Shelved Character Wilhelm Urssenbeck

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score


Death, on his withered legs, came walking toward him, and said, "Take me as your child's godfather."

The man asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Death, who makes everyone equal."


[x] Voice Claim

〘Basic Information〙
  • Name: Wilhelm Moritz Urssenbeck
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture: Caderligen Wirtem
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 30
  • Eye Color: Glowing Blue

    1. Three sets of different kinds of needles
    2. Various glass vials
    3. An old rusted broken tool
    4. A roll of bandages
    5. A filled in notepad with various sketches and notes
    6. A notepad of various alchemical recipes
    7. A bundle of various herbs and plants
    8. A glass container of Brightmoss mix
    9. A set of arrow-like darts.
〘Core Concept〙
As a doctor, he saw the ways that science and advancement could allow societies to prosper. But through his life and profession, he saw what true plague accursed sentience. Age. And like all plagues that rot the world, he works for a cure.

Evintarian Unionism
"Evintarian Unionism believes in the flaw of creation and that all adherents should find ways to self improve whether physically or mentally, with inventive new ways."


After the boy came of age his godfather appeared to him one day and asked him to go with him. He took him out into the woods and showed him an herb that grew there, saying,

"Now you shall receive your godfather's present. I will turn you into a famous physician.


Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 7
Faith: 5


Whenever you are called to a sick person I will appear to you. If I stand at the sick person's head, you may say with confidence that you can make him well again; then give him some of this herb, and he will recover.

But if I stand at the sick person's feet, he is mine, and you must say that he is beyond help,



William has most of the common physical features: short black hair, tanned pale skin, and amber-brown eyes. He has a tendency to forget to indulge in self-care, and many of his features dwell on that. Though not dirty, he is disheveled. His eyes, tired, calm, and piercing, usually have long bags underneath them. A prosthetic hand that seems to meld together with his flesh, with arcing blue electricity has replaced a section of his arm, installed to solve nerve issues from an accident while traveling. Rough stubble can be sometimes seen around his chin, along with scars from messily done shavings. However, his clothes and hair are proficiently kept. He stands at around 180 cm (5'11) and is albeit a bit slim. However he isn't bony and frail and has at least an amount of defined musculature due to his workings with metal and equipment. A pair of rectangular glasses sit on his nose, along with calloused hands and small burn scars created from his forever work.


Spending his years in a normal Caderligan household. William was born to the normal traditions of that life. Trading of gold, adhering to the doctrines of Unionism, goods, items, and donations. When his grandfather was around, William and his family had spent their times and middle class merchants, with some difficulty competing. His father, Victor Urssenbeck, traveling much ahead of the family in order to make deals. However, his father died to illness, and his mother was forced to take care of the family after. Being the eldest brother, William spent most his time helping his mother. While William followed his family in coping by faith, the bright and energetic eyes of his father slowly fading into weariness and emptiness made a long lasting impression on the young boy. His grandfather, died soon later as well, to William's confusion, not by some ailment or injury, but the passing of time.


"If I could only deceive death for once," thought the physician.


Elisabeth Urssenbeck, his mother, after being the head of the family for most of William's childhood, eventually remarried. As a result allowed the family to join a more wealthier merchant circle. Through this, William managed to find a an opportunity through his new step-father. While never close as family, William and his stepfather, Leopold Schulz, got along to grow a bond that was more professional than familial. William spent most of this studying, and exploring, with a mind that held a strange obsession with the search of answers; he often daydreamed of becoming an astounding intellectual in between classes. In a fit of child-liked delusion, he announced himself to become a doctor to avenge his late family, and chose to stick with his birth name and soon after adopted the alteration of the name "Doc" as a nickname, a name which the friends which spoke other languages called him through common. His mother, noticing this, attempted to guide his hyper activeness by sending him to tutoring in a school run by her sister and her husband in Baldmark. His mother's efforts were not in vain. As William was forced to be stuck within cycles of learning and classes, he eventually used his adolescent energy to instead dive deeper in learning, and trying to push as much information his mind could hold. Even here however, the thoughts of his older family members stuck long within him. He was puzzled on how the world works, and how the stories of elven immortals, undead, and even the tales of distant human cultures. Moreover, he was puzzled. To him, Ailors had forged a history of diverse and rich cultures, from the mountains, tropics, and the urban areas of the empire. But Ailors could not reap the benefits of their hard work through the expanse of time. They could not witness generations of their own children build upon their own foundations, and had to work with haste. With great minds and warriors were set a limit in how much they could accomplish before time itself worn their muscles and muddled their minds. Ailor were heavily restricted in what time they had compared to the races of Magus and even other humans, as the Dwarves and Sihai lived far longer than Ailor did. Faith gave him answers on what happened after, but not in the present. Though these thoughts were pushed back as the day to day life as a student held on him, the thoughts of his father, and his wonders always nagged at his conscious.


Then Death seized him so firmly with his ice-cold hand that he could not resist, and led him into an underground cavern. There the physician saw how thousands and thousands of candles were burning in endless rows, some large, others medium-sized, others small.
Every instant some died out, and others were relit, so that the little flames seemed to be jumping about in constant change.


As he reached his early adulthood, his dreams to be an intellectual never completely came true. His experiences of illness and death grew to be a compassion within the man. Wanting no family ever to feel the same pain that his family had as well. Due to this past impressions in life, he wished to become a doctor and alchemist to at least have some hand in staving death.

He grew to be very efficient, and mostly lived to study, test, research, experiment, and build experience in Haüwald Academy. Working with different trades to expand his abilities to complement his work as a doctor.

There was one professor, one who talked strangely, which Wilhelm followed often, listening to his strange philosophies about the world. He spent a large part of his younger adulthood with this mentor, learning how to work with machinery and biotics.

He then left to wander on his own as his mentor retired out of physical toil on his body, which he was saddened.

However, in a decade, in his line of work, there was one aspect which frustrated him. The immature questions that held within him flaring up again, he grew impatient at the fact that becoming a doctor gave now answers in the questions about age and death. His knowledge as a doctor could not stop the ailment that was the passage of time for any race, but especially Ailor. Feeling his own bones and fingers grow weary simply due to the passage of time, he was annoyed that the only factors behind elongated lifespans for his race were from the tales of horrid ideas of undead. The Wirtem, who had pride in their cultures to avoid magic, also instilled a belief in him that magic was an uninspired answer to it all. He did not think it was negative, but rather lazy, and unfitting to the nature of Ailor, or at least, Wirtem, who had accomplished great works not through magic or ritual but work, science, and faith. It became a rival, to his own work, in accomplishing the advancement of society. So he worked as a doctor and engineer, that only left him with more frustrations, an obsession formed. Ailor had accomplished all in their short periods through generations, whether it was the building of a family or an Empire did not matter. Ailor were hindered by the existence of age. This obsession on death in the back of his mind grew to becoming physical projects and research, to find a potion, a treatment, an invention, some mundane way to find Ailor a way to rid themselves of the barrier of aging. The one thing that truly inhibited Ailor. Death, was no longer a natural event to him in a way. In his mind, Death and time became a rival. He began to see the existence of death through time and age to be a leech. Draining the well-beings of innocent people, and due to its ever present nature, races and lives were forced to find ways to cope. To somehow allow this parasite to creep into their minds, that it was somehow natural within society and something to be condoned. Throughout all of his inner conflicts, he continued his regular studies on medicine and healing. However, now, there was a idealistic attempt to fight the one being in existence that the Ailor could not gain any semblance of control. Aging death. A new work must be done, surely, with the sciences that existed, this was another obstacle for the Ailor to be overcome.


"See," said Death, "these are the life-lights of mankind."
"The large ones belong to children, the medium-sized ones to married people in their best years, and the little ones to old people."

"However, even children and young people often have only a tiny candle."

"Show me my life-light," said the physician, thinking that it still would be very large.

Death pointed to a little stump that was just threatening to go out, and said, "See, there it is."


After travelling most his homelands through trading travels and his own work as a doctor and student. He felt trapped in a place he was so familiar with.

He went back for one final conversation with the strange mentor he had once followed... and found a new way.

So instead of going home, he began to start a new trip with money, material. The place he could find answers, to heal, to learn, to teach, and to simply experience. To accomplish all of that, and if he wanted to defeat the parasite of aging death, he needed to travel to the place where the spirit of the Ailor was, in his eyes, the strongest.



Plot Hooks
  • "A New Way" - Wilhelm has had a relatively new shift into following Evintarian Unionism, being a former dogmatic and is still learning to view the world without bias, but also has a young spirit of faith within Evintarianism. Wilhelm still struggles to throw off some old biases about the occult, but is very willing to find opportunities to throw off about biases on the races or groups he was told was "corrupted" in his youth. He primarily follows Tzarvin and Kithemon.
  • "Death's Bane" - Wilhelm has grew up on death, and grew a burning hatred for aging, especially as his mother's mind and memory are impacted, after losing his grandparents, father, and a sibling. This ties into his disgust with Geists, Shades, and Ordial Cultists, which he will oppose in any way possible.
  • "The Humanist" - Wilhelm has a pride in his own race, but his overall philosophy is to extend not just humanity but all into the future. Where individual lives are met with care, and are able to progress past flaws, but is also obsessed with finding ways to cure aging for Ailor.
  • "The Burners of Advancement" - While being able to get along with most dogmatic unionists, Wilhelm has a clear disdain for the Lothar and Red Hunter Archons, which he views as the opponents to advancement and only exist to purge ways into the future.
  • "Amandaros' Burden" - Wilhelm's original family have mostly passed. His father passed from a physical condition that worsened with age, his grandparents of age, his maternal grandfather, the closest with Wilhelm, losing his memories and forgetting his work, and finally now his mother is slowly starting to see the effects of age, this has made Wilhelm more desperate, not wanting to be the remaining member of his original family, even if his half-siblings are trying their best to support him. The cloesest family members would be his aunt and uncle, who live far away in Baldmark, who he has a detached relationship, as it was his uncle's teachings that instilled discipline when he was younger.
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Hey there! Sorry about the wait.

It would never hurt to mention here what, if any religion the character follows!
Dexterity: 3
  • Pistol Pack
  • Blunderbuss Pack
  • Longneck Pack
I would just change this to say "Donderbus Pack", as that is what they are known as within our lore!
Charisma: 1
  • Linguist Pack (Imperial)
I assume this is the Empire Linguist Pack? I'd just word it to be that instead to avoid confusion.
Ailor Familiar
  • One large Black Cloth Butterfly
The Black Cloth Butterfly isn't domesticated, and thus can't be had as a familiar. Additionally, familiars need to also be "no smaller than a candle mouse, and no larger than a domestic dog", as they follow the same rules as the Pet Husbandry Pack, outside their age.
Wisdom: 4
- Medical Pack
- Communicator Pack
- Tracker Pack
In that Automaton spoiler as well, just make sure you mark the branch the engineering uses.

Mark any changes with blue for visibility, and @Tag me when you're all set!
@ezalB Removed combat packs, replaced by just Technician Packs. Edited backstory to match. Changed profs of the automaton's combat stats.
Looks good. Approved.
Still looks good. Re-approved.