Who Remembers Their First Massive Week?


Keeper of the Forest
Jul 24, 2012
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So what did you do your first week on MassiveCraft?

Did you build a small home? Join a faction... or start one of your own? Did you walk for leagues just gazing at the amazing landscapes? Did you jump straight into PVP?

Me, I'm embarrassed to say it was a month before I even realised there was more than one map... but that was over two years ago and a lot has happened since then. What's your story - what do you remember?
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Pidog10 brought me to Massivecraft about 8 1/2 months ago. I originally knew him from Runescape roleplay 4 years ago. He was restarting Pristina, the legendary faction that he had inherited, on the coast of the New Ceardian desert, west of Docktown, in an area that he was terraforming. The night that I joined, I was struggling with the Advisor Henry quest because I had missed a step of it, but eventually I realized what I did wrong and completed it. When I went to the city that Pidog was building, he assigned me to make a few copies of a house that he made, but he was nice enough to do the roof. Over the next couple days or so, we did a lot of recruiting. That was about when I met a couple of my faction mates that founded Redbrick (Originally Firmament) a few months later. Unfortunately Pidog got banned for 5 days for taking dirt from Purge's island and then continuing to play on his alt. I can't remember what all went on for the time he was away, but what I do remember is that we did experience aggression from other factions, a faction mate of mine got perm banned during a Skype call with me, and I think some of us just started building our own houses. I built one out of nether brick, netherrack, and obsidian on the edge of a massive area that I terraformed, but it got Massiverestored a couple weeks ago.
ThomasOverMany lured me into this lifesucking game over 3 years ago. My first week was spent offline because the computer I was using lagged so bad at SilverEdge (the spawn at the time) that I couldn't move without glitching the game. A week later I got online with a better computer, joined a faction called VSTC (Ventari South Trading Company I think) which was part of the ItsNickBarry led Pristinian Empire (so the first one). I spent a week noobing around, making an underground hobbit hole (that in retrospect sucked) and dying when Kaptry raided us as a member of Badru (became Alamut). I still think that was the most pleasing raid of my entire Massive career.
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Got pulled onto the server by someone who insisted I had to check it out.
Joined the faction he was in (Nightsun).
Was dragged into the sewers of Regalia and turned into a vampire "because that is how all new players start".
Spent my first three days digging out a large basement in this guy's house.
Tried rp in regalia for the first time, left Nightsun, and joined Insurgo.
Continued roleplaying.

I think that sums it up haha.
Searching for a decent rp server. Found Massive. Decided to become a Dakkar, because who doesn't want to be fire-proof? Took me 4 or 5 deaths to figure out I couldn't touch water or be out in the rain. Then I switched to vampire, and was stuck with it for a while,a s I didn't know how to cure myself. I stayed inside a lot my first week O_o
Got pulled onto the server by someone who insisted I had to check it out.
Joined the faction he was in (Nightsun).
Was dragged into the sewers of Regalia and turned into a vampire "because that is how all new players start".
Spent my first three days digging out a large basement in this guy's house.
Tried rp in regalia for the first time, left Nightsun, and joined Insurgo.
Continued roleplaying.

I think that sums it up haha.

hasn't everyone been a vampire at some point?
Joined when I decided on impulse that I wanted to RP.

Immediately asked to choose a race, meh, I chose Tigran. I remember walking into the main area with a fountain in the center, which, at the time, was labelled 'TARDIS'. It was an acronym that had something to do with the mage order. It took you to the tavern.

I didn't join any factions, but decided to RP instead. I read up on the lore for Tigrans... extensively... and just did that for a day or two. Went on some pretty neat adventures in Daendroc, I think.

Pretty much it.
I was a Maiar most of the time... So I swam around the canals of the old Regalia. After a few days I joined White Roses and I'm still in that faction today (but with a name change). Then for a while I ran around Gana-Isha killing pigmen as an "Agni" as they were known back then. Good times.
It's funny. I remember Regalia looking different on my very first day as opposed to the rest of the week I was on. Sadly the only thing I can remember is a large section of homes near the Tavern being deleted. That and that the underground city was recently closed? Something like that. I think I played a Human at first, just for simplicity's sake. Then every 3 days I would change my character with my race.
Okay, this turned out to be unnecessarily long.

An old friend of mine, ( @JakePoston1 I think) told me about Massive on a creative server we both played on at the time.

As I logged in, I did the usual noob stuff. Struggled to use the chat, got lost looking for the tavern and read the old and outdated wiki.

I remember my first RP adventure as a rogue wood elf, Astalion Curfin. Me, with a group of travellers, decided to go on an adventure in the wild lands of Daendroc. We stayed in the city of Daenshore, and as the sun rose we rushed towards the wilderness. On our journey, we had to fight a furious slime ancient in a small cave. Being the quality armor wielding noob I was, I had no other option but to flee. As we regrouped, we realized that our fight had taken the whole day. We went to search for shelter, and found @Emperor_max 's (now ruined) lovely inn. Sadly one of the adventurers betrayed the group and turned out to be a bandit. He robbed us all, and that's how I lost my original noob stuff.

After my bitter loss, I returned to the Holy City of Regalia. I quickly found a small restaurant called the "Silver Axe", ran by @miner1011012 . I became one of his customers, valuing the small and comfy bar more than the Golden Willow. Unfortunately he got arrested by the Violet Order for selling alcohol drinks without a permit, and the Silver Axe's story was over.

My first faction was a city called Albion, lead by @TheBolshevik . Sadly he went inactive before I got to know him any better, and I had to find a less deserted faction to get started with.

This was when I stumbled across our very own crazy farmer and ranter, @TheLoneShepherd . He took me in his faction (It was called Lapis at the time), and thaught me some basics of the server. I'll always remember Shep as my mentor and helper during my noob days. I also (for some reason) felt obsessed about building an elven bath house and starting a spa company. Gladly he let me build one, and last time I checked it was still standing on it's original place, behind a waterfall in Ithania.
Yes I remember it. And it was horrible.

I lived in a four block hole in the ground and starved to death multiple times. I then attempted to make a pilgrimage to a better place to build my home and was assaulted. I died and lost what little food and tools I had painstakingly accumulated for the journey and had to start over again. Good times.

It's a wonder I even kept trying x'D
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Mine was kinda funny. Mostly because while all of you guys have grown so much, something in my story stays the same {and still is}.

Alright, I RPed around Regalia as 'Erin Valax' because wow, so edgy. Not even RP, really, it was mostly me and an IRL friend and an online friend who didn't care for RP that ran around Regalia and stalked people who actually RPed. For the first few days, that was. Then, when I was on the server on my own {because I wanted to try actually RPing, like the people I stalked}, I saw an advertisement by one of the oh-so-saCRed premiums, SexyRose_. "Looking for servant, PM me for details." Essentially, I messaged her with "Hello I can be the an servant" or something grammar-tastic like that. Joined her faction after a few minutes, told my other friends to get on and join the faction {they did}, and gawked at the brilliance that was Victalia and she began to teach me how to not be shit at RP. Victalia was glorious, just saying. I wasn't a very good roleplayer at all, and just clinged to Rose the entire time. It started off with me kinda worshipping her, and being a good little listener to her teachings of RP. That's about the first week, but incase you're curious, Rose and I ended up getting very close OOCly, and I ended up being not-shit at RP {about time} with a little character called Miss Periwinkle as the perfect opposite, yet still best friend, of Yvette Red- Rose's character. I really was a huge lapdog to her and only her for a long time, not venturing out of the comfort of her grasp, but she's brilliant. I'm pretty comfy with my happy little cult of friends, now.
Mine was kinda funny. Mostly because while all of you guys have grown so much, something in my story stays the same {and still is}.

Alright, I RPed around Regalia as 'Erin Valax' because wow, so edgy. Not even RP, really, it was mostly me and an IRL friend and an online friend who didn't care for RP that ran around Regalia and stalked people who actually RPed. For the first few days, that was. Then, when I was on the server on my own {because I wanted to try actually RPing, like the people I stalked}, I saw an advertisement by one of the oh-so-saCRed premiums, SexyRose_. "Looking for servant, PM me for details." Essentially, I messaged her with "Hello I can be the an servant" or something grammar-tastic like that. Joined her faction after a few minutes, told my other friends to get on and join the faction {they did}, and gawked at the brilliance that was Victalia and she began to teach me how to not be shit at RP. Victalia was glorious, just saying. I wasn't a very good roleplayer at all, and just clinged to Rose the entire time. It started off with me kinda worshipping her, and being a good little listener to her teachings of RP. That's about the first week, but incase you're curious, Rose and I ended up getting very close OOCly, and I ended up being not-shit at RP {about time} with a little character called Miss Periwinkle as the perfect opposite, yet still best friend, of Yvette Red- Rose's character. I really was a huge lapdog to her and only her for a long time, not venturing out of the comfort of her grasp, but she's brilliant. I'm pretty comfy with my happy little cult of friends, now.

*stands at the outside of the cult, throwing congratulatory notes at it while listening to part of your world*
I lived in a dirt hole in the ground behind a waterfall. I was terrified of being murdered by PvPers so I didn't really talk to anyone. Then a clown joined me and we went to the big city to make our fortune. We didn't and ended up back in the dirt hole within a couple of days.

Good times!
The first week I spent was trying to get rid of being a vampire, some random person at spawn tricked me into drinking his blood. Oh how I truly hate twilight fans.
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I joined this server because a friend convinced me and a few buddies to start playing. Our humble beginnings began right outside the Fenderfell spawn behind the big windmill. We followed the coast a short ways and dug out a base in the side of a mountain (non faction land....lol).

We never expected our walls to be torn down and our stuff to be taken, animals slaughted, and well the whole 9 yards of PvP douchebaggery haha.

After this happened I saved up 2000 Silver and created DarkBrotherhood (now OGRE) which is still around today even though I've moved on a little further down the river in Fenderfell. We were super weak and were raided constantly by bigger factions... We didn't cry either, we simply did what we could, trapping people in rooms and what not haha. I also remember almost dying of hunger but never actually did haha.
All I remember from that week was me trying really hard to get into the faction 'Vampires' and adventuring around SilverEdge, asking people how to become a vampire. I was the epitome of noob. Shh, it was like 3 years ago.
Mine was kinda funny. Mostly because while all of you guys have grown so much, something in my story stays the same {and still is}.

Alright, I RPed around Regalia as 'Erin Valax' because wow, so edgy. Not even RP, really, it was mostly me and an IRL friend and an online friend who didn't care for RP that ran around Regalia and stalked people who actually RPed. For the first few days, that was. Then, when I was on the server on my own {because I wanted to try actually RPing, like the people I stalked}, I saw an advertisement by one of the oh-so-saCRed premiums, SexyRose_. "Looking for servant, PM me for details." Essentially, I messaged her with "Hello I can be the an servant" or something grammar-tastic like that. Joined her faction after a few minutes, told my other friends to get on and join the faction {they did}, and gawked at the brilliance that was Victalia and she began to teach me how to not be shit at RP. Victalia was glorious, just saying. I wasn't a very good roleplayer at all, and just clinged to Rose the entire time. It started off with me kinda worshipping her, and being a good little listener to her teachings of RP. That's about the first week, but incase you're curious, Rose and I ended up getting very close OOCly, and I ended up being not-shit at RP {about time} with a little character called Miss Periwinkle as the perfect opposite, yet still best friend, of Yvette Red- Rose's character. I really was a huge lapdog to her and only her for a long time, not venturing out of the comfort of her grasp, but she's brilliant. I'm pretty comfy with my happy little cult of friends, now.
Evil Cult :}

I was pulled into the server by a friend, though I can't remember my first week as it occurred well over 2 years ago on my old alt. It went something along the lines of joining, utterly confused and unaware of anything, only to be promptly recruited into a faction because I asked "Want fac pls" in general. And then I became an Agni and had a ton of appalling PVP encounters. Needless to say, I'm as useless in PVP as I was 2 years ago when I first started.
I joined for the vampire plugin. Ran around, got lost in Regalia, became vampire. I remember getting arrested by @Adventurecait8 and then TP'ing out of prison. Oops. I had very poor etiquette back then, and was not so great. Three months in I changed and got better from there. I made some friends, lost some. I was very annoying that first week and the following too.. I'm still annoying. 8D
I joined for the vampire plugin. Ran around, got lost in Regalia, became vampire. I remember getting arrested by @Adventurecait8 and then TP'ing out of prison. Oops. I had very poor etiquette back then, and was not so great. Three months in I changed and got better from there. I made some friends, lost some. I was very annoying that first week and the following too.. I'm still annoying. 8D

Luf u
I joined, invited by a friend @NeroCadhar. He showed me kind of what to do. I then read up on the lore, became some really just... Not okay Vampire/Elf, Became an underground "Drug dealer", then found a clique that I started roleplaying with. Then became A Ur. Killed some people, ripped some Tigran heads off, Causewhynot. Joined some faction, can't even remember the name of it. We got raided and I had no idea what Prems had against me so I tried to kill them like five times and died every single time, then raged and left for three days. That kind of sums up my first week on Massive.
It was like, around three years ago when I first joined. I remember looking up "Medieval Roleplay" or something. There was a lot of running around SilverEdge and becoming a vampire. ( Those were the days when vampires could practically fly, and were used in PvP to jump over walls 'n stuff.) I asked @Kapry to join his faction. I think the name was Sassanids. In any case, there was a lot of raiding Dovahkiin. Then I went inactive for a month or so. -shrug- It was fun.
I had joined because I was bored of this vanilla server, and had needed to, fill my life with something a little more, cultured. So I googled rp server, and joined this one because why not. I had decided my main prerogative to be to accumulate vast amounts of wealth doing the only thing I could: build. Needless to say, I had no idea how the hemonry worked on this server, and there was a lot of "sorry man, that's way to lo, u must b bad or something for that price.' And 'I am sorry but I cannot afford that.' After a decent bit of bad rping in Regalia I decided to do something with my existence, and joined the faction 'Okyno' which went under many Metamorphosis's, but I am currently in more or less.
My first week (even though it was only a month or something ago :p) started when I looked it up. I was wondering if a server had a vampire plugin, and this was one of the things to come up. Seeing the town and everything made me want to check it out, and now, even though I don't use the Vampire thing, I enjoy the role playing more. Actually the first role play server I've been on. (And probably the best... xD)
I joined for the vampire. After learning everything ( i did it in 1 day) that i needed to know and did tons of reaserch on RP I became a slave for an elf. Yeah how amazing. About a day later i became a vampire from a battle protecting the elfs family. Very dramitic rp. (its 4 am here sorry) Elf eventually left server so i went rogue and made my fortune living with a mechanic guy (hue403) then used his house in old regalia as a mass murdering place and killed people there. I was a very gentleman vampire though. Oh yeah and i managed to kill baba's character who was important i barely remember that though. If anyone remembers just msg me. uhm oh yeah a week.......this was a little more.....ohwell. continueing. eventually minecraft bored me and i just stopped playing a year later i saw all the changes and didnt like em so i only come back to chat with friends and look at the ever so changed city
I entered Massive scrolling through a bunch of random servers, looking for something because all the other servers I were on have gotten boring and I needed a new start.

Alright so I enter it as I read some text selling "Wannag's soul..." (legit) it was around 10r, me starting off with a fair amount of cash I thought it would be really OP and one of a kind, so I bought it and I found out it was just renamed bonemeal ;-;

After that I thought to myself "Hey, I should join a faction..." Cause I obviously had no idea that there was an RP side to Massive that I have grown to love. My first faction was CelesticTown. I obviously thought it was the most coolest OP faction (it wasn't that op.. We were raided alot) I have easily became an officer in that faction and got myself a huge house.... Yeah it was REALLY short, I never did a lot in the first week besides learn all about Massive's side of factions and plugins like races (I miss races:() , also being amazed that THIS was the server that created factions and it being so different to all other faction servers.
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two weeks later I came back.
then left.
then came back.

10 months later I came back, been staying ever since.

I applied to join a faction. People told me nobody actually does, I felt special.
I RP-d a character with dead parents. Yes.
I RP-d a mute character, yes.

I have been through the lot, hopefully.
In my first week I joined IronKnight whilst they were being attacked by Arthain, I died several times until they left and I built a brewing tower and ended up throwing potions and shooting the some-what invincible arthainians for a week.
In my first week, I joined a faction that changed their name (Forget old one and dunno new one). I tried voting, and got an Ancient Rie Bow. and @OldManJ98 , before he was staff, attacked us. A quick, one man raid. Lost my bow. :) Also, I was an rp nooblet.
Hmm...first week, that, a little hard for me to remember exactly though I'll give it a shot.

Got dragged onto to this server by my girlfriend who basically joined under the impression that it was an RP only server. A friend of ours joined us as well, then we chose our races since there were races back then(roughly 2 years ago), Myself an Elf since I did and still do primarily use a bow, my gf: Tigran, and our friend: Dakkar. We screwed around in Regalia for a little bit before running off into one of the worlds because we wanted to start a faction. After figuring out it was gonna take 2k regals to create a faction we joined some faction(don't remember the name of it at the time, but a not-so-old faction of mine bought the base/property a few months ago). Next day they decided to leave the fac cause it was boring, and being a smart Dakkar and Tigran they sailed away in boats only to die and then drown themselves.
By the time I got on, they had already died and given up on the server, I on the other hand: looted through some of the open chests in the faction before leaving it and running through the wilderness looting other buildings as I went. Sadly I fell to my death after stumbling through an open door, thinking I had found another place to loot, and falling down just enough blocks to reduce my health to nothing.
Gave up playing the server for a day or two before rejoining, running off to Ellador, looting what I came across along the way before finding myself in the snow laden mountain town of Aurora(the name was spelled very similar to that if it wasn't the exact spelling). Though, I strayed from the normal path of a new player and didn't join the fac but took up residence within one of their unclaimed buildings as I waited for their, and another faction's, chests to unlock themselves with the 20 day unlock system that I was quite fond of(ended up waiting a couple of months because they'd get on every once awhile and reset the timer much to my annoyance. I still have the God Set I looted from back then, stored safely in my /bp).
Joined to play with a friend, made a house in Fendarfell, got attacked by various pvpers.

Tried RPing in Regalia. Walked around as a generic old man character. Somehow became the most badass person in the city about a month later.

Yeah, life was good.