for writing this, wedding girl
"I should send something to congratulate the newlyweds." She smiles and begins to write a letter and prepare a the ribbons and such for the present.
Darcie let out her normal cackle of a laugh and gave her sister's arm a squeeze. "Oui obviously! I'll hold him down while jou punch, sounds completely fair oui?" The woman was clearly heavily into her cups; her smile which had only returned recently was spread wide across her face as she leaned over and pressed a kiss to her sister's cheek. "Just promise moi you'll say something similar to moi on mon wedding day." @AtticCat
Right when the two were declared husband and wife, Frejnir clapped for the couple, smiling and shedding a single tear.
The woman sitting next to him gave him a glance that basically said, 'U better propose soon i stg' before looking back to the happy couple with a smile. Nadia is jelly.
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