Preserved Sheet Wilhelm Von Dietrich

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The Messiah
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
Ottoman Empire
Basic Information

‣ Full Name: Wilhelm von Dietrich
‣ Age: 41
‣ Gender: Male
‣ Race: New Regalian Ailor
‣ Sexuality: Heterosexual
‣ Religion: Sancella Unionism
Added ambition: Complete all minor and major goals in life
Born: Year 265

Skill Information

» Proficiency Points: 51 | 41 years of age (+10 from culture)
‣ 15 Blades Combat | +15 from points
+10 Unarmed Combat | +10 from points
+5 | Athletic Training from Points
+21 Marshial | +10 from culture and +11 from points

» Body Shape:
‣ Muscular Body Shape

» Languages: 3
‣ Common 10/10 | Fluent.
‣ Alt-Regalian 10/10 | Fluent.


Visual Information

‣ Eye Color: Blue
‣ Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
‣ Hair Style: Pushed up and combed.
‣ Skin Color: A lighter shade than tan
‣ Clothing: Black attire
‣ Height: 5'11


Personality and Abilities

‣ 1 - At first meet, Wilhelm is a full individual with a point to get to. He always may be seen as mysterious due to his mountain of thoughts, but once his confidence gets superior, there is no halt to what he may say. Strangers who hear of him may perceive him in different ways, though all know that once he says something, he acts upon it. From ear to ear, people may figure out that Wilhelm has a big personality with different emotion each time, though once again, he has a set goal.

‣ 2 - For Wilhelm, his thoughts may change but his goals do not. He is very confident of himself and knows that a simple word can change a lot. He will tend to put his thoughts into words, helping himself but if not used correctly, it would offend others. However, he normally catches himself and keeps certain thoughts to himself once he surveys the situation. Wilhelm has a strong pride for who he has become and also a pride of who he may become by the end of his life. This shows how confident he is of himself.

‣ 3 - Wilhelm keeps his family and friends close, yet tends to keep an eye on his enemies often. This doesn't mean he doesn't love his family, but that if he is aware of his enemies often, he can avoid any harm towards his family. He tends to value alliances and friendships more truly than any relation to an enemy. While the relation to the opponent is very useful to him because it allows him to be more conscious, Wilhelm does not find it as enjoyable in comparison to strong friendship or loving family member.

‣ 4 - Wilhelm falls on the good side of the bad/good spectrum. He has a strong belief that those who commit crimes and wrong Regalia should be punished accordingly. If a thief can get away with a crime and someone else can't, he believes such is corrupt and that all who make a misdemeanor or larceny should be fined and punished. He wants full safety towards the people who reside in Regalia alongside him, especially those within his family unless they do wrong.


Life Story

‣ [0-15]
  • Born in Regalia to wealthy parents who were New Regalian​
  • Is taken to Calemberg for eight years, returning to Regalia at eight years old​
  • Begins to like to read​
  • At twelve years old, receives a book about combat​
  • Gets interested in combat and begs father for a tutor to learn how to fight like in the books​
  • Finally gets a tutor who was his fathers close friend and starts to train, though gets interested in swordplay​
  • Tutor comes five days a week​
  • Is told by his father that he is the heir to patriarchy, and so he gets inspired to learn about leadership. Tutor recommends him to join school of marshalry and he does so.​
‣ [16-25]​
  • Starts to practice in his free time​
  • Tutor leaves Regalia and Wilhelm is left to continue in the school of marshalry​
  • Father dies and he is put on patriarchy at age 18, scaring him to learn more about marshal positions due to their family business that was upheld by his father before​
  • Gets married​
  • The family understands his struggles but sees hope with him and that he will sustain them​
  • Fights more and wins many spars​
  • Due to extreme sadness, Wilhelm swears to not get married henceforth and to only make sincere prayer to the Spirit to protect her​
‣ [26-35]​
  • Weeps about his dead wife, but is stressed out due to the family business​
  • Hires an arbitrator to settle an argument between him and his cousin about the family business​
  • Has comfort in other parts of his family, feeling a sprout of happiness once again​
  • Meets woman who expresses interest in him, and remembers that he swore not to marry anyone else after her death​
  • Increases the amount of work he puts towards his family, to lead the entire von Dietrich name to a better path​
  • Starts to see a change in von Dietrich's lifestyle as their wealth increased​
  • Becomes more religious through the use of books, becoming a better worshipper of Unionism​
  • Starts to make friends within Regalia now as a whole, heads outside more often into public spaces like the tavern and park​
  • Starts to become more social, while books increased his literature​
  • Expresses interest for the Regalian guard, but does not join​
  • Says he will do more spars → starts doing more spars and gets better at fighting​
  • Spars family and friends for fun as a hobby​
  • Meets a man named Cassius Domincy​
  • Cassius and Wilhelm become friends, only to notice the Domincy were part of the Dietrich house before problems with the ancient patriarchs arise​
‣[Present year]
Hears about the death from Cassius of a Reverend related to himself​
  • The Domincy's struggle and Cassius informs Wilhelm about this​
  • Wilhelm asks if they can do anything, and Cassius says there's not much they can do as it's family matters to the Domincy business​
  • Wilhelm firmly asks if they want to merge back into Dietrich​
  • Cassius is almost forced due to their circumstances​
  • Time goes on till present day​
Last edited:
Editing this, whoever selects this to review, please wait till I say I am done fixing some things before posting a review.
Hi, sunshine! Sorry for the delay.
  • The center formatting for the life story is a little awkward with the bullet points. It's not necessary to fix this, but it's a smidge difficult to read.
Aside from that, I see nothing wrong with this app.
Hi, sunshine! Sorry for the delay.
  • The center formatting for the life story is a little awkward with the bullet points. It's not necessary to fix this, but it's a smidge difficult to read.
Aside from that, I see nothing wrong with this app.
Updated proficiencies.
@Athelois I updated the life story to fit in the marshal school better.