• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Why So Much Denouncing?


The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
A Public Parchment was tact to the Notice Board with the sigil of the House dei Termini;

"Why is it that there is so many Public Denouncements. But no one bringing the Charter to Court?"

"Because personal Opinions don't matter when to get something done you must work to get it there. Change won't happen simply because you want it to. It will come when you make it so."

The Message signed off with a gently drawn middle finger towards a crudely drawn person who had an arrow pointing to him. Above the arrow was the name Jacob.
Anna snickered at this one, with a crude pencil the Altalar drew a thumbs up on the corner of the paper.