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White Peace Shattered


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score


Barely even a day after the declaration of White Peace which followed a brawl in the street between the Beggars and the Creed Thumpers, a follow up came from the Beggars:

The Creed Thumpers are cuckolded, and whipped by literally every gang that they come in contact with. From the Bard, and now Die Jaghunde. They couldn't even keep their word for a whole day before their masters whistled them over and had them break it.

By aiding in the ambush on my own person, Jochund Gottieu, leader of the Beggars, and the assault thereafter and theft of our Artefact, the Creed Thumpers have destroyed their White Peace. So, we declare that war will resume, until the artefact is returned, and Die Jaghunde and the Creed end hostilities.

Let that be known and shit. They are a bunch of weak willed cowards who fled an even fight in terror, immediately agreed to surrender to us after this, and then immediately broke that peace, only attacking again when they had an absurd numbers advantage.

Thank you- unless your the Creed Humpers then f*ck off- for your time.

~ Leader of the Telikos Beggars,
Jochund Gottieu

PS: We kicked your arses yesterday. Also the guards know what your up to Jarsdels, your not subtle at all. Eat shite.

@Yigit @Chaosive
Cael pulled up her hood slightly to peer at the note. "What? Who, who and who?" She pressed a delegate finger into the paper. "Wait. Wait, I understand. It's the wanna be noble folk." She guided her finger down the line. "I'm pretty sure that means stupid dog in Alt-Regalian.." she mused. Her Finger gave a final tap to the paper removing her digit to turn and scribble her own note down, attaching it along the bottom.
"To those with blind sight, heed those who aren't of any fright. To those who see, behold cowards."
She gave a tut and stepped back.
"Petty fools, it's like watching children in a playpen. No real structure of crime. No true evil."
"White peace? Why couldn't it be black peace, huh? They got somethin' against black?!"

The Dwarf would frown as he read over a paper that one of the concerned citizens of Regalia gave him. Nikkidroth handed the paper back, saying, "This all is just'a lump'a steamin' crap. We ain't lettin' Lord Commander walk alone, so why let yer gang leader, hidin' wha'ever'e's got, do tha' in a place full of muggin's? And it'd be dumb fer them Jarsdels to be high-profile criminals! We's godta Jarsdel in our ranks, 'nd she's a noice lass. Does'er work 'nd has saved lives, even managed catchin' Sanguines on'er own. If 'e reports to us, we'll take'm t'jail first since 'e's admittin' to ownin' a gang on t'is, too."

A shake of the head and dismissing wave said his thoughts over the matter better than his words did. "But tha' 'artefact' talk 'as me thinkin'. Worry not, th'Hightowers are gonna process this, if'e bothers steppin' outta them slums and talkin' tar loike this."
Harald Wolfzahn would just be chuckling at this, muttering in Skodje, "This is just funny, those Jarsdels and there friends."
Edward Jarsdel drew another inhale from his sigg. He thought to himself.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
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Aaron read the note, and smirked.
'These gangs wars...All of them are a bunch of attention seeking bastards. He who must resort to violence hasn't any brains inside his head. The Beggars doesn't scream intimidation either...What have I came back to?'