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Whence Terminal: Opening Consular Address On The Brissiaud Rebellion, 305 A.c.

Couriers fanned out from the piers of the Crown Isles great harbor the night of the Consular election. In the morning, it would be found they had delivered an official address from one of the two Consuls - Count Krupp. It would read as follows:


A depiction of a peaceful society falling into turmoil, followed by a desolate aftermath accompanies some of the better prepared missives.

Esteemed brothers and sisters,

Burdening our boys on the front lines is a heavy heart now during this strife. Openly, a unanimous decision made by our Assembly has be flouted. Openly, the health of our state is denounced in the face of personal gain. Worse yet, openly we have been afforded uncertainty for it.

We must look at the nature of the beast we face; Once mighty Ravens are replaced now by Crows. Even if we were to set them on fire, they would simply proclaim themselves greater - a phoenix even. Do not let this keep you from lending your torch though, as the fire will spread rather than burn out for our apprehension.

Regarding the peculiar situation of the Baron's Army, their leadership is to be deliberated with. We will welcome talks with them, as they do not strike, but grip their weapons with anxiety as we all do.

As for myself, I release what may be my final orders and record my will. I return north not to war with my fellow Ailor men, but to allow a matter to be settled as a man; I am to participate in Hjemgang to prove myself as a Count. My wish would be for you all to simply find comfort in the idea peace will reach Drixagh for it, and to forgive me if I prove too weak, but I will make sure our troops have directives in my absence.

Before I sign though, to Xavier Ravenstad, heed this warning: You flout the wishes of the entire peerage. This flouting will not be supported by the Emperor, and he will rule against a rebel for breaking His Peace. Seek terms, not arms, and the stench of death may no longer rankle the noses around Brissiaud. If you wish to compel us all to react, so be it; be remembered as the race traitor that compromised the isles in our time of greatest adversity. Ravenstad rebels are the only wild card in this Nelfin conflict, and should their resolve not dissolve, expect me to treat them as I would any state warring Regalia.

As we march along the Way,
Consul Virathus Krupp​