Who Do You Remember?


Egg Salad
Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
fermented pickle jar
Just as a general question, but has anybody here ever met that certain roleplayer/pvper/player that they looked up to and admired? Sort of like a role-model? And if so, are they still here today? Just out of curiosity. ^^
I looked up to a lot of roleplayers back in the day. I'm glad I'm friends with some of them now ;U;
There was a person who I looked up to for roleplaying, but I no longer do. There's also a builder and a PvP'r who I look up to. I've met and talked to them all.
don't want to mention names because awkward
@Thorodax even though he's smiten me with lighting twice, he's still a great roleplayer, though I'll refuse to go near him IC too scary 4 me c:
@Jamescl How could I forget the one who keeps eating me? :^D
I don't care how you people react, but I have 3 players who made Massivecraft enjoyable for me.
OctoberGwen, banned, no further discussion. She welcomed me very well into the community when I came back from a long inactivity.
@_Omnomivore_, Roleplayed with me a lot and was there when I needed help. I've seen her go from non-premium to tier 3.
@favoured, First faction leader when I had began playing on Massivecraft (Very first day), very wise with what he says and does, has a good sense of looking at both sides.
Oh yes. Tra_Kad somehow convinced me that Massive, with all its happy RP and peaceful trading, was better that the PVE/Raid/Factions server that I was playing on. Now, I have changed a lot. When I see a player in the wild, I now greet them, instead of attempting to kill them on sight.
MidnightJ (she left), and all of the others I'm followed to. I find them all helping me when I'm being a considerable idiot, and they're fabulous Roleplayers, lemme just say.
The faction called mordor.
Joined my faction called Mordor, what really impressed me was that they were raided everyday due to the name but still continued to flame in the mist of battle.