Archived Why Not Regalia?

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Etosil is not a roleplay world. It's a quest island. Any rumor towards a roleplay world is unsubstantial and untrue.
MonMarty Thank you for the info!
But does this mean that Regalia may be expanded upon in means of points of interest? I'd hate to see soo much empty space go to waste, and will there be instances/quests on it in the future?
Regalia is controlled utterly by...(drum roll)...Regalia. There would not be a lot of the things on it that you would find in a new world, like dangerous quests, bosses, etc. Regalia will have a large number of interesting quests and whatnot, I believe, (I personally am hoping for a quest involving politics, with maybe a political assassination to unravel) but it is entirely too small and limited.
As long as the performance of the users allows it, yes.
MonMarty Thank you for the info!
But does this mean that Regalia may be expanded upon in means of points of interest? I'd hate to see soo much empty space go to waste, and will there be instances/quests on it in the future?
If you haven't noticed already, regalia can be quite laggy. Now this new questing world will have a lot of quests in it, and by a lot I mean at least 10 to start off with and will get more quests as time goes on. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but quests do generate a bit of lag. So regalia+more quests= more lag.
Isn't that the fun about Regalia and RPing in general? People make the quests. Everything you do in Regalia can be seen as being on a certain quest, a mission. You can have extreme things like killing BabaManga, but also just conversing in the tavern can be seen as a quest for goals, even if they are just to be not bored.
I am vengence. I am n
Isn't that the fun about Regalia and RPing in general? People make the quests. Everything you do in Regalia can be seen as being on a certain quest, a mission. You can have extreme things like killing BabaManga, but also just conversing in the tavern can be seen as a quest for goals, even if they are just to be not bored.

I am vengence. I am the knight. I am. Batman!
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