Preserved Sheet Wilfre Vaendit

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No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
| ๖ۣۜBasic Information |

  • Full Name: 'Wilfre' Jessamina Vaendit
    • Nicknames include Wilfre (self-given), Old Buck (provided by the sewers), Magivore (provided by the self and the deep sewers)
  • Age: 43
    • Born on August 28th
  • Gender: Male
    • Grimly masculine features
  • Race: Olean Ailor
    • Ithanian mother, Daendroc father
  • Main Ambition: To rid the world of magical entities.
    • To make the world safe enough for him to finally open up his kitchen once more.
  • Weapon of Choice: Mace
    • Fringed head, weathered iron and rotting leather handle
| ๖ۣۜSkill Information |

  • Point Count: 48 points, 10 talent, 10 hobby
  • Proficiency:
    • +15 One-handed Blunt Combat (+15 points)
    • +14 Cooking Art (+10 hobby, +4 points)
    • +10 Burglary Rogue (+5 talent, +5 racial)
    • +10 Bola Combat (+10 points)
    • +9 Arcanology (+9 points, Ward Knowledge, Arken Knowledge, Artifact Knowledge)
    • +5 Fists Combat (+5 points)
    • +5 Stealth Rogue (+5 talent)
    • +5 Dexterous Rogue (+5 points)
    • +5 Perception Training (+5 talent)
  • Physical Stat:
    • 15 + 10 + 5 = 30 (capped)
    • Minimal body fat
    • Ripped
  • Languages:
    • Ithanian [10/10]
    • Common [5/10]
  • Abilities (Phantasma):
    • Archblood Arsenal
    • Archblood Hearing
    • Archblood Overcharge
    • Archblood Repairs
    • Archblood Mindwall
    • Archblood Landing
| ๖ۣۜVisual Information |

  • Eye Color: Amethyst purple, once emerald green.
  • Hair Color: Bark brown with strands of grey hair due to stress.
  • Hair Style: Deshuffled, yet always grown like the curtain mane of a mighty lion.
  • Skin Color: Fair pink, but with many white and grey imperfections due to old injuries.
  • Clothing: Simple gambeson, baggy trousers, and plate pauldrons from the defunct du Pont Salamandara.
  • Height: 5'-10"
  • Facial Features:
    • Eyes: Unrelenting, accusing, and as sharp as a blade.
    • Ears: Trimmed and cauterized at the edges, much like how an Oathbreaking Elf would have their own.
    • Nose: Long and crooked like the beak of a foul crow.
    • Mouth: Wide, full of yellowed teeth, and with a smile that not even a mother could love.
    • Default Expression: Snarling and sneering as though having just been insulted.
  • Body Features:
    • Weight: 172 lbs.
    • Posture: Slightly leaned forward with the chin hanging over the toes and the shoulders slightly forward of the ankles. One could describe him as a scarecrow lost from his field.
    • Injuries:
      • Head: Cheeks (burnt in the shape of hands, L + R), throat (ripped as though a fanged creature tried, and failed, to tear it open, F + L + R), ears (clipped at the edges, L + R)
      • Torso: Back (whippings and lashings surely beyond count), shoulders (human bites littered all over with a majority of it on the left, dents from crossbow bolts, L + R), chest (minor wounds from small-arms or grazing weapons)
      • Arms: Biceps (burns in the shape of hands, L + R), wrists (minor slits from small-arms or grazing weapons with a majority of it on the right, L + R), palms (wide cut from a puncture wound, R), missing finger above the knuckle (index, L)
      • Legs: Thighs (human bites littered all over, minor slits from small-arms or grazing weapons, L + R), ankles (human bite, R)
  • Character Fashion:
    • Favoured Colours: Earthly and neutral hues on a dull spectrum.
    • Jewelry and Accessories: Outdated lapis-lazuli collar for magical prisoners, wedding ring on the right hand.
    • Secret Fashion: Noble attire that fits the form, usually in hues of green and black.

| ๖ۣۜPersonality |

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality type: ESTP-T Entrepreneur
  • Religion: Atheism 0/0
  • Character Quirks:
    • Sayings:
      • Trust trust (a signature phrase that states he is both telling the truth and that he is trustworthy).
      • Magi (a name he gives mages since he doesn't seem to grasp that the 'e' is silent).
      • Calling people by their occupation rather than their name.
      • Cryptic mutterings and sinister sayings erupting from seemingly no provocation whatsoever.
      • Having an unbearably thick accent due to learning common from a bunch of non-native common speakers.
    • Gestures:
      • Fiddling with the fingers or objects in sight.
      • Whistling songs with particularly sharp chords.
      • Tapping at the cranium behind his right ear to think.
      • Measuring things and testing objects for random traits.
      • Swiveling his gaze without bias and with seemingly no pattern.
      • Rolling his hands as though physically dragging his translations from Ithanian to Common.
      • Completely socially unacceptable gestures or motions being executed in a public setting.

| ๖ۣۜLife Story |

  • August 28th, 265: Wilfre is born as a bastard disgrace due to his mother cheating in the Vaendit household, discovered as he is the only male and has green eyes with brown hair whereas all his sisters have blonde hair and blue eyes. He is named Jessamina to shame him for being the runt in the house.
  • 265 - 274: Wilfre, called Jesse by his sisters, learns how to speak Ithanian.
  • 274 - 282: While wanting to join the military with his sisters, Wilfre is instead taught how to cook so he can keep bringing in money.
  • 282: A tavern just down the road, named 'The Fire-Breather,' hires Wilfre for the summer to help work with their stove, 'The Dragon.' While starting as a janitor, he quickly climbs into the world of cuisine due to his knack for spices.
  • 282 - 294: Wilfre becomes a chef for the tavern, happily entertaining guests and cooking for traveling merchants.
  • 294 - 300: Vampires from the desert begin raiding his town, carrying mysterious magic with them. As his tavern is burnt down in one nightly raid by a dark fire mage, he swears his revenge on those using that horrible magic. It is difficult for him to tell the difference between anything, forcing him to learn through experience- or violence- as he volunteers to be a bounty hunter. His family soon shames him for giving up his cooking career and he is soon ostracized.
  • 300 - 301: While chasing after 3 sorcerers, Wilfre pursues them to Regalia. Upon landing, he discovers the underground population that is so full of magic that he couldn't possibly accomplish it without dedicating his life to it. And so, he does.
  • 301 - 303: As injustice sparks on the surface, Wilfre begins to aid the rebellions against the unjust and invaded government that has replaced the once-benevolent Regalians. The amount of money he has drastically spikes during the Anaheran Rebellion in particular, allowing him to purchase higher-quality equipment as he and his new crewmate, Maddis, take on titles for illegal hitman contracts, known by "Wilfre and Mad Dog Investigative Services."
  • 303 - 304: Great magical beings known as the Arken begin to wander through the darkness of the world. Thinking them nothing more than a new subject to prey upon, he obeys his desire for revenge. While trying to pursue one, short work is made of him- loyal cultists snatch up his hunting partner and Wilfre drowns. Mysteriously, he clambers up to the surface of the water minutes after taking his last breath. A miracle?
  • 304 - 305: Bone horrors conquer the countryside, and Wilfre discovers what he had been saved by. Though not fully understanding it, his eyes began to glow and his desire to hunt consumed his mind- nothing all too unfamiliar, save for the glowing. Companionships end as he takes one of the last vessels back to Ithania to join in the fight against the damned.
  • 305-307: When bone horrors begin to rot away and the world becomes safe once more, Wilfre takes a boat back to the city to resume his search for mages, believing their abuse of spells to have caused what he believed to be a second Cataclysm.
  • 307-308: Wilfre's hunting thrives as he is endowed with the might of the Archblood, but he becomes a slave to his pursuit in cleansing the world of magic. Now, his dedication to hunting is no longer his own- his life truly is forfeit to his desire for revenge.
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Apologies for commenting, but may I say how much I adore this application? I love the look of it, the choice of working. MMM. Great job. Maybe I'll even rp with this character down the line, who knows.
Apologies for commenting, but may I say how much I adore this application? I love the look of it, the choice of working. MMM. Great job. Maybe I'll even rp with this character down the line, who knows.
You bet your bum you will. Now I'll be looking for your name in particular!
  • Put the Visual Information Expansion and Personality and Abilities Expansion into spoilers.
  • Your character has no reason to know Ancient Seraph as they are not a mage. Please remove this language from the current list.
  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add two more sentences to the third paragraph.
  • An optional addition, but perhaps add a mental or social weakness? You are not required to make this edit unless you see fit to.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Edits are complete!

  • Put the Visual Information Expansion and Personality and Abilities Expansion into spoilers.
Did that! Spoilers are hard to get right; I spent more than half of my time just getting them to cooperate...
  • Your character has no reason to know Ancient Seraph as they are not a mage. Please remove this language from the current list.
Sorry for giving the image that he's fluent with it! I meant to mark that he understands some casting phrases (such as Wellen or Chetasha, which are very common spells and are usually only associated with their effects), but I removed it from him as per your request.
  • An optional addition, but perhaps add a mental or social weakness? You are not required to make this edit unless you see fit to.
I chose not to add another weakness only because I don't believe I am capable of making a social / personality weakness that won't make RP very difficult for me or become a cop-out, especially with bodily injuries and the Witchblood disease already being very restrictive with what he can and can't do (being a strict diet of mages, real food, and slum/guard-focused RP). Sorry!
Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
You like blue? I used bloo because ur bloo.
People who have made a significant contribution to Wilfre's background (either by an important situation or a long-term relationship) have been tagged! All parts of the life-story that have someone tagged at events that were caused through IC interaction, whereas years without anyone tagged at events that happened 'off-screen.' Some names will be tagged as I remember interactions and as his life continues on.

@nightingalesweet , who was the first person to marry, and die, at the hands of Wilfre.
@TyrolleanEagle , who was the distant opponent that Wilfre kept hunting for while he lived.
@Icaruscien , who was the male crush of Wilfre and close partner in many chases.
@LadyTeddington , who was a Silveirall that pulled the strings of Wilfre's own mind.
@Rhuyne , who was a Silveirall that cared for Wilfre.
@Fatherland , who was the underhanded sinner that Wilfre introduced to the unfair world that is the sewers.
@sacricolist , who was the undead cultist grave-keeper that wanted to find more meaning in life than death.
@TheDongler , who was a nurse that helped to release Wilfre.
@StevenWeen , who was the sibling of the nurse and the one who personally freed Wilfre.
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Story progression!
  • Added a sentence that someone helped me to define Wilfre as: taken by Lovecraftian insanity.
  • Added Mad Dog Maddi to Wilfre's backstory ( @Rochelle_ ).
  • Added a recent event that's unfolding in character:
    • November 23rd - 25th, 305: Wilfre is arrested on multiple occasions when the guards become aware of his existence. It took some time between the first and second arrest because he walked so confidently that some of the guards believed he belonged in public when he really didn't.
Increased Wilfre's combat capabilities as found in this colour! I require a re-review due to the changes.

| ๖ۣۜSkill Information |
  • Level: Warrior (14 years total)
| ๖ۣۜVisual Information |
  • Body Build: Athletic
| ๖ۣۜLife Story |
  • 292 - 294: Rather than allow his city to be raided again and allow others to suffer the same fate he did, Wilfre breaks his family's word and joins the local Tenpenny fighting force. One wandering Mariposa recruiter, particularly touched by Wilfre's story and aggressive nature (but more intent on competing with a Lancyon instructor also there to lure in pupils), pulls him aside to offer lessons. All of the money he had been paid as a chef is spent in the art of battle.
  • 294 - 300: Being notably talented in using the Long-sword, his mentor finally sends Wilfre off to Daendroc to have an in-depth study of the blade. While often becoming frustrated, the complete lack of funds to return home until he finishes his studies so it is not wasted keeps him within the Fonesca Estate. It is here he becomes a warrior, finally graduating and having just enough coinage left to return home.
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Claimed for Staff Re-Review.
Skill information updated to conform to the new template. Feel free to tear into it, fellas!
Points start getting added at 10. So 35-10=25. Youve added 15 so you have 10 more points to spend I think
Mariposa costs 10 points to go into. Because I started with 25, I lost 10 of them to go into the school. As such, I have only 15!
@Jonificus I really do hate to push you so early on, but the grace period ended (making him unusable for now since he relies on a permission I technically don't have with him in review) and Wilfre currently has one of the Arken Cora's harp strings around his neck. I'm not too sure how significant they are, but I'm told it's relatively important for the Arken progression going on in the next couple days. If need be, someone else can have the string while I stay under review?
@Jonificus Throwing the character back into the loop! He should be updated, but I may have missed a piece or two, just gotta double check and all.
I'd just like to say that I've fallen for this character. He genuinely seems like a person I could meet in real life and you gave him so much character and an endearing personality. Goob job! Please keep doing what you're doing! :D @Magivore
@Jonificus my messy as hell points have been adjusted to fit the similarly messy Witchblood update from ages ago, tagging to ensure I did not do math wrong or adjust him incorrectly
@Jonificus Points fixed (+6 point return) and Witchbloodism set to match the mutations of Protego. Hopefully this will be the last time I need to particularly modify this section!
Talk about an ancient app. Lemme see if I can update him to modern times! @Jonificus
Claimed for review.​