Aloria Story Progression When Unionism Stood Still

Discussion in 'Progression Events' started by MonMarty, May 1, 2018.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Artwork graciously provided by @RingusGoLingus

    Summoned in the great Imperial Cathedral of Regalia, crowds gathered for a proclamation to be made by the Emperor that was without a doubt about to shock not only the Regalian population but the whole world at large. Announcements had been made that the Emperor was to announce a great leap in the faith of Union, and progress for all Humankind as a whole. Ailor were foremostly invited to attend, but any and all races were permitted to spectate, and even criminals were given a one-day amnesty and reprieve of their ill doings to be able to witness what the Synod announced would be the holiest of miracles ever displayed in the providence of their faith. The nobility funneled in first, followed by the common folk. Sat at the head of the Unionist altar was the Emperor Cedromar, flanked by the robed men of the Synod and various Court officials such as the Imperial Steward, as well as some Princes. When the crowd had finished gathering, the towering halls of the Cathedral fell silent and the Emperor stood, ascending from a large pelt mantle that had draped itself elegantly over the throne. He stepped forward, removing a necklace first, a signet ring following, and a shoulder sash next, each time a servant or Reverend stepping forward to take the item and deliver it with great care elsewhere. He slowly moved, removing these items one at a time, addressing the crowd all the while:
    “As the vessel of the Spirit, it is both our duty and our curse to word the path of the Great Way to the people, and to give guidance in the darkness created only by aberration and sin.”

    He would pause for a moment, removing a big Unionist neck chain, handing it to the nearest Reverend, before continuing:
    “Yet, the Spirit also grants us visions, images of futures pristine and glorious. Of the Great Way’s fruition, and of all the things we Unionists clamor for and pray for and work hard for every day. The destiny we toil, even if we do not share in it ourselves in this life, that we may in paradise, and that our children’s children will live in a world where the hardships that we live through these days is no more.”

    Concern in the audience raised. Perhaps some thought it fitting to sneer at the Emperor slowly disassembling his Imperial regalia, removing his wealth and clothing, yet others saw perhaps a glimpse of what was to come. The Emperor eventually stood still flanked by the rows of marble statues of Emperors who had gone before, starting with Theomar the First, all the way up to Justinian II who had died only just so recently. He gestured his arm out to the statues, for the crowd to lay eyes on the visages of Spirit Vessels who came before. And spoke once more:
    “For over three hundred years, the Spirit has guided us. Nurtured us, and kept us from destruction. The Spirit has given us words and visions, given us the strength and will to take what is rightfully ours, and to defend what we believe is righteously holy. Yet the winds of change strike our most holy of houses too. In more recent times, we have seen the mending of religious schisms. Divisions in our faith that have cast us into turmoil for over two hundred and fifty years have mended themselves. We have seen the end of a dynasty, the rise of a new one, and all the chaos that accompanied that change. We have seen our faith tested by traitors, by undead creatures, by godless monstrosities, by Dragons, and by our own flaws and sins within that we continue to struggle with every day.”

    The Emperor paused, adjusting his stance with one hand behind his back and the other on the pommel of his longsword by his side
    “And yet, the faith perseveres. The house still stands. The people believe strong, and our unity has never been greater. All the houses of Union are once more together, our faith is followed in reaches far beyond the boundaries of our state alone, and many more peoples and cultures continue to join us on a daily basis.”

    The Emperor then removed his waistcoat, an expensive brocade and silk piece, to reveal a simple linen shirt and padded vest below. Once more, he continued his monologue while the audience watched in silence, offering more insights into his symbolic actions:
    “When we come into this world, we enter it clean of ill and evil, clear of purpose and will, and serenity of mind. Throughout our lives we find ways to protect ourselves, to shield ourselves, and to prevent the world from seeing in. Our faith has been much the same. Like a child in need and want of a nursemaid or a guardian, our faith has grown under the stewardship of the Emperors, from the earliest conceptions of Theomar the First, to the confessions of Leomar the Second. Our faith had needed stewardship, guidance and foremost protection against those who would cast down the destiny we were granted and to seize above all else.”

    Finally, the Emperor stood only in a simple linen shirt, knee-high breeches on bare feet and bare hands. All semblance of royalty removed, the Emperor was now simply dressed like a common pauper, and seemed wilfully content at that. His posture was still very demanding and regal, unfazed by the confused whispering and speculation in the crowd. A Reverend quickly approached with a kneeling cushion, put it in front of the Emperor, after which he descended into the cushion in a praying motion. The Reverends who all sat in the back stood with gestures of the Unionist faith, and presumed a praying gesture also, before the Emperor turned to the crowd one last time:
    “We find ourselves in a moment of casting off. Of taking the reins and leaving our parental home. Of finding our worth in the world, taking the sword, and facing our purpose. We are at this precipice of fear yet of overwhelming freedom, as we have finally been made into who we were meant to be all along. I ask that you pray with me good Regalians, pray for the Spirit is about to ascend the mortal forms of the vessel. The Spirit has granted me a vision so clean and so pure, of all togetherness that I have never witnessed before. The Spirit has deemed our people, Humankind, and all who support us, ready for the next step in our Great Way. The Spirit shall invest not in one man, but guide us all, and we shall welcome others into the fold.”

    He paused for a moment, wobbling in place, clearly not used to kneeling in prayer on a simple cushion.
    “I ask once more that you pray with me, and call upon the wisdom of the Emperors of old to deliver the final will of the Spirit in the last Vessel. I ask that you pray with me, to give light to the miracles that I have seen, so that you too may share in its providence”.

    With his final request cast, large sections of the crowd proceeded to enter in prayer. Many in the crowd refused, either out of their own faith, or simply out of not believing either in the faith of Union or what was happening before their eyes. Even to those outsiders and otherwise referred to as Heretics, their surroundings were surreal. A people which throughout history had shown such division and cruelty on the world now showed such devoted union, clarity and purpose. Ready to relinquish the conflicts that stood between them for the single uniting purpose of their spiritual dream, a dream shared by all who believed in the gospel of Union. And just like that, when the prayer hymns burst through the echoing halls of the cathedral, golden hued and ghostly apparitions of the Emperors seemed to flow from the statues that stood high on the pillars of this holy house, floating but almost dancing through the candlelight to the altar. Reverends loudly proclaimed blessings of the Spirit and miracles, some in the crowd fainted or screamed or simply watched in silence with awe, as the Emperor continued to sit on his knees and pray, head bent down in deference with eyes closed.

    The apparitions took no order in particular, though forward stood Emperor Allestrain, Emperor Allmaria and Emperor Leomar. The ghostly apparitions of the Emperors spoke in unison, almost like a choir, with the muffled voice of the praying and living Emperor in the background joining them in unison:

    “The Spirit has grown, and so have its people”
    “The Faith of Union is whole, and so are its people”
    “Our Destiny is strong, and so are its people”
    “The Faith of Union shall transcend the vestiges of the Vessel”
    “The Faith of Union shall bless all of its Aspects onto the People”

    Forward stepped the apparition of Allestrain the Strong, and the Emperors spoke once more:
    “Emperor Allestrain the Strong stands for the Spirit of Communion. His orders of Strength, Survival and Preservation shall guide the faithful to domineer those who refuse our divinity”.

    Forward stepped the apparition of Allamaria the Witful then, and the Emperors spoke once more:
    “Emperor Allamaria the Witful stands for the Spirit of Knowledge. His orders of Word, Talent and the Forebearers shall guide the faithful to win the hearts and minds of those who doubt our divinity”.

    Forward stepped the apparition of Leomar the Vigilant, and the Emperors spoke once more:
    “Emperor Leomar the Vigilant stands for the Spirit of Divinity. His orders of Submission, Service and Fervor shall protect the faithful from those who would seek to do it harm and destroy our divinity”.

    Finally, they begun one last speech:
    “The Imperial Spirit shall now ascend from the last Emperor of our line, to invest his will not in one man, but in the faithful of Union all. Our faith has grown strong and wide, and we are ready to welcome those who were marginalized, but believed just as fervently in our purpose as us. A new dawn has broken for the faith of Union, the next stage of the Great Way has commenced, and we command all of the good Unionist people to follow where the Spirit’s will guides”.

    And with that, the apparitions disappeared, and the Emperor stood, who quickly had the Imperial Steward rush up with a burgundy and black cape of sorts to protect the modesty of the Emperor when he stood, though he quickly addressed the crowd while still rising:
    “I am Emperor no more. I kneeled as the last, and the Spirit ascended from me before I stood as Ailor like you all. With the coming of Eonosis for the Etosians, with the healing of the Vultarin Scars, with the mending of ills for the Diviners. With the heralding and shepherding of the lesser races into our fold, and with the far and wide reaches of our faith, Unionism has broken into a new dawn that requires not a single man’s guidance and divine will, but the strengths and devotion of all of the Unionist people, Ailor, Qadir, Allar and others. I proclaim a final end to the position of Emperor of Regalia, but an Empire we remain, for we are the Imperial Ailor.”

    Sure enough, while the Emperor spoke, true unionists felt a welling of comfort and warmth in their chest, an extreme sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Some would consider it the mental effects of zeal, though even some of the more critical and cynical believers felt the same feelings of inner enlightenment that slowly waned. The Reverends proclaimed to feel the touch of the Spirit, and blessings were uttered in dozens of languages throughout the hallways. Finally, the Emperor seemed to half-on collapse from apparent exhaustion. His Imperial Consort quickly rushed forward to swoop him off the stage and carry him away from the crowd, while the Dread Marshal Ravenstad and the Imperial Steward announced a three day period of common rest. There would be no working, no fighting, and no warfare. The people were asked to return to their homes and celebrate, or to pray, or to fast and meditate on what had occured, and to seek answers inside themselves for what their purpose would be. A period of government chaos was to be expected as the Imperial administration had to adapt to the absence of an Emperor, though House Kade made sure to raise a variety of important government bills through office just before these proclamations to allow a smooth transition to an Imperial post-Emperor government. Cedromar the once Emperor of Regalia and divine Vessel, had now simply become Cedric the Kade Lord, as normal as any other Anglian Ser. The Imperial Court was quickly disbanded though much to no surprise, quickly reformed around House Kade’s personal political machine. The coming days would show the newfound brilliance in the faith of Union, and the fundamental changes they would bring about in the very fabric of the Empire and its people and all those who lived within its borders.

    OOC Notifications to explain:
    • There is no more Emperor of Regalia. Regalia is still an Empire, but the Imperial Seat will remain vacant “Until a time of crisis”. There is no more Royal Family or an Imperial lineage that is infallible.
    • The Imperial Government is gone. While the Ministerial positions remain in effect for the time being, the Emperor on a closing note decreed the rebirth of the Noble Assembly, to vote with majority votes and consider its own establishment and identity during the next session.
    • Unionism as a faith is being upgraded to “stage two” Unionism which features a main “denomination” and then 3 sub-beliefs that each have 3 sub-sects or Orders. Each of these orders have some minor powers that fit their theme, and will be explained in a new Wiki release for Unionism soon. Characters can choose between the main & majority “vanilla Unionism” which remains much of the same, or join one of the three lesser Aspects/Orders which each have a unique twist/task within Unionism, but whose doctrines may often compete/overlap/conflict, resulting in legal/non heretical Unionist conflict RP.
    • The Synod and Inquisition will most likely merge and move from oppression tactics to anti-dissent tactics, as well as all-out war against aberrations. None of the other Charters will change.
    • Race is becoming less of an Issue in Regalia, Regalian oppression will mostly aim itself towards aberrations and non-believers, as opposed to other races, so that it becomes more about religion than race.
    • Racial bars for government positions as well as political and military and noble acclaim are being opened up for what are considered the Empire loyal races such as Ailor, Qadir, Allar, Orc, Varran, and some half-races with potential future expansion for more.
    • The Imperial Court will transition into a Kade Court, which functions much of the same. It’s a Court for prestigious positions. Title evaluations do not change. Since House Kade still have prestige post-change, the title evaluations remain.
    • The Noble System does not change. House Kade will now be responsible for the underlying “Civil Government” and the essential “Guardians of true and virtuous Regalian politics” as such, they will be responsible for distributing Titles among Nobility, and will continue to run much of the underlying government that supported Nobility. Nothing will change in Nobility.
    • Cedromar is no longer Divine or Emperor, or even head of House Kade. House Kade will be ruled by ex-Princes who cover a council of which Cedromar is one, but is now siple a title-less member of House Kade and is no longer infallible or divine.
    • All Regalian Laws, Religious Laws & Imperial Laws will be revisited and changed to cover a common “Regalian & Synod Law”.
    • Faith of Estel will eventually receive a “power update” too to make sure it remains competitive. Old Gods and Oldt Fayth will not, for other reasons.
    • On a final closing note. Doing this had a variety of reasons. Fore-mostly, many of the narrative actors in the Imperial Government have felt trapped, like they lost characters to a system that they did not even fully enjoy anymore, and this change brings them all back to normality. Furthermore, racial bars have finally crossed over into the thought of “perhaps it is better to entice religious conflict than racial conflict, because a character cannot change race, but they can change religion”. Having a chance at something is always better than it being an impossibility. Finally, it also represents a necessary improvement for Unionism. For a long time now, Unionism has felt and seen like a very much “Prison-RP” religion where the faith was enforced by server lore & systems, not dictated by choice because people actually liked it. We hope that by creating benefits, the faith might actually be enjoyed by those who don’t necessarily want it for genocide-boners, or give those who want to bend away the means to do with the absence of the all-crushing and always-right god Emperor.
    • Winner x 65
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    #1 MonMarty, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  2. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Nace Trevaskis a criminal, sat beside other criminals in awkward silence as most if not all of them wondered why they even showed up, though the Highlander forced all the ramblings and thoughts from his head, clearing his mind as he forced himself to listen to the former Emperor, as he peered over the crowd and his eyes landed on the Imperial in the midst of everything, and bowed his head with respect, not due to the mans position, or wealth, but general respect for what the Kade believed in, and his mind followed suit as words flowed from Cedric with some understanding Nace surprisingly, hesitantly, believed every word was truth. He continued to follow in prayer as he questioned himself, his morals, and his beliefs all at the same time. Wondering like every else... what exactly was he doing?

    @AtticCat @Kihle @Empaul @Sebbysc
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    #2 TalkChat, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  3. RightChat

    RightChat It's an Aurelion Sol main

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Fawzi stood watching from the very back of the Cathedral letting out a mumble, "Mmaghkp."

    Can I finally build a Varran fleet?
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Educated Educated x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    #3 RightChat, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  4. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    "Everything is changing."
    The aberrant's voice rang out through his room. Fear, fear for the times to come croaked out of his raspy voice. He stared into the mirror of his home, the gentle glow of his lime green eyes reflecting off the cleaned glass. He stepped out of his home, wandering the streets with his fists clenched. They burrowed deep into his pockets, with no intent of leaving. Glancing up to the sky, all he could manage was a simple remark. Not smart or witty, not deep or meaningful. Just a notice, a simple reminder to himself.
    "And I guess I should change too."
    Though the same tone of fear and worry draped over his words like a curtain, this curtain was stained. A jet black shroud with a stain of white. A white stain, made of optimism, of faith.
    With just a tinge of hope.
    • Immersive x 1
    • Constructive x 1
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    • Optimistic x 1
    • Creative x 1
  5. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
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    Nadina Haaven stood towards the front of the Cathedral, situated on the far left beside other members of the newly-decreed Kade Court. As the ghostly apparitions of past Emperors swirled about the airy Cathedral, she took the form of the statues that they once were. Her mouth fell agape and her shoulders became concrete. The Yanar's russet eyes shifted uncomfortably between what she could only describe as phantoms--or perhaps souls?--and the disrobed Emperor who kneeled before her. Despite herself, Nadina's inner consciousness began to experience a flood of inexplicable warmth--a degree of understanding and acceptance that invaded her mind. She shuffled nervously to break her stance, and this feeling faded quickly for the over-analytical Yanar.

    Once Cedromar had been carried out of her view, Nadina was left with her mind reeling. An anxious feeling of change sat heavy in her chest, while she questioned the sciences and theologies behind what had just occurred before her very eyes. But perhaps there was a degree of excitement in what she felt; a hopefulness for the inclusion of not only her race, but others in her unlikely position.

    She anticipated that her three days of common rest would not be restful.​
    • Like Like x 3
    #5 Eccetra, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  6. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Edmure closed his eyes and joined the choir of prayers, gazing up at the revisitations of the past emperors with awe. When Cedric announced his descendancy, he was shocked at first, but quickly fell silent as he sensed the logic in it. It was the only manner in which Unionism, a faith of mutual love and compassion, could progress. For now, he was happy.
  7. ezalB

    ezalB Student of Hydration

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Zuzumi Al-Ziisora was no Unionist. He followed the ideas and beliefs set forth by all Allar, however upon hearing word of the ceremony he too attended. He listened closely as Cedric spoke and formulated his vision, and the very moment the choir began and Cedric announced the dissolution of the Emperors, the Al-Allar froze, the ghostly apparitions did not even seem to be of bother to him. For a brief moment he stood still, hardly even breathing. He too looked up to the cathedral ceiling and began to cry, knowing entirely well that the person who had just ended their reign and the reign of all Emperors, was one of the many reasons his life had been so full of setbacks and tragedy.

    Maybe it was time for that to change, or maybe it was not. But even for the Al-Allar, who more often than not attempted to whittle away his emotions and keep them hidden, failed. In this moment he cried for many reasons. The remembrance of his own people, his own family and what he had lost because of the Emperors, Unionism, Ailor during the Chrysant War and beyond. The joy that, it was indeed within his life the tyranny and horror may indeed come to an end, and this he and his family may succeed in the world without fear of the pain of death for whom and what they are. And to him, the most important, the reason that resounded with him-- was the fact that within the eye of the Spirit, he was no longer simply a non-believing and damned Al-Allar.

    For these reasons, amoungst the crowd of most likely thousands, Zuzumi cried in peace.

    Juzolias Kra'zzla was situated near Fawzi. He, while captivated by the performance and historical event, showed little emotion. He remained silent throughout the event.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #7 ezalB, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  8. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    Vivo_Et_Vincam The Walking Spreadsheet

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Sebastian Winslough was surprised at what happened, and prayed with the people. He wipes away some blood at his lips, and rejoices with his family and his courtier's family.
  9. Vivamente

    Vivamente An Unfortunate Scotsman

    May 22, 2014
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    Warrane gazed on at the scene afront him, glancing to his cousin, though continuing in prayer. His eyes simply set upon the apparitions in disbelief, though he knew this was a good step forwards for Unionism and as the prayer ended he turned to his cousin and embraced him in a hug. "We have lived to see a new age, Maynard. Truly, this is an exciting day for all."

    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 2
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  10. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Juliette watched in disbelief as the ghosts of past Emperors float through the air, her fingers white from nervously clenching them together as her prayers died a moment on her lips to simply stare upwards with almost like a frightened child. She grabbed ahold of the stranger besides herself who gave a small huff and shook her off soon after, but she could only stare with her mouth agape as her religion tore itself apart to rebuilt itself stronger. A smile slowly wedged itself onto her face and she threw her arms upwards with a shout of, "The Spirit bless us!"
    Who would not be excited at believing their God had just proved their existence.

    Merina, on the other hand, collapsed backwards with the apparitions' appearances, falling onto those behind her in a faint.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    #10 AtticCat, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  11. The Unknown

    The Unknown Regalian Noble

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Isaak felt no warmth, no happiness, no joy. The Marayan did not sing and pray with the Ailor and the Unionists, and in witness of the miracle he did not collapse or cry or offer praise. He felt only an endless, soul-rending loss.
    The loss of a civilisation.
    He felt the passing of a million souls at once: of lovers, family, friends, of himself and all those he may have known. It struck him, in that moment, that none of these things would ever be recovered. He would later call it Illumination, but whether it was or was not it is impossible to say. The weight of it brought him to one knee, a hand to the ground as he joined some of those collapsed and convulsing with shock and joy, as well as those sinners and heretics who had witnessed their own doom and fallen in shock. And under the cover of the crowd, the proud Meraic began to cry.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  12. LadyLekku

    LadyLekku Fiber Viber Supremium

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Leah looked on, growing more and more emotionally overwhelmed as the announcement progressed. Her hands eventually both raised in front of her mouth, one holding the other, with wide eyes and an otherwise expressionless face. As the previous emperors appeared, she was ultimately moved to silent tears at the beauty of it. It would be a learning curve, but this was beautiful, and she was proud to be seeing it in her lifetime.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. _GoldWolf_

    _GoldWolf_ Regalian Lesser Noble

    Jun 12, 2016
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    Aelfric stood with the other Reverends, flanking the Emperor, announcing praises and blessings as the former Emperor's appeared.
  14. FireFan96

    FireFan96 Ever present, Ever seeing Staff Member Lore2

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Dietrich Drache kept almost silent during the entire sermon, after which he went back to the countryside after the revelation. There he kept to his chambers for long periods of the day. To maybe a few of the guards that were guarding nearby, a few small mutters were uttered behind the bedroom door:

    "The Spirit has left the Emperor and the Empire has died."
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Optimalfriskies

    Optimalfriskies JayP's buddy

    Sep 22, 2015
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    "Even after this- I remain a freak."​
  16. FeralGayWalnut

    FeralGayWalnut Lesbian Worst Enemy

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Darcie’s hands shook gently as she collapsed to the floor of the cathedral. Closing her eyes firmly, she clenched her hands together and began to join the choir in prayer. Tears rolled down her face as she tilted her head upward and unfolded her hands, opening her arms out wide. Gazing heavenward, she softly spoke, “Here I lay, collapsed upon my knees. Forgive me, forgive me.”
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Ser Jeremias Kaeppler stood amongst the common folk, though closer to the edges of the colossal crowds. The Paladin joined in the prayer, the murmurs and shocked gasps causing him intense curiosity he simply could not fight any longer. His eyes opened and he panned up to the ghostly visions dancing, his jaw dropping and his hand immediately performing a Unionist symbol. He had a distaste for the lack of Emperor, however, this step of Unionism was what he lived for. Still, it left him with an infinite amount of questions. How does an Empire exist without a leader? Will the nobles fall into chaos for the power? The assembly failed before yet here we stand? What was this knight's purpose now? Either way, he knew he would be present to watch it all unfold.
    • Powerful Powerful x 3
  18. ParisaPax

    ParisaPax Iadrik Linsdottir

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Dorothye Winslough had hastily fallen to her knees and clasped her trembling hands before her, her lips parted with utter bafflement and amazement. With her wide eyes, she witnessed all that happened; the spirits of the emperors, the standing of heretics, and the powerful chanting of those who came before. Dorothye left the cathedral, but she felt as though she still kneeled, frozen and confused on the ground with countless other Unionists.

    Mahli'ua, a Marayan woman with her head high, looked down on the people of this Empire with great sorrow. She watched these men and women fall to their knees, watched them cry for joy and weep for what was new, and observed the great downing of something that had held so strong for so, so long. Mahli'ua cast her gaze over the crowd, searching for those like her, and her stony expression did not morph. The Maraya stood completely still.

    Caoimhe Ahearna stood for a time as she decided. She had never been completely sure of herself, and this moment was her time of decision. As the Claith woman sluggishly descended, she sat back on her heels and placed her hands on her thighs. Her eyes remained on the ground in thought. She stayed this way until she finally pushed herself to her feet and left the cathedral.

    Nenet Kra'zzla probably found herself at Fawzi's side. She only watched in silence.

    Lorelei smirked all the while. With a shake of her head, she left early.
  19. Moribundity

    Moribundity If she breathes...

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Katrina had taken the liberty of attending, and whilst being taken aback by the sight of the emperor getting unto his knees, it was the ghostly apparitions that left her mouth agape. Naturally, being the 'true unionist' she was, she mimicked the actions of those around her, though felt a brief streak of insecurity run through her. She was still first and foremost loyal to the frostweaver, and while not a true believer, she couldn't help but feel a touch of respect for the emperor and the Unionist religion as a whole.

    Now with no emperor to defend, she merely awaited the next orders of the great ice dragon.
  20. SlyChung

    SlyChung A Sly Person

    Nov 2, 2014
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  21. jhtpo1


    Mar 29, 2018
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    Havindar stood near the Howlester delegation as it was sure they would be in attendance. He was in his guard colors and did his best to stand professional, as he had only been to a few of the grand occasions. But with the growing tension and apprehension in the room, he was on guard.

    When the spirits flew around the room, the ghostly visages being praised, wondered at, and feared by many in attendance, he gripped at his hand axes handle, and frowned deeply. What ever this was, it was not of nature, and would need to be reported back to Belegost at his earliest ability.
  22. Drahydra

    Drahydra Far Too Verbose Writer

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Vaeracasilliue watched quietly as the events transpired. The agnostic Maraya couldn't help but smirk as the Emperor had removed his ornate garb, feeling that this could be a first step towards setting things right. Her arms folded, and her off-violet eyes scanned over the crowd, the upwards curl of her pursed lips not leaving her expression until the appearance of the specters. At their sight, her features turned grim, piercing, the heat of her gaze spearing through the prostrated people before her like a cherry-hot iron rod.

    Her thoughts raced, and she longed to outcry them, but in fear of retribution, she remained silent. 'This is another trick.' 'The dragon left, it wasn't killed. It's done this before, you fools; stand!' The words pounded against the walls of her mind, and battered against her teeth, but the dam held fast against the current. So there she stood, caught like an animal in the lights, in a dead silent stupor which could be mistaken as reverence.

    When she had finally reached her home some hours later, she thumbed the false Unionist eye that she carried from her neck. She wasn't even sure that she could stomach hiding it in her cloak any longer. No, she couldn't even bear false witness to this...lunacy. The thoughts poisoned with paranoia churned, as she removed the twine-bound pendant, and promptly cast it to her window, the metal clattering against the glass, and falling uselessly to the floor. Collapsing back into her book-riddled bed, she glared to the ceiling. Her heirs had faltered in their ideals: She was content with being a 'guide' no longer.
  23. HeyitsNano

    HeyitsNano The Messiah

    May 7, 2017
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    Aston felt his chest touched, the prayer seeking him above all. His sincerity increased as his religion did as well.
  24. MippyMoo

    MippyMoo Resident Sad Corpse Man

    Jan 31, 2018
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    The Kathar bowed his head slightly while the Unionists prayed, grinning darkly to himself.

    Ah, my plan made easier.

    The Url on the other side of the hall, however, didn't join in prayer either but lost himself deep in thought.

    What to do now?
  25. Infinatum

    Infinatum In Totum Ad Perpetuum

    Apr 28, 2016
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    Otto Bergmann was among those silent, sure he prayed, but that was it. Going back with Dietrich Drache, he too felt like the Empire had died. @FireFan96
  26. Devoruku

    Devoruku The Crazy Lore Writer of Worlds

    Jan 2, 2016
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    It was the day after the grand event, Elliya Nyin had gathered with her Yanar community to find that other in-human and human races had gathered, talking greatly about the events that had unfolded.
    The group talked about how this would affect the city and its people, how non-ailor races could benefit from this and how they should spread the word.
    At the end of this meeting, Kaldric Bordor walked up to the group and told them the bounty against the former Emperor of Regalia had been removed.

    *With this event, Elliya Nyin and Kaldric Bordor have begun to unwind from discrimination against Unionism, other races (even though Kaldric is Ailor) and the class system. This change is Perfect!!! Thanks Mod Staff!!!*

    *This is late due to my connection problems*

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