Where Are The Caves?


Cursed Prince of a Dead Line.
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lansing, Iowa
One of minecrafts best parts is the sprawling caves below the earth, you could play without seeing the light of day. MassiveCraft doesn't have this! Now I love massivecraft but does anyone else wondered where the heck all the caves are?
What continent are you on? New Ceardia has massive hand-crafted caves as well as a few other worlds, and you usually have some normally generated caves in other worlds.
As I read these words my thoughts instantly go to a massive series of caverns sitting under a small village, don't recall the map it was on though which I should actually learn seeing as I have a large pile of my loot stashed there...
All worlds besides FendarFell have extensive cave systems, New Ceardia having massive caverns that sprawl into other smaller caves as well. Also the best world for mining.